5 Tips For How to Share Your Faith

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A lot of you have been asking for this one. Evangelizing can be a bit intimidating when you first start out. You don't want to mess up. So if you're feeling called to witness to someone, here's 5 useful tips when sharing your faith with others.
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What's a good opener that you use when sharing your faith?


Y’all please keep me in your prayers this week because I will be doing a presentation in my class over The Great Flood in Genesis. I have already heard a lot people say that the flood was a myth and that the Bible isn’t real. People even slander Christian believers saying our faith is nonsense and worthless. So just keep me in your prayers that I would speak boldly the wise words God gives me.🙌🏾


I am so introverted and shy that I struggle to even share with just my friends. But an opportunity came to me. My friend and I were waiting for the bus and there was this man giving out flyers. There were verses in it warning about the end times. So, my friend was curious about the verses and asked me about it. I then tried to explain, and I felt good, the fear I initially had disappeared. I was worried my friends would judge me, and here's one of them curious about the bible. After I explained to her, I then invited her to church, and she thankfully accepted. Now, even though I'm still a bit scared, I'm now determined to invite my friends to church. I love them, and I want them saved. Now, I pray for them to fully accept the gospel and be saved. All is possible with God


Bless this man for spreading the gospel to people in need of christ! Amen



edit: Wow it still suprises me that I am not alone in this. Recently I've been dealing with a lot (especially feeling alone in my faith) and seeing this one comment get so many replies of people who love Jesus just like me really shows me that I'm not alone. Glory be to God and thank you all so much ❤❤❤✝️✝️✝️


This helped me so much, I have been trying to find the confidence to tell my friends at school about God. I felt ashamed sence he helped me through 12 years of my life and I couldn't tell anyone about him. This helped me and I am ready to tell my friends about God.


I was failed always to preach the Gospel to my friends. Always forgetting and always getting distracted. And I seek help to God, for wisdom to preach, And in midnight I woke up and found this. God is good. God is great. In the name of Lord Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!


Ohh... the timing of this video... it's so personal...
Just earlier today... I was crippled by fear to attempt to preach the Gospel to my dad who is a non-believer who was dying of cancer...
We were surrounded by other non-believers friends and family...

Holding his hand... I was trembling with fear of preaching to him once more... I kept shouting to myself in my head : "Not my Will be done but God's". Trying to force myself to not care about my feelings to deny them and to just do what God wants me to do... But with all the people around... trying my best to ignore them and my interests... I was still trembling...
But in the end... I've just managed to preach to him in just such a small voice... That I reckon that He did not hear anything I've said...

I've attempted multiple times preaching to Him and bringing him to the faith before when he was fine... Although my subtle attempts are so very bad...
He even went to church and had pastors preaching to him personally... But he rejected the Gospel, He said that he is skeptical about it...

I was devastated... One day, I just bluntly said : " They are trying to save you, why are you rejecting it?"
And after that approach... I've feared that I've had chased him away from any chances of he becoming a Christian...

After years of seeking the truth of life and researching philosophies, religions, paths... After all those frustration, confusion, tears and pain... After I've sacrificed my future for the pursuit of truth...
I've came to Christ...
And after so many trials and challenges practicing my faith... made it so ever steadfast...
I've tried to live by example by faith to show him day after day...
And I still couldn't get my dad to believe... Or my family members...
Why do they keep building walls when I touch something even just so slightly religious...

This comment will probably be buried, and I hope so too, for I am too ashamed of myself...
I've made this comment just to note some stuff down...
Thank you so much for the video brother.... You may have no idea how much it means to me...
Sorry if I did not check my notifications... I usually don't recently....


Just to encourage anyone (and myself hehe) I tried evangelizing to one of my loved ones after watching countless evangelizing videos—specifically the Living Waters or Ray Comfort’s evangelizing videos. I observed his technique—which aligns with everything that was said in this video—and tried it out. It was so hard at first, but once I opened my mouth with my opener, it went from there. It worked. My loved one saw her sin for what it was, and I told her that Jesus Christ died for her sin and rose again so that her sin is paid in full. Still working on it though, but I pray that God may help me witness to more of my family and friends.


I share the gospel with my friends and most of them are Muslims, it is the holy Spirit who empowers me to do so. See acts 1:8. And that is how I knew that I was baptized in the holy Spirit 🙏 🙏🙏🙏


I would just like to say I thank you for doing this type of Gospel, I am a 14 year old who is learning of our gracious Lord, and I am happy to be able to learn from adults like you. Once again thank you and God bless everyone, Amen!


I remember I was playing with some online friends and there came a friend of one of them and LITERALLY STARTED TALKING ABOUT THE SALVAYION SUDDENLY LIKE THE SIN WAS A VIRUS! that surprised me a lot I just saw the chance to get a new friend that believes and when he left, one of mine asked if I was a christian, straight to the point I said yes and asked if they were too, the one asked said yes, and the other one said no, I didn't know how to help the one said no but I felt happy about having one atleast, and no need to hide it from them. Same with my family, my parents are christian but my mother is the one pulled me in and I'm happy about it, will never regret about listenning.


I'm a high-school freshie. I have tried to tell some people I know about the glorious gospel of Christ, but I'm super afraid that I may lead someone astray or butcher something real bad. These tips helped a lot, man. Thanks. Keep doing what you're doing!


Pro Tip: A lot of popular Evangelists go with the gospel conversation starter “Do you believe in an afterlife?” Get to know them and their beliefs. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you too! God Bless! ❤️‍🔥✝️


For people who are saying "I don't want to introduce Christ to my friends because I don't want to offend them and lose our friendship":

Would you rather offend a friend to Heaven or comfort a friend to Hell?


I really needed this. I'm sort of an introverted person and not very good at conversation but lately God has been guiding me towards helping my friends and those around me get saved. I know so much can go wrong but this video has really helped realise alot of things. Thank you for this! ( and God for making it possible )


Thank you, I sometimes wanna share my faith to friends or coworkers but don’t know how to go about it so thank you for these tips. 🙏🏽


*Romans 10:15 - “And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”* 💖

Through the Gospel and the Gospel only we may be saved, that is why we need to share this great joy with others! ❤️‍🔥✝️⭐️


"Risk it for the biscuit" along with your laugh while saying it, was so funny & heartwarming 😂🥰
The Lord bless you, brother!! Thank you for this! 💕


someone in my family left the faith and criticizes me for being religious pls pray for them I don’t want to preach to them bc it annoys them and I’m afraid of driving them further away from Jesus, we don’t rlly have a relationship anymore bc they distanced themselves but I keep praying for them but seeing them be more and more worldly and hateful makes me lose hope sometimes but I know that God is good and it’s in his hands 🖤
