What if Dooku FOUGHT Palpatine? Star Wars Fantasy Battle

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Welcome back to another fantasy battle, today we’re going to analyze the fantasy fight between Palpatine and Count Dooku. Now, before some of you scoff and say well Palpatine would obviously win, and while you are probably right, I think it’d be interesting to deep dive into their fighting styles, force powers and overall psychology to see how the fight would really turn out. Would it be more difficult for Palpatine than the Jedi he fought in his office? Or would it be easier?

First let’s discuss Dooku’s powers and abilities, as well as his lightsaber fighting style. These videos are always interesting because they require us to really dive into the users psychology as much as their physical endurance and abilities in the force. Dooku was known as one of the best swordsman in the galaxy. That’s saying a lot. He was trained by non other than Jedi grand Master Yoda, and he was a VERY powerful user of the force. Unlike obi-wan kenobi, who really wasn’t gifted at anything other than his sheer perseverance to be the best he could, and his determination to be the best lightsaber form 3 user there was, Count Dooku was actually super gifted with the force.
Dooku used the second form of lightsaber combat, known as Makashi. Now this form was designed specifically for fighting lightsabers. It was an old school style for an old school guy, when the time came to fighting against droids with blaster weapons, this form wasn’t really encouraged. For this reason, Dooku using this style gave him a severe advantage over his enemies as they weren’t used to fighting anything who used this form, let alone as good as he did. His curved hilt allowed him to be very precise with his attacks, as well as use the hilt’s curve to create immense power on down strokes at the last second. Overwhelming many opponents. While Makashi had it’s weaknesses, such as with blasters, and being a one handed lightsaber form, Dooku was so masterful of it, that these weaknesses turned into strengths for him.

His force powers were just as amazing as his abilities with a lightsaber. While many force users can all do the basics such as push, pull, run fast, and jump high, Dooku was primarily gifted in moving objects with his mind, again, with extreme precision. Just like his fighting form, Dooku took great pride in his telekinetic powers. I would say the power that Dooku was the most proficient in, was Force lightning, while he did come in second place compared to Palpatine himself, Dooku used his Sith lightning to both intimidate, kill, and torture his enemies. In the run of Son of Dathomir, Dooku used lightning to torture Darth Maul, merely toying with the captured Zabrak. Often he would combine his two favourite powers, making someone float in the air, and then frying them with electricity.

Now let’s look at Palpatine’s powers and abilities and then we can properly simulate their battle against one another.
It’s no big news that Palpatine was extremely powerful in the force. He was gifted I would say with the dark side since he was a little boy. His overall affinity to the force was one thing, but it was his sheer rage and bloodlust that made him an unstoppable force. His lightsaber fighting style is something interesting to discuss.

"Despite being highly trained in the art of combat by my master, I rarely used these weapons. I preferred to call upon the infinite power of the dark side to win my battles. Yet when the time came to reveal my true nature, few could survive the fury of my blades."

Palpatine, while having a red Sith lightsaber of his own, in fact, two of them as we saw him use against Darth Maul and savage Opress in the clone wars, wasn’t a fan of using lightsabers. He didn’t care for them. He only used them to mock the Jedi. He went so far with this prank, that he mastered all 7 lightsaber fighting styles just to completely doodoo on any Jedi he would ever come to fight. Like in revenge of the Sith when he fought agen Kolar, saese Tin, Kit Fisto, and Mace Windu. Each of which had different lightsaber fighting forms. He used his knowledge and mastery of all forms to easily destroy his opponents, one to satisfy his ego, and the other to portray how useless and pointless the Jedi were. That the dark side was the only true way to use the force in all of its glory, not the dogmatic narrow usage of the light side that the Jedi favoured.

Thank you for watching today's video. I hope you have a great day, and I'll see you in the next one! May the force be with you, ALWAYS!

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I am adoring the surge of popularity of Dooku's character.


Get this man some funding for a Star Wars What If series NOW


Dooku: "Your sword, please. I don't want to make a mess out of the Chancellor."
The Senate: "It's treason, then"


Dooku finally getting the respect and attention he deserves. He’s always been one of my favorite characters


While I don't think he'd ever truly defeat Palps (Who has utterly insane Force Amp), Dooku might still actually put up a better fight than people might expect. Honestly though, the biggest of Dokku's disadvantages here is probably his age, being in his 80s, the guy needs to lean heavily on the force to perform physical feats other lesser Jedi barely even need the force to perform, his body is just that affected by his age (Still, even were he young he'd still lose this fight) Its part of why I respect Dooku so much, even in his 80s he still kicks ass. I guess if Dooku FULLY embraced the dark side, it might be more even, but at the same time dark side corruption would worsen his already time worn body, a short term power up at a long term price.


Dooku was only choked over the prompter because he wasn't prepared to be attacked. If he can prevent Yoda from using the force against him telekinetically that means his passive barrier is strong enough for Sidious. He couldn't choke Dooku on a whim if he was ready for it, though I still think eventually Sidious overpowers


Can’t wait to experience the Sheev terror of these two Dooku-ing it out. 😅


I really liked how Dooku would fight with one hand behind his back.


Can you do a theory on what if Grievous found out about the truth of Dooku crashing his ship?


I recall that Darth Plagius once thought Dooku was the biggest threat to the Sith's plans due to his mastery of form 2 a rarely used form that excels in lightsaber duels.


I really hope we get a tales of the Sith show.

Imagine seeing Dooku and Sidious fighting, and Dooku losing the battle would be the straw that broke the camels back as to why joins Sidious (and thus trains Ventress, and later savage to destroy Sidious).


The idea that Palpatine doesn’t care for lightsabers but perfected every single fighting style just to make fun of the jedi is beyond hilarious to me


I think he would have a chance if he fully embraced the dark side, we always saw him in the middle of the light and dark, so he has potential to show


what if Dooku turned back to the light after Yaddle said he was right about the counsel, that she had stepped down and he would be forgiven for his treason? Teaming up with her at the secret meeting place in the works


Sidious secretly scared of Dooku after he dueled Yoda on Geonosis, he began to see how powerful Dooku really was


On another note. The latest Tales of the Jedi episodes made me rethink on why Dooku said nothing as Anakin took his head: I think after all the people he’d betrayed, his friends, his mentors, the institutions he cared for. I think Dooku said nothing because he thought he deserved to die and wasn’t worth saving.


8:05 I love this, Dooku totally would scoff at that line, too.


0:49 FINALLY someone gets it. THIS is how you do hypothetical fights


Dooku is my favourite Lightsaber duelist of them all. Such refined elegance in his swordplay, only exuding as much movement as necessary to defend and attack simultaneously, which makes short work of all but the very best duelists of the age.


I feel like Luke (RotJ) vs Dooku would be interesting to see, especially since it's not a hypothetical I see brought up very often in general
