Everything wrong with the 'System' (Educate yourself)

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This is about the importance of doing your own research and keeping yourself informed, illustrated through the story of Jeff.

0:00 The Wallet scene
1:00 Jeff's story / Problem with conventional birthing
1:31 Mild opiod-like effect of sugar
2:00 Jeff's USDA diet
2:25 Enter prescription drugs
2:54 Jeff and the School System
3:31 Cost of college
4:12 Jeff gets married (and shells out the dough)
4:53 Jeff and his weight gain
5:37 Harmful statin drugs
6:57 The deal with Drugs
7:57 Jeff's son Jack
8:20 GI Microbiome and ADHD
9:33 Jeff questions conventions
10:12 Alternative education systems
10:40 Big organizations don't have the individual's best interest in mind
12:35 Back to the wallet

Clips from:
Spielberg's "Catch me if you can"
The Simpsons
Chris Bell's "Prescription Thugs"
JAT Production's "Scholarslip: A documentary about the student debt crisis"
TRU TV's "Adam Ruins Everything"
CBC's Fifth Estate: "The Secrets of Sugar"
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Just remember, government and corporations run on money, not your wellbeing


Moral of the Story: A skeptical mind is a healthy mind. Question everything.


the more time I spend trying to stay on top of my life in a sense, the more I realize the world isn't looking out for you and it's becoming increasingly important to look out for yourself, not trust the information that's got strings/money attached, but instead trust yourself to do the research and self-educate.


This is a great example of how to think for yourself. It doesn't mean EVERYTHING is a lie, but it does mean that what you've been told and what you never question might not be totally true.


He Is saying that You should pratice skeptisism, Just beacuse something Is commonly accepted doesnt mean its true.


You must spend ALOT of time going through Simpsons episodes to find the bits you want.. always great content in your videos, thank you


Funny, i recently finished college. I got all the best grades that i could, yet i feel like i learn nothing about it. I got much more by myself, testing, searching, practicing, reading and consulting.
I feel like i wasted my life.


8:27 this is extremely true. My wife argued to be let our baby be born naturally. It’s not uncommon for hospitals to push for C section as it is faster and (coincidently makes the most profits to the hospital) and to make it worse, women have to stay longer there. All at the expense of “move it quick. But she persisted and we have a healthy baby boy who NEVER gets sick! It’s insane. I have had the flu and he doesn’t. But again breast feeding is another factor for his strong health. He gets all the antibodies of his mom even before he can fight anything and his body advances much faster than a formula fed baby. Everyone thinks he’s 3-4 years when he’s only 1


There are two quotes that go well together: "choose a person who has achieved what you want and model your own habits and values after theirs." and "look at what 90% of people do and do the opposite." Most people are unsuccessful, unhappy and unhealthy, and yet we tend to take advise from our unhealthy, unsuccessful and unhappy peers while vilifying those who have achieved what we want and should be taken as role models. It may well be true that the system is rigged against us, but we knew that already for many decades, and yet we still comply with everything the system imposes onto us. Instead of letting the system rule us, we should use the system for our own benefit. Do the opposite of what the drug industry and food industry want us to, do proper research outside of school, expect everything anybody ever tells you to be propaganda aimed to manipulate you, do your own research but keep in mind that all research results are written not by the scientists but by the people funding the form your own opinions.


I would share this everywhere but nobody actually cares or listens


when i was a kid my mom believed heavily in doctors and their recommendations. it was terrible, went to many therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other doctors. i was put on the plethora of adhd meds and depression meds. it all made me feel like garbage and after awhile i told my mom i dont want it anymore and she let me stop. i will not put my children through that shit. yes my son cant focus on school work, you know why? because hes a fucking child that wants to play and not do boring school work. its not a fucking disorder, its childhood.


I’m a chemistry major, and I can tell you that medical research and most scientific research IS guided by large institutional interest. After WW2 rich investors noticed that new discover in science (electricity, penicillin, nuclear power) could turn a profit, and decided to fund public education especially in areas of math and science. However, they funded the schools and universities with the full intention of making scientist who would work for the interest of large cooperations. This why there were many “scientific studies” in the early 1950’s that showed putting lead in every day products, such as makeup, was absolutely harmless. Now with the invention of synthetic materials, such as plastics and synthetic drugs, companies push scientists to release poorly done studies that state there is “no evidence” of the harm of these products. Of course there is “no evidence”, NO ONE IS FUNDING THE RESEARCH TO CHECK IF IT IS SAFE TO USE OR NOT! Scientists have their hands tied, and they know it, and the large companies know this.


That video of the tobacco companies saying nicotine is not addictive is jaw dropping


The point here is... many people confuse "knowledge" and "understanding"... just because you know about something, doesn't  mean you understand it...  "What I've Learned" is attempting to awaken that...


I loved the way you used Simpsons as a narrative to make what you say more relatable to those of us who feel that information whirls around too quickly to always discern and glean truth


I am pleased to know that someone on YouTube actually educates people instead of just feeding the popular information to people


Great video, I just have a problem with the clip at 9:05. Don't let basic chemistry scare you into depriving you or your loved ones of medication they might actually need. While the formulas for meth and adderall LOOK very similar, so are the formulas for CO2(harmless) and CO(deadly), or NaF(toothpaste) and NaCl(table salt). All I'm saying, basing the supposed similarity of meth and adderall (which I'm NOT disputing) on a chart in a Youtube video contradicts the overall message of this video, which is to educate yourself.


Porn, fast food, cigarette, alcohol, social media ( YT, instagram, fb) confuse and weaken us mentally and physically. And somebody making big bucks for that


Just be careful if assuming that drugs that are chemically similar means they are the same. They aren't and you shouldn't assume so..


Him: This is your brain on drugs, any questions?
Me: Are you gonna eat that?
