Start strength training NOW.

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Hey everybody! Today’s video is one last effort to convince you that you NEED to start strength training for your long term health. We’ll discuss a recent meta-analysis that compares 16 different studies across 1.5 million subjects and the conclusions drawn. Leave any questions below!







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#strengthtraining #functionaltraining #fitnesstips
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Oh wow. Hearing that 2 strength training workouts a week IS ENOUGH?!?!? That's such a game changer for my all-or-nothing brain.


That's why I am overwhelmed with fitness: how are you supposed to walk 10k steps a day (more less 1, 5h for me), go to the gym 3xweek, do cardio, eat healthy and in the meanwhile work, sleep, having a personal live, and at the end maybe, and i say maybe follow your passions/interests?


You are like a big sister to me! No content creator compares to your videos in my opinion.


You broke it down in easy to understand instructions. I like strength training, cardio is not my fave. I work at a school and walk about two hours a day, with about an hour of standing. That’s most of my cardio. At first I couldn’t manage adding strength workouts, I was so tired at the end of work. But I’ve increased my endurance over time and am doing 30-40 minutes of strength three times a week, also with mobility and stretch. I feel like I’m stronger than ever at age 63.


Most people underestimate the benefits of strength training, thinking it is only for bodybuilders.

Everyone can benefit from strength training, from children to the elders.

Thank you for shedding light on this topic 👍


Yes! I wish folks realized weights are crucial. The FIRM workouts preached this back in the 80s (aging myself). And they were not wimpy light weight workouts. I miss them. But I have all their dvds. Yes, I am one of those. My fav weekly workout plans are 2 full body with weights (The FIRM is a fav here), 1 Pilates or barre day, 2 cardio days, 1 yoga or fusion day.


Lmao, Zooey's looking away at the end like "get away from me human!" She's so majestic. ❤ such a lioness. ❤


I personally love how you mix talking about things with clips of your life - I find it super engaging! ( And just the right balance of everything too!) Also Zoe is so cute! 😊


I've been reading Outlive by Dr. Peter Attia lately, and he talks about this too. It really hits for me with how he discusses it, because his whole point is that the current way we think about health tends to be focused on "you're fine until something bad happens, and then we'll try to find a way to make that bad thing something you can live with." And he's focused on: how do we extend how much of your lifespan is truly healthy, high quality life, free from disability or disease, where you can easily do the things that make your life enjoyable? And having a moderate amount of strength training is crucial to that.


Hi Justina! I'm pretty sure you've just answered my question in this video, but I'd appreciate if you could confirm it just to be sure: let's say I take 2000 steps while doing cardio, should I include them in the 7500 steps per day count? Also, I have to thank you for massively improving my fitness and general health with your constant intelligent recommendations and exercise form breakdowns. Now I can happily say I have no problem taking those 7000+ steps while just one year ago, before knowing you, I used to move around extremely little; I've also started taking my moderate pace cardio workouts more seriously (and almost completely replaced the HIIT ones that are NOT really HIIT), learnt how to perform a bulgarian split squat with dumbbells, incorporated your mobility drills in my usual stretching routine and so many other things that are simply uncountable. When I say that I feel so much better than one year ago (and I mean it), it's just thanks to you*! You're the best fitness educator and a seemingly wholesome person. I wish you tons of success, because you deserve it all! And your multitasking skills are also very impressive; if I tried to talk semi- coherently while walking on the street AND filming myself, I'd probably have a stroke or something.

(*And Zooey, obviously.)


I got a new puppy and have had to cut back to 2 days per week instead of 4 due to needing more time for puppy’s needs. He’ll be old enough soon to help me get more than my average of 7k steps and I’m adding about 15 minutes of extra work to my workouts I do get to make them more full body and it’s great to hear it’s enough!


During the last years of my grandma's life, she had several fractures from falls. It really showed me the consequences of a lack of muscle mass.

Also, walking is super underrated! It's gradual, but consistent walking has increased my cardiovascular endurance. Running is overrated!


I love strength training. Started doing it at 16, and haven't looked back. Nothing else makes me feel so capable and, well, STRONG as strength training does. I always recommend it to people when the topic of exercise comes up, but unfortunately, a lot of women are only interested in cardio, and I can't persuade them.


Hi Justina

I'm a 31 year old male who underwent a kidney transplant at the age of 12. As such, I've always struggled with my weight fluctuating due to the medication I take for it causing hunger, and a very up & down relationship with food. I've always been a keen trainer, whether it be through strength training running or playing football (soccer to you guys ;-). Anyway, I made a lot of lifestyle changes back in late-2019 that led me to gradually getting in to the best shape of my life through a) learning more about nutrition, calorie deficits & foods needed for my lifestyle & b) became a keen runner, running multiple half-marathon's & a marathon here in Manchester back in 2022. I also strength trained, but more to 'tick over' & support my running, rather than it being a core component of my training regimen. So, this led to me having a body fat % of between 10-13%, probably since mid-'22, but low muscle mass also (I'm 5'10 & weigh 142 lbs) but due to how I've conditioned my body, I have found it more & more difficult to maintain, with my energy levels impacted well over a year... I've hit a wall.

Now (through watching yours & other excellent videos) I realise what's probably happened, is that my base metabolic rate has lowered through my body's natural survival instinct due to being in a deficit for so long & hammering the cardio so much, I've also probably lost muscle mass. Above all though... I've had a toxic relationship food due to getting the dreaded 'good & bad foods' mentality, with my life being consumed by training, calorie counting & when I can eat what I want on a Saturday, which led to the inevitable binging on weekends of foods I'd deemed 'bad' followed by being too stringent in the week. I know how to address this now through watching, again, your excellent content online, . I just want to ask about strength training (sorry for the time to get here)...

If I commit to say 3/4 sessions in the gym on strength training through a mixture of weights/calisthenics with lots of walking in my general life added in, & 1 day for a long run a week with the benefits of eating a smarter diet for my needs (with more protein etc & giving my body what it requires) lead to muscle growth & a naturally increased resting metabolic rate? For context atm I am eating an average of about 1850+ kcals a week. My hope is that by concentrating on getting fitter & stronger, rather than body composition & calories, they will take care of themselves naturally anyway, because I'll gain more muscle, have a higher RMR & which'll enable me to eat more & keep a lean physique anyway, without killing myself both physically & mentally every week.

Before I commit to this though... I just want to make sure I am on solid ground with my plan?


I’ve got to give you props for your knowledge and entertaining content. You’ve cleared up a lot of misconceptions I’ve had around fitness. 2 things you’ve done is 1) help me focus on NEAT and moving more frequently versus thinking a tough workout is enough. 2) increase strength training workouts versus pounding away with cardio. You also reviewed Sydney and that led me to her workouts that I LOVE! I have already seen a difference in my body. Really appreciate your content!


This is awesome. I've been strength training for 8 years now and I love it. I used to do it 6 days per week then a major life shift came and I reduced it to 4 (most weeks) but I wish I could do 5 more consistently but life is life! Keep lifting ladies!


Thank you so much for your integrity, you're so unique 💖cute cat by the way 🥰


Thank you for this video! I think social media makes weight training seem SO complicated. While yes getting "gains" is a different journey for everyone, just doing 2x a week for health is a relief to hear.

Making exercise less complicated makes it much less stressful.


Great video! I actually just started strength training this week. It's been a bit of a journey this past year in finding workouts I enjoy and can be consistent with. I love how you give science-based advice and also easy steps to get started. Thanks for all you do!


Love this video. I’m already strength training but only a couple of days per week, and walking but have a 6500 step goal. When I get back from vacation I’m going to up my goal to 7000 steps and strength train 3 days per week. Thanks for all you do. ♥️

I’m actually the opposite of most people, I love lifting weights and yoga but hate cardio. lol. I’ve actually had to purposely add cardio in to my workout regime bc I know it’s good for me (groan 😆). Thanks again ❤
