What Does “Deliverance” TRULY Look like for a Christian?

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Can homosexuals truly be delivered from same-sex attraction? Let me put it another way. When God "delivers" a Christian from a sin, does that mean that the temptation towards that sin just goes away? Well, because I've never struggled with same-sex attraction, I wanted you to hear from the perspectives of a couple of people who have. In this video I feature clips from Dr. Christopher Yuan and Jackie Hill Perry. I hope you are encouraged to look at "deliverance" in a different way than every before.











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Hey BEAT family! So, check this out. I know at first glance you may think, "well, this video is not for me." But, before you go there, let me challenge you with this thought. Do we really understand what true "deliverance" looks like no matter what your sin struggle might be? Is it something mystical and magical that when you experience it, your temptation towards it goes away for life? Or, might it look a bit different than we may think or may have been taught? In this video, I focus specifically on same-sex attraction but the principles shared in this video will apply to any sin no matter what. I hope you enjoy this and are encouraged by it.


"I love God more than what I am tempted by." Is for all of us.


The same day that I received Jesus Christ into my heart, I was delivered from lesbianism....Thank You Jesus.


I can only testify to my own witness regarding addiction. When I couldn't control and end my drinking addiction and knowing how it grieved my wife, I went into my bedroom and fell on my knees, even crying out to God. I implored Him, to take it out of my life because I could not. The moment I stood up, the feeling of wanting to have a drink was no longer with me. Since then I have not wanted to have a drink or even care if others around me drink. He cured me completely and on that day He showed Himself to me in a life-altering way. Trust Him and give your life to Him for He loves you.


"I love God more than what I'm tempted by" Jackie Jill Smith said. Omg brought tears to my eyes, I love that saying. How real! Some of us Christians behave like we never get tempted again. LIE!!!


Hi, my name is Noah and I’ve been a born again Christian and ex-bi since July 2020, and I’m really struggling with SSA, same sex pornography and masturbation for months .Please pray for my deliverance and breakthrough 🙏🏼🥺 God bless you ❤️.


Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall recieve the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. James 1:12(KJV)


This video really encouraged me. When I was 21 years old I “came out” to my parents as bisexual. When I felt the Lord calling me back to him when I turned 22, I was kind of expecting those feelings would just go away, yet they didn’t. Even when I was praying and reading the Bible daily those thoughts were still there, I didn’t think I was even saved. Now I’m 23 and I’ve came to the realization that, like they said in the video, it’s not about being tempted but what you do in the midst of temptation. Although I’d be pretty stoked if I didn’t, I’m sure I will struggle with it til the day I die but God is so good he’s giving me strength to resist. If you’re struggling with this remember to keep the faith even if you’re falling short. We are saved by grace through faith and not by works - if you remain faithful God will give you strength to resist the enemy.


Homosexuality has been something that i have struggled with for most of my life.
Although i have always had a spiritual connection with The Lord, i always felt a lacking on my part.
It was torturous for me because i was caught between having faith and hating myself.

i was always deferred to the line in Leviticus where it outright called homosexuality an abomination, but i rationalized it by telling (deceiving) myself that it was in the Old Testament and that Jesus came and changed all that.
i had tried and failed many times at relationships with men for over 20 years, and i couldn't figure out why i was so miserable no matter the situation.

It didn't matter what kind of guy i was with or how old he was. It would always end in the same way: heartache and misery. i knew that The Lord loved me because of the many times that he had saved my life and kept me from getting sick. ... but deep down i knew it wasn't quite enough to just believe, accept blessings and grace.
i even held off on calling myself a Christian for years because it felt like a lie.
i just didn't know what to do anymore.
Time and time again, i tried praying the gay away.

Since the prayers didn't work, i figured that i was meant to be this way and that i was just unlucky in love.
Then i met a man just last summer. We got along fine.
It was clear that we loved each other and i felt as if my "Happily Ever After" had finally come.
He even bought me a KJV Bible for Christmas because i mentioned that i wanted a Bible with the word "firmament" in it. i have always enjoyed reading about the beginning, but the military-published bible that i had for years cut the word out.

i had been taking my new bible to work with me every night and reading books that i never paid much attention to.
Now sometime in December or January i had prayed and asked The Lord to take this man out of my life if he is not supposed to be in it.
i "heard" his voice tell me that i had to get him out of my life myself, but not to be afraid, because He would be with me.
Fast forward to late February of 2024:
i was watching a video on a gossip channel where the guy referenced Romans 12:2.
The scripture intrigued me, especially, because i NEVER thought twice about Romans. So i decided to start from the beginning of the book. While reading, i found the confirmation that i needed.
Romans 1:24 shook me to my core.
i knew what i had to do, but i didn't know how i was going to do it or if i even could.

THEN i asked myself a question:
Which do you love more? Do you love God or do you love the sin?
The answer was clear and true.
i loved the sin but denounced my homosexuality and broke it off with my then man-friend (40 is far too old to be calling somebody a boyfriend).

i had gone to church for most of my life and walked up to the pulpit time and time again, but this was the very first time that i felt born again; SAVED.
i haven't actually been to church since, maybe, 2012?
i'm not a heterosexual now, but i no longer feel bound by my former lifestyle.
It isn't easy because i remember EVERYTHING about my past life and i feel very guilty about it, but it gets easier to deal with each day and i truly feel that i am on the right path.
Now more than ever before.

In the end, i chose God, and i have absolutely no regrets.
My hope now is that other gay people will find the truth and grow from it.


"I love God more than what I'm tempted by." I LOVE that!


Love Jackie Hill Perry! She always keeps it real. First guy kind of danced around the question.


Jesus can heal any form of brokenness!


my friend now is trying so hard to be delivered from being bisexual. i’m sending this to her now, thank you SO mcuh Allen i’m forever grateful❤️


sexual sins are one of the most hardest to get delivered from. theses sins feel good, feel natural, so it's hard to shake. In order to get deliverance, you have to want and believe you can be delivered. a lot of the time in our hearts we don't truly have the desire to part ways from what has felt good and natural all this time. James 1:14-16 says "Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away" if you have a disease that's painful you will definitely want to get rid of it and believe for it to be gone. that's an easier thing to believe you can be delivered from there's no temptation there, there's nothing that feel good about that disease, there's no connection to it. that's my take on it.


Thank you for such teachings! I hope this gets to whoever the spirit of the Lord needs it to be overflowing✨


I'm your average gen z/millenial cusp exposed to p//orn at a young age. Dated girls online (as a girl myself) since the age of 8. Thought I was gay from ages 12-19. Pursued gay relationships - even thought I was transgender at one point and everyone affirmed me -- even encouraged via teachers at school. I believed my thoughts were my identity (big mistake). Until I heard straight people also get attacked by as many homosexual thoughts just as gays do. But gays induldge in those thoughts, thinking it's good (calling good evil and evil good) because society says it's okay, and live out what our minds practices meditating on.

Anyway, I got out of college (the education system is rampant w societal ideologies that corrupt and confuse children), got around better people, learned about the Lord. It was difficult and messy process to undo the damage, and it took me 4 years to get back on the right track. Now, I'm in a Christ-centered (straight) relationship, Christ-centered friendships, have never had gay thoughts, and feel more innocent and kind.

Homosexuality is a side-effect of fear trauma (p/rn) depression which results from not loving God, and therefore loving evil.


Yes, you can. Apart of my testimony is when I was involved in that life style, I woke up one morning and God had completely snatched that desire/attraction from me. I know people were praying for me. That was apart of His plan in that moment of my life. After that day, I had broke up with my gf at the time. After that experience, I was not saved, but didn't end up getting saved until years later. Does the enemy try to tempt me in that area, he sure does, but that is not who I am. Everyone does not have the same experience. Underneath all those broken layers my issue was lust/ need for validation/acceptance, low self-esteem, rejection and sense of belonging (to name a few). God deals with the roots.


When Christ is our center, our focus, and we die to our sins, become slaves to righteousness, then in sanctification we grow to hate what God hates, even when tempted. So I would think the temptation would still be a thing, but we grow to hate it as sin and same with any other sin. Yeun hit it on the head.

Jackie's testimony was very honest and beautiful in her transformation as she works out her salvation. ❤ Praise God, thank Jesus.


Deliverance doesn’t mean automatically they have become heterosexuals and they are now attracted to the opposite sex.

Deliverance means they learn to love God more than the sin. Deliverance means they choose God more than the sin, fighting against the temptation.

They learn to repent, surrender, trust, and then follow God, living Gods truth, and giving into Gods truth to prevent the homosexual temptation to grow into actions. This stage takes a very long time, it won’t happen overnight.

All of this happens before they accept being a heterosexual and begin having an attraction to the opposite sex.

Everyone has temptation, being a Christian doesn’t completely erase the temptation. It will always be there but we learn to choose God over the temptation. We choose God over the sin.

The purpose of being a Christian is too choose God first, love God first, seek God first, and look at God first before anything and anyone. Stop pretending only unbelievers have sins. Christians still struggle with sin. They are never erased.


God's timing truly is on point...I was just thinking about it and telling myself that I don't think I'll ever be free, right after it I received the email concerning this video.
