5 secrets your manager doesn't want you to know!

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About #5: There is no safe place at work at all. Of course not with your manager, but also not with your colleagues either. The only safe place is away from work with your family or your friends OUTSIDE of work.


Do not share too much with people at work ! Because the person could stab you in the back ! Your boss is not your friend


I just keep my head down and work- I don’t share business or bring my personal business into anything. I find that to be the best way. I think I learned the hard way not to bring personal business to work in my late 20s and have been that way ever since.


The most satisfying thing is when you have a boss that dont have a clue how to do what you're doing is to say. "Oh ok, can you show me?" Then watch how many excuses they have, watch them have a meltdown and they'll go tell their higher up they cant work with you even though they haven't done any actual work at all


When my boss asks me to do something (after giving his big spiel on why I would be GREAT at it), I do it but nothing comes out of it. I don’t get advocated but someone else mediocre does. I don’t need constant praise but I feel like I’m putting in work but not getting any value from it.


Don't share your plans with managers...
Because 90 % manager don't like..

Do work and go home..
Don't share your career strategy and future targets company.


This is so applicable to life itself. So much of growing up is realizing that the adults in your life were making it up as they go along.


2. theres favoritism. U give favoritism to those that help you succed and get job done. You will prioritize people that will not complain and bring up problems.
3. Your boss is not the boss, the person who owns the business is the boss. They are doing whatever their boss says
4. They can lie to your face. They will say i do not know because they have a boss
5. There is no such thing as a safe place. NEVER EVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN.


My boss definitely has favorites. You can when someone walks through the door if she gets excited to see them or has a blank face with a monotone. "Hi."

I get the blank face and "hi" versus my coworker "Ohhh HI Seth how are you???"


I printed a resume wanting to quit. My supervisor told me to stay stating I do not see a big picture of the company's progress. A week later she was forced to take voluntary resignation! So she lied not only to me but also to herself.


This is super accurate. I recently had a managerial question and on the same day I asked 4 different managers and got four different answers, and ofc, none of them said, I'm really not sure, tho. 🙄


If I had a dollar for every time my manager lied to me or about me, I could pay them to stay home.


100% true. I see it every day in my work place. And a lot of times people are promoted just because they now someone higher. Even thou they just started working.


I read art of being prudent (from the 1500s) and now I understand all of this. Also Art of War.


That's all True. That's why, especially at work, we should all have emotional intelligence and separate professional from personal matters. Even though, in same cases, it goes hand in hand. In a work place, everybody is looking for their best interesting, so are we. But we have to be smart enough, and be more aware our work environment: "Listen more Speak less" and I guarantee that you'll be surprise to know "who is who". But again don't fall in to the trap of, on the first impression, cause "nothing is what it seems like".


Favourites are the boot lickers that would do whatever you ask, right or wrong without questioning you.


I am thankful that I am one of my boss favourites.. he promotes me and increases my salary because he knows I have helped her alot


No one at work is your friend. They are co-workers


Well, that's a horrible set of secrets. Thanks for the reality check. Hard to stay positive after hearing that.
