Valve.. It's Time to Give F2P's Their Chat Back...

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Valve.. it's about time F2Ps should be able to use the in game chat again, please fix

Twitter + Instagram : spikeymikeyYT

#TF2 #spikeymikey #TeamFortress2
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It's very sad they can't even call for medic, Valve should do something


The least Valve could do is allow F2P accounts use the Voice Lines to be able to communicate in some way. I know that the bots used the voice commands and absurdly long names with spaces to "clear" chat as a way to keep players in a server in the dark and to prevent any coordination between the two teams but if my memory serves me correctly they released an update that changed the way custom usernames worked to prevent these sorts of things. Besides, some bot owners have turned their bot accounts into premium accounts and have spammed chat with both deception, clearing chat, offensive remarks, and even spamming the "Good Shot" voice line pretty much putting F2Ps at a serious disadvantage especially since the last time I played this year name stealing bots made a return and tricked people into kicking innocent players.


For me, it makes new players have a terrible time!
When I first started playing TF2, I had no clue wtf I was doing, what to do, the meta, anything!
So you know what I did, I got help. I asked people for help. Asked them good weapon combos, what weapons to not use.
So imagine playing TF2 the first time, asking how the hell to even upgrade a sentry.
And learning you need to SPEND MONEY in a FREE GAME about TEAMWORK to COMMUNICATE!
Valve makes plenty of money off of Steam and CS:GO skins. They can just add back the feature to communicate at this point.


sometimes I play medic and the f2p heavies are so used to being ignored, (they eat their sanvich and stuff) but eventually once they realize that I trust them they start playing cooperatively as if they are a whole new player. this specific heavy i encountered was around lvl 90-120. This heavy used body motion and drops sanviches, knows how to avoid sightlines and overall a good heavy. Just from simply not being able to cal lmedic at the start of the round I always saw the guy eat sanviches in the corner


The very least valve can do is let free to plays use voice commands, disabling it made no sense because you can't even spam it and you can't annoy or use hate speech directly towards people with it.


Disabling Voice Commands for F2P players has done absolutely nothing to stop the bots from spamming the chat(s). As a F2P Medic, every bot I saw at the peak of the bot crisis (the months leading up to #saveTF2) would shout "Good Shot Mate!" on regular intervals to invoke irony, spit pre-generated text into chat whenever someone mentioned "Bot", "Hacker", or "F1", and shouted obnoxious sounds into Team Voice Chat to drown everything else out- all while wearing glowing, jingly hats they bought from the MannCo store. Heck, I made an hour-long video where I tried to find a bot-free server- and in almost every server I joined, I knew within ten seconds if there was a bot due to the spamming! Disabling the chat(s) was supposed to stop that- clearly, it did nothing! If anything, it just made it harder for F2Ps to avoid getting kicked by same-name bots calling votes on them.

TL;DR: Bot Hosters are willing to pay real money to allow their bots to spam while they cheat. Giving F2P back their voice commands, even if it is just so we can say "Medic!" or "Spy!", won't change a thing about standard bot behavior or their ability to cheat- so it should just be reverted, for the sake of the real players who might actually need it.


As a F2P that was gifted an Upgrade to Premium, I was very sad that I couldn't speak. At least they could add so if you do get the Upgrade to Premium, you could use the text chat or voice chat, AT LEAST THE VOICE COMMANDS


as someone who just started playing this year I was SO confused for the longest time as to why i couldn't talk in casual but I could talk in community servers, so frustrating and confusing for new players


I've had this game since the orange box release, and I agree that preventing any legitimate player from using chat beyond as the temporary measure it should have been is lunacy on level with guilty until proven innocent.


Im a F2P with 400 hours on tf2 and well yes indeed its not so easy when you cant call for medic or spy
Sometimes when i see a spy going to stab my team, all i can do is following him and try my best to kill him


as a medic main, it breaks my heart to know f2ps cant call for help
it discourages them to keep playing :(

edit: ty guys i forgot the autocall was added :>


I think a simple fix for this problem would be to re-enable chat for free accounts, but have automatic chat filtering for them. This would mean legitimate f2ps could communicate, and bots would have a more difficult time spreading hate speech.


As a f2p, I can tell when there is a spy disguised as me when they call for medic.


YES YES as a f2p i completely agree ive seen f2ps like myself who cant kick the few bots that are there


seeing how the bot issue is largely solved, it's probably a good idea to unlock it for F2ps


I agree that valve should give f2ps their chat abilities back but only if they have a certain amount of hours, like 40 hours gives you the ability to chat and, if you get kicked from a lobby for cheating multiple times in a day, say 4 times, you get a temporary mute for like an hour.


this came as a shock to me, a few weeks ago, I thought to myself, "hey, I should download TF2 again, I kinda miss it", the last time I played the game would've ben around 2018-2019, I joined a match and found out I couldn't communicate in ANY WAY whatsoever... that just SUCKS man. What kind of a company is Valve to lock literal communication in a team based game behind a paywall? (not like anyone actually uses comms besides funny)


Please bring chat back It's been pretty frustrating to play without communication especially when you need it most like calling for a big push, gathering around for a retake, wanting help to charge up uber, etc.


until recently i was a f2p, i pretty much only played community servers, i had over 500 hours on the game as a f2p, luckily some guy in a server had an upgrade to premium gift and gave it to me, that was one of the best tf2 experiences i’ve ever had


If they were to revoke the change I reckon it will be thrown in with Scream Fortress 2022. That event always brings in new players.
