Все публикации

Did Jesus Abolish The Law? Do We Have To Keep The Sabbath? Can Christians Eat Pork?

Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

If Benny Hinn Really Repented It Would Look Like This...

Pope Francis Approves Blessings For Same Sex Couples

Sola Scriptura Versus Tradition

Bishop Mar Mari Bows To Mary | Mar Mari Exposed

The Virgin Mary Was NOT a Virgin Forever

Mar Mari Says Jesus Won't Forgive You Unless You Pray To a Saint | Mar Mari Exposed

Jacob I love But Esau I have hated

Sam Shamoun Teaching Heretical Works Based Salvation

Mark & Avoid False Teachers

Is The Rapture Happening Soon?

My People Perish For Lack of Knowledge | Hosea 4:6

Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Pants?

Joseph Prince Says Speaking In Tongues Heals Your Body

Is There Healing In The Atonement?

Can We Be Drunk In The Holy Ghost | Rodney Howard Brown Refuted

Can You Anoint Your Home With Oil To Cleanse It From Demons?

David Diga Hernandez Mormons Serve The Same God As Christians

Joyce Meyer Says Elijah Took From A Widow & We Can Too

Pastor At Boshoff Tells Critics To Shut Their Mouth

Angry Pastor At Boshoff Tells Critics 'Just Shut Your Mouth'

John MacArthur Says Jesus DIDN'T Die For The Sins of the World

It's Ok To Take Money From The Poor