Conventional Deadlift vs. Sumo Deadlift

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Sumo vs. Conventional - Which deadlift variation do you prefer?⁠

Conventional Deadlift:⁠
➡️A more hip-dominant bending movement for those learning the bend movement pattern.⁠
➡️More challenge to spinal erectors and scapular retraction to build back strength.⁠
➡️Less involvement of quads and more posterior chain dominant.⁠
➡️More comfortable mechanically for some and may allow more weight to be lifted, depending on anatomical structures.⁠

Sumo Deadlift:⁠
➡️May be an appropriate exercise selection for newer clients learning to pull weights from the floor or those without the ROM to conventional deadlift⁠
➡️Less stress on spinal erectors than a conventional deadlift off the floor⁠
➡️More involvement of the quads than the conventional deadlift⁠
➡️A way to add variation to the bend movement pattern to create new movement challenges⁠
➡️More comfortable mechanically for some and may allow more weight to be lifted, depending on anatomical structures⁠

At the end of the day, the best deadlift variation will depend on the client in front of you!
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“May allow more weight to be lifted” The understatement of the year 😂


If More weight would be lifted then Strongman Powerlifters would be using Sumo but instead they use convectional


Yeah because Sumo is getting helped by the Quads.meaning the legs helps a lot..unlike conventional where the Back is the one doing the most lifting.


Sumo: less range of motion and allow more weight to be lifted.

Why you see all the time influencers do that with the sumo grip for PR. Youll hardly or never see em do conventional neutral grip.
