How a Christian Can Have New Age Beliefs and Not Even Know it

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How is it that I spent a portion of my Christian life believing in New Age and occult beliefs… and not even know it? In fact… I thought they WERE Christian beliefs! Is that you? Whether it’s through neglecting reading Scripture, and accepting something more culturally comfortable, or through some supposed spiritual self-help Christian books, giving’ love and light’, or even more aggressive embracement of the New Age by welcoming the teachings… *cough... cough... BETHEL..cough*… This is one of my main passions in ministry, and something I want to specifically talk about in this video.

Greg Koukl and Frank Turek's books: (seriously some of the best books on my bookshelf. I would highly suggest you get a copy of each of these books)

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I want to remind everyone to keep in mind that when I read from the Christian books, the point *was* to cherry-pick and take it out of context to *make it sound New Age.* Some people are (Unnecessarily) concerned and say they are new age, but I assure you, they're not. I was demonstrating a point. The books I read from are from some of the most solid Christians you'll ever come across. I would hope that people with this concern don't miss the whole point of the video- that New Age teachers use the same terminology and Scriptures that Christians do, and they can get a biblically illiterate Christian into quite the theological chokehold because of it.

So no, the Christian books are not "New Age." I demonstrated how they can be taken out of context to be abused by the New Age.


The devil quoted scripture when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness after his baptism. But he had taken it out of context and twisted it. Jesus fought back with more scripture. He didn't argue with the devil or bargain, he simply quoted scripture.


New age is actually not new at all. New age is all about you, real christianity is all about Jesus.


Reading your Bible is key. To not read it, you are doomed To be duped.


We still need to be discerning when reading books that are actually legitimately christian. Even those authors don't get everything right.


The new age depersonalizes Jesus. He's just a consciousness or a level to attain. Jesus in reality wants a personal relationship with us. We are dependent on him. In new age there isn't a submission to Jesus as God. New age definitely denies the existence of sin and need for a Savior. New age leads to death and doesn't satisfy our true needs to be loved, freedom from sin, and it denies truth!!


ALWAYS stay in prayer and in your Bible.


I was saved at age 6. Fell away at age 19 for 30 years until age 49, 8 years ago. Am now back. That won't happen again.


When I was in the New Age movement, we called it Spiritualism and/or Metaphysics. We attended "church" on Sundays and Wednesday evenings, and then had classes to teach meditation in order to get in touch with our true selves and our "spirit guides". Yes, spirit guides! I used to channel "spirit", as well as work at several metaphysical gatherings where I gave "readings", for money of course. I didn't get rich but I made a living for about three years, and had a decent reputation within the circle of people I ran with. It is very frightening to get involved as deeply as I did. What made me leave? Frankly I believe it was the Holy Spirit. I was leaving the so called church I was a part of when I clearly heard a question. "Do you know how many would you have mislead?". That shook me to my core. Although I didn't start going to a Christian Church right away (it was NOT a good church!), I did renounce the movement I was in and quit all ties with the people as well. My story is long. Too long for this comment section. Let's just say that videos like this from real Christians is more important now. The condition of today's world requires people who are strong enough, and courageous enough, to speak God's Truth. And please, don't just read your Bible. Study God's Holy Word and develop a relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.


The Secret was so popular among celebrities when it first came out. That alone clued me in to the fact that it wasn't biblical.


Bro I got every one of those books wrong that’s crazy. Glad I left it, the secret really messed me up. Reading the Bible helped me discern truth.


It’s so disheartening to hear mature Christians say that these things don’t matter or that they aren’t harmful. Dear Lord help us discern!


This is so important because it can be so confusing.


My bff started talking about astrology and her zodiac sign, now she is getting reiki healing and told me, "I don't care what you think about it ", she is really saying she doesn't care what God thinks. I am praying that the Lord opens her eyes to what she's doing. It's heartbreaking to see someone walk away from the faith.


Becoming saved after over 25 years as a practicing witch I find myself confused sometimes at how easily people fall into these traps. To them I say... Please, do not think yourselves stupid or weak. The nature of the enemy is insidious. Cleave only to our Heavenly Father and THE WORD. 💖🙏⚓🙌💖


This may be an oversimplification but it really sounds like it boils down a trust/belief in self vs belief/trust in Christ and Christ alone. This goes back to the serpent in the garden. The oldest lie in the Bible.


This makes me sad, confused, and concerned watching this. I was raised Christian my entire life, had a few years of not living for Christ at all, and now want to seek out His truth more than ever. Both my parents helped to create that foundation of Christianity and knowledge of Scripture, as well as a handful of churches. The older I get, the more concern I have had for my mother and all the new "Christian teachings" she's learning. I couldn't understand why, for years, I felt so uneasy about different groups she'd be involved with, books she was reading and encourage me to read (which I never cared to get into), and different events she would attend... They freaked me out and still do and I couldn't pinpoint it. Videos such as this, have brought up a lot of clarity... and now I feel confused and conflicted and concerned. The same woman who taught me so much about scripture, is constantly saturating her mind with New Age material and surrounding herself with so many New Agers who claim to be Christians and walking in alignment with God and Scripture. It's unsettling. I do believe the Lord has given me a spirit of discernment, which I often pray will be strengthened. I want to know and seek His truth, and learning that the ones I thought I could trust the most, are the ones, themselves misguided, has placed a heavy burden on my heart, which I am now asking the Holy Spirit how I should be praying for the ones closest to me, my mother included.


The Holy Spirit gives those who are in love with Jesus the ability to know the difference. Without him, you fall for Anything, my friend.


it happened to me! I've been a Christian for a few years, my sister introduced me to chakras and i trusted her and started doing sage and chakra stones and fell in the youtube rabbit hole of all this stuff and i was totally deceived, thank the lord for showing me a testimony of a girl doing new age, i never even heard of it but when she shared her story i was like OH NO something isn't right i need to repent, my sister ended up getting saved a few days later.


It's crazy how the devil is so worried about folks knowing who Jesus is!!! Just verifies the power in that Name
