Sermon on Calvinism: God is Sovereign (Part 1)

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Watch this newest sermon from Apologia Church. Pastor Jeff Durbin begins our series on the Doctrines of Grace or the Five Points of Calvinism. Pastor Jeff explains a bit of the history but focuses more upon the Biblical texts that support TULIP. This is our new series and more will come each week. Dr. James White will also be teaching during this series. We encourage you to be willing to listen to the texts and challenge your own traditions with the inspired Word of God.

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“Is anything too hard for God? No, not even the salvation of dead sinners. Welcome to Calvinism.” Best line I’ve heard in a long time.


People that hate Calvinism or (The Doctrines of Grace) need to really understand that grace literally means undeserved favour. The Bible says we are all dead in our sin from birth and children of wrath. Without God’s grace to regenerate a person/ cause them to be born again, we are doomed! Being born again or regenerate is completely 100% a miraculous work of God. None of us deserve Heaven but only Hell, so the fact that God saves even one person is Amazing Grace!!!🙏❤️.


One year ago I was fully Arminian. After watching American Gospel and studying the scriptures, I left the charismatic movement and I slowing became a three point Calvinist. Now after watching this sermon, I'm fully Calvin. It all makes sense.


Like Jeff Durbin, before I heard of Calvinism I knew that when God drew me to Christ by the prayers of believers, God chose me. I never sought the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He wooed me with His powerful, irresistible grace. I could not refuse His invitation. Christ entered me and made me His own.


Thank you Brother Jeff for "no holds barred" preaching, and having the courage to tell it like it straight from the mouth of our Lord Jesus....!!
SOLI DEO GLORIA....! Blessings from South Africa.!


Couldn’t have done it without Christ. I loved my sin.


Currently reading The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Loraine Boettner. I ordered the book after I listened to this sermon, among many others, by Pastor Jeff. I was raised as a charasmatic premellennial, but recently, I have been questioning some things. I think I can say that I'm definitely not premellennial anymore. I have been reading the book of Matthew daily and trying to put my traditions aside while doing so. I was reading chapter 22 yesterday morning, and it finally hit me. I'm think I'm a calvanist, y'all. Pray for me, though, because I don't know how this will sit with my family. But I do know that God is sovereign in my life and no one else.


I have never had grace explained so perfectly to me. I never had that heart understanding that made me want to serve God with love so much as a result of understanding the grace. I was dead. Not just sick. Dead! Not dragging myself, not fighting for my life, absolutely dead. When I see it that way, as the Bible says it, and I realize the ONLY reason I am not is because God Himself has drawn me in (hopefully I'm in the group) then THAT has the power to change me. I feel like I understand the gospel 100x better.

I also love this conversation on predestination, etc. Admittedly it is scary. Others also make good points. Is this what the Dr. White and Dr. Brown debate was based on?

Thanks Jeff and Apologia for this video. It has really blown my mind and lit my heart on fire again.


I heard Vodie Bauchum once use the following illustration in so many words: Have you ever heard someone say that it's as though Jesus is above the water and he's reaching down to save you; if you would only reach up and grab a hold of him, he'd save you? Dead men don't grab.



Excellent teaching on the sovereignty of God! Thank you, Jesus, for opening my eyes to your Word!


Just remember, brothers, all of these quarrels about doctrine neither save nor condemn. But only worship in spirit and truth, believing and proclaiming that Christ is our King, that he died and rose again. I love the brother's passion.


We should be challenged by the Word and embrace correction through the exposition of truth through the Holy Spirit and diligent teachers who embrace fully the infallibility of Scripture. 2 Timothy 3:16 - "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, "


I like how he uses the kjv, in order to speak to the ifb's.


Jesus is the means while the Holy spirit is the The father chose you before he ever thrown the stars into existence. all will be saved that are in the lambs book of life.


Thank you Jeff, God has used you and Pastor and Dr James white to teach me and I'm now reformed. It's such a relief to know that I don't have anything to do with my Salvation, because I trust Jesus not myself. God bless you 🙏 and yes I am sharing it with my family and ithers.


What a fantastic message on God is Sovereign it is only on almost every page of the Bible.


Wow this is such a huge 1000% sharing this to my charismatic friends


You go Brother Jeff, preach the WORD, GOD'S WORD. May the Lord bless your ministry and work.


Im a carer working in a nursing home....and I'm blessed to share the Gospel with those who are depressed and lost...

I witnessed a man eyes light up last week when I told him God loved him.
A flicker of hope I saw....Yes....I can tell him this based on John 3:16....

Is it God's special covenant love that he has for his people and those he has chosen in Christ who will be saved Acts 13:48....
For this person...i don't know, however, God's universal love for sinners is real ...otherwise having Jesus work through those of us with a heart for the lost is pointless.


Keep em coming pastor Jeff/Dr. White. As someone who adheres to reformed theology, I am going to love and appreciate this series.
