Out of Touch CEO RIDICULES Employees Who Asked About Bonuses

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"The chief executive of the high-end office-furniture company MillerKnoll has gone viral. And probably not in a manner she would prefer.

In a leaked Zoom call of a MillerKnoll staff town hall last month, CEO Andi Owen addressed concerns from employees about the company’s decision to withhold bonuses. It quickly descended into her lambasting staff for complaining about the move."*


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She's the same kind of CEO who complains "people just don't want to work any more" when they can't fill a position for which they're offering $10 an hour.


She’s not out of touch. She’s a greedy sociopath.


That CEO just guaranteed her employees will be working the bare minimum.


Without your employees, you'd have nothing but as long as you get your millions, what'd you care. She's disgraceful


The CEO class thinks we don't understand their perspective.
They fail to realise the reason they are despised is because we DO understand their perspective.


I still don’t understand how can this CEO lecture about being kind and having empathy while earning 100x+ the median salaries and then have guts to suggest bonuses don’t matter to low income families. Sounds so entitled and damn right stupid if I am being direct.


It's great that technology exists for employees to show this behavior to the world.


The irony of telling her employees to “lead by example, treat people well” while giving herself a bonus at their expense lol. That is literally the opposite of leading by example.


A much better response would have been something like: "I regret we are not able to pay bonuses this year, believe me, I fought for it for you all. If we concentrate on our profit over the year, we can work towards it for next year'.
Instead she scolds people as if they are 10 year old kids for even asking.


She wants serfs not employees. Who isn’t sick of CEO pay being in the stratosphere? She and many other CEOs don’t seem to understand that they are nothing without the employees who actually do the work.


That woman sucks. Corporate America must be reformed.


I lived on a rich street growing up and half my neighbors were like this, they pretend to be nice but the moment you infringe on their luxury they treat people like trash below them.


I'm a business owner myself and I know that I do not make a dime for my company. My employees make me my money. Screwing my employees just so I can get a couple extra bucks I don't really need makes me sick to my stomach and every CEO and owner that thinks that way should immediately go back to business school and learn how business actually works.


Here's justice:: her accounts, including credit cards and dividends, should be frozen. She should then have to live 2 years strictly on the median salary of her workers. No bonuses no matter what. Then we'll see who lives in pity city.

Yeah it'll never happen, but this is just another sign of wealth privilege and it's disgusting.


You can tell she thinks she totally killed it in that meeting. 😂😂


You know CEOs never lose their bonus,
They never take a pay cut, they never lose their company privileges like company cars, food and travel expenses .
Employee in the US are not getting paid their value.


"Don't worry about what you're gonna do if you don't get a bonus." That's when you log out and quit.


As a business owner if I don't have enough in profits to bonus my sfaff, it comes out of my own pocket. When we do make profit (99% of the time)-I'm open about the numbers and everyone gets paid fairly. Nobody ever quits .


I spent 20 years working with CEO’s, some of the richest in the world. Majority are so out of touch with the day to day struggles of their employees. I can think of only 1 that I worked with in all that time. His name was Carlos and he had grown up in a poor area of Brazil. He came to the states and ended up owning a large franchise. He had no reason to visit every location weekly, but he did. He didn’t have to ask each employee how they were doing or know their partner and/or their kids names, but he did. I asked him why as he had managers and general managers so he really didn’t have to. He told me that the day he lost touch of what his employees were going through was the day his business failed. He died in a motorcycle accident after leaving one of his locations. His kids took over and today the franchise is still owned by them and employees start at $2 over our state’s minimum wage even if they’re still in HS. The worst I ever dealt with was the owner of a multiple championship winning NFL team and that’s really all I can say about that.


Why didn't she just say, "The beatings will continue until morale improves."

And: "Bread and water rations have been reallocated as bonuses."
