4 Exercises to Fix a Clicking Wrist | Hidden Cause Explained

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Learn how to address some of the main components of a non-traumatic clicking wrist. We also discuss a hidden and seriously underrated cause of a wrist that clicks.

- Grant

Time Stamps:
0:00 Intro
0:49 PNF Wrist Stretch
2:50 Active Release Wrist Exercise
3:53 Ulnar Nerve Flossing
6:05 Ball Neck Mobility Exercise

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About Your Wellness Nerd:
Your Wellness Nerd is my way of trying to offer a new perspective on pain, injury, and daily function based entirely on what I'm finding relevant in the clinic day-to-day as a Physiotherapist. I'm a HUGE nerd about optimizing human function and performance and sincerely hope to provide the "a-ha!" moment you didn't realize you were looking for.


#clickingwrist #wristpain #yourwellnessnerd
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A clicking wrist may be more than just a wrist-specific issue. Hope these exercises help!


The first wrist extension with rotation and push back is golden. You are the first one to tell me to push back against the stretch, that really helped a lot. First time in months that the click is gone! Thank you so much!


This video is great. My wrist hurts but this is the best video to help it go away. You are great and I thank you for giving away such good content for free.


Thanks for this. I think I have a mild case of tendonitis and this seems to have helped a bit.


Oh my gosh!! My wrist was so stiff after working all day, but after doing these exercises my wrist felt so much looser from all that tension. Not even 5 minutes later, I got the BEST pop ever in my wrist. It was like popping yoir knuckles, but better. All the stiffness left, what a life saver!!


I've had wrist pain for years, clicking wrist. Used to be an artist full time but the wrist pain was too much. Dr talked me in to thumb arthritis surgery. Worked for some of my pain but didn't effect the main problem. Wrist clicks louder and more intensely/ painfully when it's the worst and wrist is most used. I've tried almost everything through the years to no avail. Have stretched and massaged many times before but did notice less to no popping after just stretching for a few minutes after a good day using my wrist. May have to just really focus on stretching and massaging more and check my popping as an indicator.


My wrist clicks after a snowboarding incident 8 months ago, and it's been doing it since. It only clicks when I grab my wrist with my other hand and gently rotate it, but my other wrist doesn't do that. It clicks far more easily after doing something like bench press, but isn't ever painful. Also thank you for great vids!


Wow that first stretch where you twist the hand inward, amazing


Thx for explanation but i wanna ask about clicking in general without pain during movement results from weakness of muscle around joint and during bearing position hands get trembled?
Sorry for long question 🫣😁


While ulnar nerve flossing, the tendency to lift my pinkie straight to the side of my mouth ala Doctor Evil is indeed immense. I've seen a lot of videos on Youtube essentially boiling down cases of snapping wrist to be a surgery job. In your clinical experience, have you found this kind of treatment plan to be sufficient enough, be it to stop the clicking or to prevent any type of surgical intervention? Brilliant content Grant, really thought provoking and outside the box on your elaborations, very appreciated.


Hey Great Video! I noticed my wrist clicks when going from supination to pronation but when I bend my pinky finger it stops! I was wondering is this Unlar related and can something be done ?


I broke my wrist 9 months ago and I have clicking and popping whenever I make a fist, seems to be coming from the pinky side wrist joint and mainly the pinky finger.

The whole hand/wrist seems stiff and sore, hard to relax and feel fluid. Probably some chronic inflammation? I’ll try these exercises for a while and report back.


After starting to play golf I think I overdid it until I was having inflammation in my palms. It's been 6 months having the symptoms. Currently I have some instability on my left wrist 'a visible clunk when I bend wrist downwards' but at times it doesn't happen when I bend my wrist. The clicking happens when I bend the wrist towards the ulnar side


Great video my man! Thanks for the help.


I have RSI in my wrist and have battled it for about 2 years now. It stems from my computer use and to combat it I have been doing lightweight exercises with it. Do you have any suggestions on rehabbing my issue?

Thanks and Great Video!


I use to play goalkeeper in highschool and i am university student now and play goalkeeper i fractured my left wrist in middle school. And ever since ive had clicking but when i click it to much i get some slight pain, should i go to an orthopedic? I am also a computer engineering student so im always working with software coding on a computer or little electrical parts so that could add to it as well


one year ago I had an accident where I fell on my wrist afer jumping up and back at the same time and landed on my wrist in an extended position. I was diagnosed with a scaphoid fracture, which apparently has healed, but I still have wrist popping on the ulnar side of the wrist since the accident. What can I do?


My both hand wrist clicks after practice of arm wrestling . Will my wrist joints go to normal shape after taking rest and wearing compression band?


I also have wrist click problem but no pain....is it possible fix withour sugery?


It's been almost 10 months since my wrist started clicking... I recently completed 18 sessions at my physiotherapist and the pain hasn't changed one bit... I'm starting to think this pain will probably stay for life.
