What If Count Dooku Killed Palpatine?

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What If Count Dooku Killed Palpatine?

Explore a captivating alternate timeline in the Star Wars universe where Count Dooku succeeds in killing Emperor Palpatine! What would happen to the Sith, the Galactic Republic, and the Jedi Order? How would this seismic shift impact key characters like Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Yoda? Delve into the potential changes in the Clone Wars, the rise of the Galactic Empire, and the fate of the galaxy itself. Join us for an in-depth analysis that will intrigue fans of Star Wars theories, alternate history, and the Star Wars What If community. Perfect for those who love imagining different paths in the Star Wars saga!

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Рекомендации по теме

What if General Grievous was as strong as he was in the 2003 series in the clone wars


What if Anakin pulled a Sion and just kept himself intact after getting chopped up on Mustafar?

Anakin: "Tis but a scratch!"


So, in this transition in power in the Republic, NOONE ever discovered communication logs between Dooku and Sidious? Never discovered in Palpatine’s quarters or private logs that he was Sidious? I kind of find it hard to believe.


What if Anakin saved the nightsisters from dooku


Bahahaha. "Signature look of superiority" is a great deep cut.


As we know darth vader was a natural engineer and could use mechaguru or whatever so what if he used skill to create nanobots to repair his lungs and burns while also making limbs that could conduct the force to make lightning. This could relate to inquisitor baris as she used nanobots in the bomb and he may remember nanobots and their uses. He could could also conduct experiments diguised as torture to fool sidious, learning to heal wounds, make force sensitive droids/limbs and using nano bots to manipulate mididclorians to strip or enhance the force in individuals.
What I was thinking was that he used nanobots to remove scar tissue especially around the lungs and he would be dipped in bacta or bacta would be applied this would allow him breath which means he can meditate more deeply. And for the limbs, it is possible to make material force sensitive and I was thinking he make limbs skeletal looking like in attack of the clones but would then cover the we either grafed flesh from his body or flesh made from his blood and other ingredients like perhaps kyber crystal this would make the force flow from him easier and perhaps with the sith alchemy in the limbs making his force lightning more powerful. Basically an uber vader who is perhaps stronger than full potential anakin.


What if nute gunray was the Darth lord of the sith instead of palpatine


What if Dooku took on Baylan Skoll as a padawan after completing Qui-Gon's training? Baylan was close in age to Obi-Wan so the timing would work out.


What if palpatine and dooku fight when obi wan and anakin arrives in invisible hands


I have an odd but neat idea for a what if: what if mas ameda was the sith master and nute gunray was the sith aprentice? (Its like a mix between two what ifs, what if mas ameda was the sith lord and what if nute gunray was the sith lord. Or something)


love the channel and would love to see a what if the jedi order created an army of either droids or just regular people to help defend the temple and police the galaxy. this army would only be loyal to the jedi and so would help them against the clones when order 66 happens. they would also act as personal bodyguards to all jedi meaning every jedi on the frontlines have a few of these guys with them and so does all council members. This army of the jedi would be created after the invasion of naboo since they know the sith have returned. Thank you in advance for all your hard work which hopefully includes this idea


What if Obi-Wan accidentally killed Palpatine on the invisible hand, angering Anakin. Then Dooku takes Anakin as his apprentice


I always felt the reason Dooku never tried to pull a coup is that he needed Sidious for his goals even more than Sidious needed him.


Subscribed. Your narration is really endearing!


What if Revan wasn't found in stasis until the first year of the clone wars? That would mean that Revan in his prime would be alive and well, and Darth Vitiate's spirit would still be dormant since Revan didn't awake his spirit at Yavin.


What if darth vader went to darthomir to learn. New suit or perhaps more unique powers.
Resurrect talzin maybe.
what if Vokara Che became a mentor to anakin as anakin was being treated for bullying and trauma from being a slave.
What if anakin fell in love with luminara unduli, serra keto or bultar swan.
What if anakin was taught by agen kolar or sasee tin or adi gallia.


FanFic CrossOver Idea: What If The Transformers appeared in the Star Wars Galaxy


I like how you voice the characters instead of using AI, feels more real


If someone attempted to kill Dooku immediately after peace negotiations war would begin again especially if the separatists saw the clones. If they wanted to avoid war they should have mentioned the death of Dooku as a condition for peace negotiations, honestly I doubt they would believe it was just palpatine loyalists since the assassination took place in dooku’s palace which would have been the most protected place on the planet and simple citizens would not get in without being noticed so I think the death of Dooku could have been a condition for peace in the what if story and they would have had a good reason for requesting the death of Dooku as he killed a political prisoner who wasn’t a combatant. If palpatine fought in the war it would not be a reasonable request but he didn’t so they had a legal right to request Dooku.


bantha stew My friend, please tell me when can you make what if Anakin Skywalker was trained by the Force itself he real true creator and father from birth Followed by what if Anakin Skywalker was reborn in episode one with all of his memories, powers, abilities from both of his lives as Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader into one and so many more. My friend, please people help bantha stew out
