Все публикации

Inside the OPEX Coaching Certificate Program

Exercise Progression: The Push-Up

Progressing the Lunge

The Ski Erg Explained - technique, benefits and program design

Front Squat or Back Squat?

Turkish Get Up + Progressions

Coaching Systems Pro Tips - A Crash Course in CoachRx

The Box Jump Explained - technique, benefits and program design

Tempo in Exercises

Strict vs. Kipping Pull-Ups

Front Plank to Forearm Plank

Tall Kneeling Alternating Dumbbell Press

Single Arm Kettlebell Front Rack Russian Step Up

Resistance Training for Beginners

Conventional Deadlift vs. Sumo Deadlift

Cable Fly vs. Dumbbell Fly

Ski Erg Technique

Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Push Press

The Reverse Plank

Waist Banded Good Morning

Wall Sit

Hollow Dumbbell Pullover

Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown

Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Snatch