Все публикации

Deleted Star Wars Footage From 1977 Mentions ANAKIN SKYWALKER

Disney DEMONETIZED My Entire YouTube Channel….

Star Wars Episode II Deleted Footage CHANGES Mace Windu

Will we ever get a good Star Wars game again?

Will we ever get a good Star Wars game again?

THIS is why Mandalorians were such EXCEPTIONAL Warriors...

Darth Revan's Fall to the Darkside - Explained

Why can’t Disney make Star Wars stories like this?

The Mandalorian Code EXPLAINED

Does this Alternate Ending Ruin 'Revenge of the Sith'?

Anakin Fights The Most Powerful Jedi - Deleted Footage

The GREATEST Lightsaber Fight was HIDDEN for 20 Years…

New ‘Return of the Jedi’ footage CHANGES Darth Vader

Original Episode III Opening Scene was 10X Better

3 Deleted Scenes LITERALLY CHANGE how Anakin Became Vader

[NEW] Darth Maul footage is 10X MORE INSANE

The Rancor Fight is More Important Than You Thought

Han Solo’s Full Torture was DELETED

Boba Fett's Original Role in the Star Wars Saga

The HOUR LONG Battle of Coruscant

The Battle of Coruscant was originally AN HOUR

Grievous is 10X COOLER in this Deleted Scene

Anakins Original Duel with Dooku is 10X BETTER

Do you like George Lucas's close-up shots?