Did Jesus Abolish The Law? Do We Have To Keep The Sabbath? Can Christians Eat Pork?

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Many different groups of people try to bring Christians back under the law by appealing to the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 5:17-18. They say that Jesus commanded us to keep the law and that we should obey all the food laws and ceremonial laws that God gave to the people of Israel. The Seventh Day Adventists love to use this verse to support sabbath day observance. It's worth noting that they don't believe in the observance of circumcision or the sacrifices but they still want to to bring you under the law anyway. In this video I go through the passage carefully and point out some of the errors that these groups make in regards to this passage. Jesus is simply saying that heaven and earth would pass away before one jot or tittle would pass from the law unfulfilled.
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Unfortunately, Pastors only use the old law which benefits them - financially


Jesus fulfilled the moral law by living a sinless life, and he fulfilled the ceremonial law by offering himself on the cross for all sin. He fulfilled the whole law and now grants us His righteousness as a free gift. “Know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified” (Galatians 2:16). ✝


Tapped on the video as soon as I saw the notification. This has been such an important topic for me as grow and evenagelise to my SDA friends


We will allow Jesus Christ to answer your question. He said, "I did not come to ABOLISH the law but to FULFILL it". Hope that helps everybody.


“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, ”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭ESV‬‬


As I understand it, Jesus came with a new covenant, which means, the old covenant will pass away, as Paul said, and all food is acceptable to God.
A servant of Jesus.


Yep I once asked a Hebrew roots person, are you sacrificing animals then for your sins? You can imagine, the answer was no😂


Read the Laws, and you'll want to follow them. They're everyday laws to keep yourself safe, and treat others with respect. It's more than just the Food Laws and no Tattoos.


Do the 10 commandments still apply? If they do we need to observe the Sabbath on Saturday and not Sunday. The Roman Church says that the Sunday worship is there mark of authority


Great discussion. He came to fulfil the law and redeem us from the curse of the law (cursed is a man that is hanged on a tree) and establish a new covenant that says "I will write my law on their hearts and minds" thus through his spirit and our faith in him we are now willing and able to keep all he commands, for the great two commandments (love God, love your neighbour) can only be fulfilled with his spirit and through faith in Jesus. On these two commands hang the law and the prophets. Our internal judge (the Holy spirit) will convict us (not condemn) of anything we do that disobeys God's commands and lead us to repent. All foods have been made clean and those who think it is unclean, it will be unclean. Our commandment is to love and we can only do that if we walk in the spirit, thus if we love him we will keep his commandments (to love). We are freed from the curse of the law but it is no longer written on stone, but in our hearts and minds, through his spirit. No dot or tiddle will change bc as you say the righteous requirement must be fulfilled and is fulfilled through love (how we treat each other). We are not justified by works but through Jesus (faith) like how Abraham was justified and it was credited to him as righteousnes. God Bless


He kept the law for us because we couldn’t


Jesus is the perfect sacrifice. He came to fulfil what no other man could… and thus he freed us from the chains of the law.


The "law" is still relevant in showing us the difference between right and wrong, and for conviction of sinfulness in our lives to repent and turn from. Otherwise it's has been rendered obsolete by Jesus atoning sacrifice for us at the cross. The believer is no longer under the law, which condemns us because we can't keep it, but under grace which frees us from the power of sin in our lives, our sinful human nature that is aroused by the law. The law is "spiritual." But we in our natural, carnal selves are not. That's the reality we have to contend with as believers.


The Law is pertaining to the dispensation before the time of grace, and exactly that it was to show us we need a Saviour!


Jesus lived the law. He never failed on one part.


Easy answer is that Jesus did not destroy the law. The law became obsolete and vanished as stated in Hebrews. This became evident in 70 AD with the destruction of the temple and the burning up of the priestly lineage records. No old covenant system can ever be established again, no matter how hard anyone tries. We are fully in the new covenant whether anyone wants to believe it or not and that is great news!


Galatians 5:1-6
Colossians 2:16-18
Galatians 3:10-13
Stay blessed brother!


What must not be overlooked in Matthew 5:18 is the clause "...until heaven and earth pass away...".

In the end of the verse, "all is fulfilled" (KJV), in the Greek is "panta [πάντα] genētai [γένηται] (cf. Strong's #1096, γίνομαι, ginomai)", more literally, "all should *come into being* ".

In Revelation 21:1, we have a plain statement of the event of "the first heaven and the first earth were passed away" after the final judgement and just before the descent of New Jerusalem.

A few verses thereafter, in Revelation 21:6, we have the plain statement "It is done" (KJV), using the perfect form of the same verb (cf. Strong's #1096, γίνομαι, ginomai) as in Matthew 5:18, more literally translated, "It is [has] *come into being* ",

The conclusion, allowing scripture to interpret itself, is that the law will not pass away at any time prior to the final judgement. The law referred to here is the moral law (i.e. the ten commandments); not the Mosaic law contained in the handwriting of ordinances.

It is, in a sense, quite logical, for the law to be kept in effect until the judgement of the dead has been completed according to their works (Revelation 20:12-13) which will include to what degree they have transgressed the law .


I keep hearing people say "Christ came to fulfill the law", but the don't seem to have an idea of what that REALLY means?
thus... he fulfilled it, now SOME of the law is done away with
yet Jesus said he did not come to abolish the law...

what does "fulfill" REALLY mean?
and why is it still not ok to murder, but is ok to diregard the sabbath? (both are in the 10 commandments)
and.. FTR I am not a sabbath keeper


If we were under the law, the lady caught under adultery would've not been let go. Also if we were under the law, Jesus probably wouldn't be advocating for disciples to eat whatever was put in front of them.
