BPD relationships be like…

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⬆️Things I’ve actually said to my husband⬆️🫣

Of course, I don’t mean it literally! It’s just hard to describe that feeling of wanting to be even closer to someone even though you’re already snuggling as close as you could get!

Note: this video is based on Xannie’s experience and is not going to be true for everyone with BPD!


Idk why this made me cry. This feeling isnt a happy moment, its actually sad af cause nothing is ever enough. I never fully feel loved, never quite sure if Im good enough. Its a miserable existence.


This is so real for me. It’s so difficult to explain to someone how you feel when you can barely comprehend how you feel but it’s like you have to let the person know how you feel


As a person with BPD I don’t ever want to love another person like this again.


You forgot the part where they split and tell you that you’re the worst thing in the world


And then later It's "you're not good enough you're pathetic not masculine . I deserve better...."


Having BPD and feeling love so deeply you can't keep it in then feeling like you're love bombing someone but you're not


You missed the part where they wish death upon you, and fly into an uncontrollable toddler tantrum


Then id see his lack of response as "he hates me" and I back away feeling hurt. Yeah bpd sucks


Wow i resonated deeply with this. I often tell my man that I want to “live in his skin”. He loves when I say it but he doesn’t know where it’s coming from.


I have BPD and although in many ways I'm possessive and clingy, I'm also aloof. My boyfriend is more like the woman in this video while I'm trying to escape 😂 he has ASD


This is so triggering; she is almost childlike with no regard for boundaries and the feelings of the other person.

I grew up with a BPD parent, later ended up in a relationship with an emotionally and verbally abusive BPD man. I know those with BPD struggle deeply, but the damage they cause can leave lasting scars.

My BPD partner drew out avoidant traits in me, because shutting down was my only defense against the emotional outbursts. I never felt comfortable asserting my needs and when I stated my feelings and boundaries I was gaslight, manipulated, etc (insert splitting behaviors).

BPD is like a form of unhealed childhood trauma with the tantrum-like outbursts, it’s like a 2 year old who wants to get their needs met by a parent. It’s very sad, but often makes me wonder why they cannot mature through therapies and begin to develop a sense of self — or at the very least some acknowledgement of others and empathy.

It’s ironic to me that BPD requires extreme forms of empathy from their partners and friends, but at the same time provide almost none in return.

It may just be my personal experience with BPD, I’ve just developed a more cynical view as I see similar selfish traits of narcissistic people.


My ex used to say "I cant get close enough to you" as she was laying on top of me with her arms and legs wrapped around me.


She ain’t lying it could be like that sometimes 😂😂😂


You forgot the part were within seconds of saying this they feel engulfed and overwhelmed with that wanting closeness then wants you to completely get away.


Mine told me they wanted to live in my skin on multiple occasions before i realized potential bpd. Then a a fewweeks late she left me saying she never loved me and im worthless


My ex had BPD. After a year of dating she told me she didn't think I really loved her. I figured if she didn't feel that way then (and let me tell you I am clingy as fuck) she never would. Two weeks before we broke up she told me she had BPD. I did a lot of research on it after we broke up. I think a lot of problems would have been avoided if she had just told me to begin with.

I'll never get over her.


Hi I'm a man with quiet type BPD.
I'll be the first to tell anybody that we aren't the easiest folks to live with. Each case of BPD is really unique just like any other mental/emotional disorder. Luckily for me, my case isnt particularly destructive compared to others - its mostly internalized, and it deteriorated into a generalised distrust and disdain of human life as a default internal dialogue. *EVERYONE* is guilty until they prove themselves innocent. Once I know you're "not like all the others" you become the apple of my eye. The centre of my universe. You fill my entire existence with music and light... That is, until I ultimately find out I was wrong about you. Then Im just gone. No words, no fights, no discussion. Just gone. I leave them before they can leave me, and I'm locked back into my vault where its safe - at least until someone else comes along who's stupid enough to crack open that door again.

Yeah, having a partner with BPD can be challenging and destructive, and you should manage your expectations of the relationship. But, there are some cases who just really need reassurance, structure, plenty of affection and passionate love. We tend to know how to return all that ten-fold. 🖖🏻💙


As a partner, too, someone with BPD. This would be cute if it wasn't followed by " Oh, you don't feel the same!?!?!?!?" It's like if you don't feel what they feel you are wrong and the pwBPD will let you know, you need to pay for such transgressions. It's exhausting being the partner because you never have any idea, who, what, when, where, and why they will split.


I realized after dating somebody with a personality disorder that if someone is capable of making you feel the best you have ever felt and can fill every single void that you have ever need filled, they can make you feel the absolute worst that you have ever felt and can leave you devoid and feeling more empty than you have ever felt. But good luck you too!
