Sola Scriptura Versus Tradition

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Sola Scriptura is one of the most important teachings of the Christian faith. God has given us his word and he has told us that his word is enough to make us complete in the faith, thoroughly equipped for every good work. We don't need Catholic tradition or heretical popes and bishops. All we need is God's Word. Jesus rejected tradition and appealed to God's Word as the final authority. Jesus said traditions of men are subordinate to the Word of God.
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As a gay Catholic, sola scripture denies my dignity as a human being. Catholicism has a long, though often hidden tradition of homosexuality especially among clergy, that it is finally coming to terms with and blessing! It is the true Church of the loving God with the Pope his infallible vicar on earth.


“I AM The WAY, The TRUTH, and The LIFE,
NO One Comes unto The Father, But By ‘M-E’.”
(St John 14:6)
“For there is 'One' GOD, and One ‘Mediator’
Between GOD and man, the man CHRIST JESUS.”
~ Apostle Paul ~
(1 Tim 2:5)
“(And) Call NO man your ‘Father’ upon the earth;
For ‘O-N-E’ is your Father, which is in Heaven.”
(St Matthew 23:9)


Jesus predicted a “vicar” in the sense of a “replacement” for His physical presence here on earth. However, this “vicar of Christ” is not a priest, high priest, bishop, or pope. The only biblical “Vicar of Christ” is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our Counselor, Teacher (John 14:26), and guide into all truth (John 16:13).

Catholics = Vicar is the pope (man who is fallible)
Christians = Vicar is the Holy Spirit (God who is infallible)

Catholics = tradition (changed over time)
Christians - Scripture (never changes)


Been waiting for this video. Really appreciate you doing a deep dive into this.


Yes God's word is the sole infallible rule of faith and practice


Dear Ithinkbiibically,
My mom has cataracts in her eyes and bad teeth. Could you please pray for her that God would heal her cataracts form her eyes and help her with her teeth? She wants to win money so she can fix her problem with her eyes and teeth but I don't think God would answer her prayer of winning money. She is semi-retired from work and dosen't have enough money to fix her eyes or teeth. Please Ask God to heal her eyes. I don't know what to do about the teeth though.


Stay away from catholicism.
Stay away from idolatry & fanaticism of men.
Follow Jesus, become a Christian.
Identify yourself with Jesus Christ not with institutions of fallible men.


A better one is:

Isaiah 34:16
King James Version
16 Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.

When the unclean birds of babylon (demons) close in open the book and read


Absolutely Brother keep teaching and praise Jesus Christ king of kings and Lord of Lords.


God Bless you Brother, keep your eyes on Jesus, not looking to the left, or right, and keep running the good race, and fighting the good fight. Praise Jesus Lord God and Savior AMEN.


Why is it even a question? God said it, don’t need anything more.


If the cc are is the first and only church and only way to salvation, what happened to the 7 churches in revelation 1? where did John mention the cc in there, and where did he mention, "to the dead saints?"..


As an ex-catholic, one cannot study and believe the bible and stay in the catholic church. You are expected to put the bible aside and obey the traditional teaching.


Sola Scriptura over tradition always💯


Some traditions present churches indeed are extra biblical in origin & often have I been pressured to obey the teaching of orthodoxy despite its lacking scriptural evidence. Thanks for this, very instructive!


From the New American Standard Bible (NASB), 2 Thessalonians 2:15 reads:

"So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the TRADITIONS which you were taught, whether by word of mouth or by letter from us."

The problem is, the traditions by letters of the New Testament from the 1st century differ significantly from Catholic traditions that came in later centuries.

So, as the apostle Paul says by the Holy Spirit, we should hold firm to the traditions in the letters of the New Testament, and these traditions in the letters of the New Testament prevent us from praying to the dead, prevent us from accepting purgatory, prevent us from accepting the mother of Jesus Christ the man as mother of the church, prevent us from accepting Mary as the Queen of Heaven, prevent us from accepting the assumption Mary resurrected since it is obviously an assumption, prevent us from accepting Mary being an eternal virgin, prevent us from bowing down to idols, prevent us from accepting Mary as sinless and therefore co-mediator and co-saviour along with Jesus Christ, and so forth.

I hope Catholics wake up for their own sakes. God bless all Catholics and all Protestants and all Orthodox and all others who are called by God to obey the Word of God.


I usually thought that there are only United States reformed teachers actually expose false teachings.. But from Australia, .. Brother is nailing it.. Keep your good work on exposing the false teaching brother.. Really learned a lot.. Amen


Jesus sums up the catholic church well, " teaching as doctrines the commandments of men". 🤠👍


Catholic like to follow their idol like priests & popes & saints & not God 1st.


The problem is that there are many “sola scriptura” churches that still do unbiblical things. One example is having women as pastors. If you’re going to be Protestant and claim “sola scriptura” then you have to actually be about the word, and that is a big problem we have in the Protestant churches
