Best 3 Day Workout Plan to Build Muscle: FULL BODY or PPL?

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What is the best 3 day workout plan to build muscle: Full Body, or PPL? In this video we compare Push Pull Legs to a Full Body training routine to find out which one is best for muscle gain. I created a Full Body & PPL Hybrid Split that combines both of these training programs into the ultimate 3 day workout plan for muscle mass. I talk about how to schedule your workouts and choose the right exercises for each of your training days.

I’ve said in previous videos that Push Pull Legs is the best training split for building muscle. But Full Body workouts are another popular choice for beginner weight lifters. One of the main benefits of doing PPL is it allows you to train each muscle twice a week and rest each muscle 72 hours between workouts. But what if you only lift weights three days a week?

In that case, I don’t think Push Pull Legs is the best option. Full body workouts are the most flexible since you can do any exercise on any day. Doing Full Body 3 days a week makes it simple to target each muscle as often as you’d like. But with the added flexibility of this routine, there’s more to keep track of to achieve a balanced physique.

When doing PPL, you don’t have to worry about what exercises to choose because you’re essentially doing the same handful of exercises every time, depending on which day it is. It’s not as straightforward with a Full Body plan. By combining the flexibility of a Full Body routine to the structure of Push Pull Legs, you can keep a consistent rotation of exercises and spread the work evenly across all the muscle groups.

00:00 - Best 3 Day Workout Plan to Build Muscle
00:34 - Push Pull Legs vs. Full Body Workout
04:37 - Full Body & Push Pull Legs Hybrid Split
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Perfect 3 days workout, didn't manage to find any better online ! Thanks a lot


Perfect for the busy people! Much Appreciated!


As a beginner to intermediate and after trying different methods I've settled with a push, pull, legs, rest, total upper body, rest, legs, I've stacked the push and pull together to create an extra rest day, I would make the upper body a full body but the legs need the extra day, hit the push pull and legs consistently and then get some room to play with for the rest of the week, really helps me balance my life out


I like the idea of as I call it "Full Body Push/Pull". What I mean with this is that you do "leg push movements" on push day aswell and "leg pull movements" on pull day.
You have two types of workouts:
- Push + quads (and if you want to isolate it: calves and/or adductor)
- Pull + hamstrings (and if you want to isolate it: abductor)
This cycles after 2 weeks: First week is push, pull, push and second week is pull, push, pull.
With this you hit every muscle group 3 times in 2 weeks and have great recovery time.


I do a push, and mix in half of my leg work out with it, supersetting. A pull, mixing the other half of leg day. Day off, and then repeat. 4 day a week work out. Mon: Push/legs. Tue : Pull /legs. Thur: Push/ legs. Fri : Pull/ legs. Works for me. Sat, Sun, Wed rest days.


Upper/lower/full body works well for a 3 day/week split aswell. Keep it simple but heavy on full body day, do 3-4 compund movements and you'll hit every muscle group twice a week aswell


This is perfect man, thank you so much for the tips and the quality of the video! ❤️


Great video. Definitely deserves more views. I guess I might be in a weird demographic for lifters who know enough to actually understand this but not enough to already know this. For example I’m an intermediate lifter trying to design a program for my friend who is a beginner.


Great video. I have seen a lot of video about 3 day programs recently and this is so far the best one and is worth a try. I am training 3 days a week. Was doing PPL at first, but it definitely doesn't work well for a 3 day. Than went for a full body and it feels much better. I plan to switch it up a little, because I want to hit each muscle group a little bit harder and hit it twice a week I'm thinking of doing Day 1 Push and Legs, Day 2 Pull and Push, day 3 Legs and Pull, but maybe I'll try your way as well.


This is how I've set up my full-body training. Each day has a different focus. The only difference is I've found it helpful to start with the Leg focused day and end with the Pull day. Especially if you are going to be squatting and deadlifting heavy in the same week (relative to you) as it allows for more recovery between those sessions. Less relevant if you aren't deadlifting/squatting heavy.


I learned so much in this vid. I'm a beginner/intermediate that is getting back into the gym bc I have free access in my apt building. I've never been intentional or consistent with fitness despite playing sports all my life. I'm way too lean and I wanna add a little bit of muscle (low expectations) so I'm gonna use your videos to create a more intentional and consistent weekly plan. Next is researching nutrition for lean bulk.


Full body 3x a week only gets you 10% more gains than Full body 2x a week... Something to keep in mind if you have limited time.


I went from 1 1/2 ppl rotation/week to just one due to time restriction and was just about to build a 3 day full body instead, but this was a very interesting approach that i look forward to try!


Amazing hybrid. Was looking for a routine with the best of both worlds. Thank you


This is actually perfect! It’s going to take me some time to fill out which exercises to fill this out with but this is the perfect plan for me..


This is great ! Thanks for sharing. Limited on time to workout these days with kids. This is the perfect split.


Man, I will try this imediatly next week. I've being trading full body and PPL each month, never knowing exactly what to do. That is a very good plan


Thank you so much for making this I’m gonna give this a try. I’ve been struggling to find the right split with my schedule and this looks promising.


Could make a more detailed Video for this Trainings-System: Which exercises, how many sets per bodypart, how many RIR, How many Reps. Greetings from Germany 😊


I'm gonna use your hybrid split, i think it's awesome, but could you tell me which exercises i should practice on each day? Thanks a lot.
