Is Your Spouse Your First Priority? | MarriageToday | Jimmy Evans

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God’s Word tells us to leave or "let go" of our parents when we marry. This is never an easy task. However, as Jimmy Evans explains, our spouse now becomes our number one priority. In this teaching, Jimmy Evans shares the importance of making your spouse number one.

For more on this topic, purchase "The Four Laws of Love" by Jimmy Evans.

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Jimmy Evans is one of America’s leading experts on family and marriage relationships. He is Founder and CEO of MarriageToday™ and co-host of MarriageToday with Jimmy and Karen, the marriage ministry and national award-winning broadcast that airs to millions of homes each week. A popular church and conference speaker, he has also authored a number of books, including Marriage on the Rock, Our Secret Paradise and The Right One.
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My husband puts his family especially his father before me or how i feel. He has made me feel like I'm just in the middle of his family and relationship witg his kids. He recently told me that if his aunt were still alive he would choose her over me and I'm not as impoetabt to him as she was. Friday was my cousins funeral and he told me " i couldn't even give my daughter a helping hand moving because I had to be with you". Moving was not supossed to be until Saturday. Narcissism and mental abuse has me feeling so worthless. 😢


Never make someone a priority who makes you an option


Career comes first. Learned that the hard way

Автор spouse is always going to me more important than me and my #1 priority.


Been in the same situation as most of you. He didn’t leave & cleave. Pray, pray, pray! Suggest Christian counseling first, try not to give up on your marriage, we all took vows and we all know for better & for worse.
Mine wouldn’t do counseling.
Mine left me so I am in the middle of a nasty divorce.
I am trying to keep my eyes on Jesus❣️


my ex husband would always say to me family first while we were married, and than when we divorced he started sating that i was part of the family, 2 late


Before there were even mothers and fathers, there was marriage. What a revolution!


My wife treats her dogs above me, and gives them priority. She told me "If you don't like it, then leave." But the funny thing is before marriage, I told her multiple times that when we get married, the marriage bed is for husband and wife, not the pets, not for children. She has not respected that. While being mocked, devalued and neglected (the dogs always come first), she even dared to challenge me: "You don't have the courage to leave me because you think it's a sin." After all this emotional abuse and more, of course I would leave her in a flash, it's just that I was trying to make it work before I find a place to live. I was always expected to make her my priority, but she had problems reciprocating. Sad.


I'd like to here more from this message.


So, if you're not first & the spouse doesn't want to change; then what?


Praise God for helping us to see the importance of priority in our god-ordained marriages! In accordance with this word and matthew 6:33, revelation 2:4, 1 corinthians 7:33-34, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 I bind one to desire God to be one's first priority at all times and in marriage one's spouse after God while binding to hell every lack of desire of God to be one''s first priority at all times and in marriage one's spouse after God in my life, the lives of my family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, acquintances, opponents and the body of Christ, binding to hell every unequal yoke and common share with anyone lacking desire to prioritize God and after God one's spouse in marriage, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah, glory to God!


My husband says church is first because church is God. He said that he shouldn’t have to choose his wife before church. He plays his guitar for worship team and says he’s serving God. I asked him to please show me in the Bible where the church is before the wife and he said he doesn’t have to show me. He refuses to go into the Bible with me to teach me. He said he doesn’t have to care for me if I don’t act right. I feel so hopeless. He grew up going to this church, it was his family’s church where there was nepotism, so I was never allowed to have any leadership roles, he had many leadership roles and also taught the men’s class. I was only allowed to “help” with the music because I wasn’t spiritually gifted to do music nor could I teach the women’s class...I just stay away from this church, he happily goes to church without me.


Make God your top priority and then allow Him to work through your marriage and family 💕


My wife is obsessed with her family and she compares me to them all the time. She's left me for them 4 times and she tells me all the time "you're not a man because you can't do what my dad does". Even though I built a business that replaced her income and she doesn't work. I'm good looking and shes obese. My son is good around me but he goes crazy around her. I think she's unhappy and jealous and her parents give her the validation she desperately wants.


Idk I’ve been battling with emotional issues when it comes to my marriage my husband lived with his father and was raised by his father from the age of 4 before him and I got married he would come up on the weekends I didn’t know much about his dad fast forward and we got married we now have 2 children and one on the way one is from my previous marriage and we live directly down the road from his dad and I’m an introvert I don’t like company a lot and his dad is a single man and wants to come over during the week to visit while my husband isn’t home or come over directly after my oldest gets out of school and spend all weekend here as well and I tried to put boundaries down but I’m not being heard my husband and I have fought a lot about it because I don’t feel it to be appropriate for his father to be here when he is not and also trying to talk to me about his personal issues and I feel that my daughters school work comes above visitors and after school is taken care of and if there is time then a visit is fine and there has been instances of disrespect like previously he used to come over without calling giving opinions without caring the impact and telling me it’s my fault the way I took them and when I tried to text his dad to tell how I was feeling he would tell his son then his son and I will fight because I could of said or done something differently and he has told me multiple times in different ways that his dad has always been there and no one is ganna push his dad away but I’m not trying to do that I’m just tryna set boundaries so that I’m comfortable and him and I still have a relationship but it seems it’s always my fault I’ve been praying hard but I’m at a loss idk what else to do


My "fiance" told me his dying mother is his first priority because he promised her he would take care of her until the day she dies and I'm wondering how should i feel about that?


My fiancé's Mother is very manipulative and spiteful. My fiancé's brother & His wife has been living with their Mother to help her out with bills because she made poor financial decisions. Long story short they are tired of living with her, bought a house and will be moving out and starting a family. Well now that his Mother knows she will no longer be able to collect their Money she has been trying to bully us into moving with her so we can help her pay her bills. Now why in the world would we do something like that when we have a house of our own, and will be married. We are a young couple and need our privacy. His Mother is acting as if her son is her boyfriend. I made it clear that I will not be moving in with her.


priority-1st God then your spouse then others


Stonebriar ..thanks!! My fiance's also isn't ready yet to accept Christ as Savior


wish my spouse understood this.its always a 1 way street.
