Determinism Vs. Calvinism (Live Response to Leighton Flowers)

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Today we are reviewing and responding to Provisionist Dr. Leighton Flowers of @Soteriology101 on the topic of determinism, and God's sovereignty in scripture. We will be looking at the reformed / Calvinist position on determinism based on many passages in the Bible. We will be spending much of our time in Isaiah, Acts, and Romans, but also some in John, Lamentations, Proverbs, and Psalms

#bible #calvinism #debate

Topics to ask Questions about:
Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistable Grave
Preserverence of the Saints
Deity of Christ
Sovereignty of God
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Calvinism is gay (I was decreed to troll you)


One of Flowers' presuppositons is clearly Pelagianism. He hates original sin. He thinks we all just need knowledge and we have the power in our wills to turn and do what pleases God.


Rogue, not only does God work things as he did with Joseph in Genesis 50, check out Psalm 105. There God is said to not only have "sent" Joseph to Egypt, but God sent that terrible famine as well!


Poor Leighton. He now makes his living by kicking against the goads. Ouch.


I love how Leighton's "shorts" videos are still 25 minutes long.


He has his own resuppositions and philosophical commitments. Why cant he admit that?


If you got something out of this video be sure to leave a thumbs up


LF says somewhere in the hour mark that logical coherence = truth. No it doesn't. There are many views that are logically coherent (no internal contradictions) but are in fact false. It's the difference between finding a view that is "consistent with" Scripture vs. a view that is actually taught IN Scripture. The former can be logically coherent, but it doesn't necessarily entail the latter.


on another topic Rogue Calvinist threatened to ban me for disagreeing with me, after my response he went silent.

God's sovereignty in scripture decrees our freewill to accept or reject him..


"Proverbs" are words of wisdom. In "Psalms 16:33, " the belief was that God decides how the lot turns out. That does not mean that everything that happens, good and evil, including all our choices, are all created and predetermined by God.


The ironic thing is if you took someone with a completely blank slate and had them read Roman nine, does Layton actually think they’re going to come up with the same verbal vomit that he does? Sure I’d love to take that challenge on Layton. Give me someone who’s got a completely blank slate objective point of view towards Romans, chapter 9, and have them tell you what they think it means


God cannot be held morally responsible for the evil man commits that God decrees because God always has a morally sufficient reason for Al he does. Also, because God isn’t a man. Sin is the violation of God’s law, which we are held to, God is not under this law. Evil is the absence of good. Good is the reflection of the character of God. It’s not possible for God to sin or be evil. If God does something, he is good and just in doing it. The creature is not in the same category as God. This is the primary issue with these people. They elevate man and minimize God.


Hello brother, good afternoon. So brother are u a hyper Calvinists? Truth be told i think i am an hyper Calvinists, and is that wrong? And the reason why i am is bcus of the dice thing, vessels created for God's wrath, and what side of coin falls on the ground and birds from the Bible


Mr flowers seems to think that He knows more than God. He can’t allow God to do what He pleases with His creation.


Even if he talks non stop for weeks, still cannot shut reformed theology.


1:01:44 Leighton making things into an IQ test isn’t a good move. Dude is playing with fire.


leighton "you've inserted your own presupposition into the text" flowers, the Cathy Newman of false teachers


The "Children of the Promise" are not like the children of the flesh (Romans 9:8); in that, the Children of the Promise are those who believe, which is the true Israel (Romans 9:30-33). All the teaching in between "Romans 9:8" and "Romans 9:30-33, " Paul shows briefly how God worked His plan of redemption (the Promise) through the faithfulness of Isaac, and then Jacob over Esau, whom God also prophesied concerning in His foreknowledge. The Potter and the Clay analogy is taken from "Jeremiah 18:1-12, " which reveals that God is righteous in forming the clay _(the nation Israel and its people)_ depending on how the clay responds in His hands, and who is anyone to question that God is not righteous in His judgments? God was long-suffering with Israel, patiently urging them to repent (Romans 2:4-9), but most of them refused to believe, although God patiently urged them to repent. Nevertheless, God carried the Promise of Redemption through the faithful fathers of old, whom God made the promises to: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


[1Ti 2:3-7 NKJV] "3 For this [is] good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For [there is] one God and one Mediator between God and men, [the] Man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, 7 for which I was appointed a preacher and an apostle--I am speaking the truth in Christ [and] not lying--a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth."

The context of this passage is the NT controversy in the Hebrew church over whether BOTH Jews AND GENTILES ("all men") are saved by Christ. If Gentiles must be circumcised and become Jews in order to be saved, then Jesus only saves Jews. But, according to the Apostles, Gentiles don't have to be circumcised. That means He saves both Jews and Gentiles.


Leighton Flower's obsession with Calvinism creeps me, I will keep saying that. He is totally obsessed with Calvinism, and Calvinists. Zero context and knows nothing about the Bible.
