Calvinism Sermon: God's Sovereignty (Part 1)

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What are the Five Points of Calvinism? Do the Doctrines of Grace have anything, ultimately, to do with a man named John Calvin? Or, are they truly biblical and find their foundation in the Scriptures themselves? In this message, Pastor Jeff Durbin (Apologia Church/Radio/TV) teaches for our series on the Doctrines of Grace. This message was on the foundations of the acrostic, TULIP: the sovereignty of God.

How sovereign is God? Is He mostly sovereign or completely sovereign? How important is this particular issue? Does it really matter? Are the Scriptures unclear?

We would encourage you to get out your bible, a notebook, and a pen. Watch this message and test your traditions by the Scriptures. The Scriptures are the sole infallible rule of faith, therefore, our beliefs must be consistent with the Word of God and we must be willing to abandon any belief that contradicts God's Word no matter how long we've held them or how cherished it has become.

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i fought and argued against the doctrines of grace and sovereignity for years. Then a pastor did a 7 week series trying to refute calvinism. It was the scriptures he was using that piqued my interest. Somehow, not from myself, I sensed something was very wrong with that series. It was then that I began to sit with the word and let the Holy Spirit reveal to me the meaning of Reformed doctrine as contained in scripture.


One of the most comforting phrases in the whole world: "God is in control."
I often repeat it to myself when I'm scared.


This is the second or third time that I have watched this. I love it. Been saved 47 years and this is the best preacher/ teacher I have ever listened to. Praise God for Jeff.


Second time through. My spirit is quickened. He that has ears let him hear.


I am an "Arminian" who is slowly understanding Reformed theology. I think that Jeff is a remarkable preacher. Great sermon.


I started this video and just cried and cried. I've never been so humbled before in my life.


This man is a fantastic teacher. I've scoured the Scriptures and have found that this man is sound. For you naysayers calling him a false teacher, repent and search the scriptures yourself and don't simply jump to illogical conclusions simply because you don't agree with his position. Jeff preaches Christ and him crucified and that salvation is by God's grace alone. Not exactly a false doctrine by any stretch of the imagination.


It’s light bulb to hear Pastor Durbin message. I am completely amaze how much wisdom Jesus gave it to him while I listen to his sermon. I’ve been new listener. But already anticipating every sermon He will teach to his congregation. May He be Blessed as always in Jesus name.🙏


I am sitting here crying about the grace of God.


Our Will, will never trump God's will


unbelievably on point-just about the best message you will ever hear.


Got saved in 2014. Been reading the bible and learning from God since. I discovered recently that i was a Calvinist before i ever knew what Calvinism was. What is interesting is that i had an aversion to the term Calvinism after hearing so many negative things about it. I urge everyone to check out Gospel of Grace Fellowship. The preaching is pure, biblical, Christ-centered and gospel-centered. I had been watching their sermons for some time and was extremely encouraged by the purity of the doctrine. Then in one sermon the preacher was like, "oh this is Calvinism by the way", and i was like wuuttt. I'm so grateful to understand these things and rejoice in the mercy and wisdom of our Sovereign God.


I used to have OCD very severe. I had obsessions to do certain things that made no sense or feel a certain way in order not to go to He'll. How incredibly comforting and absolutely amazing to finally know that I can do absolutely nothing to save myself! It is ONLY through Jesus Christ that I am saved. How amazingly simple


It is clear to me that this rebel heart is totally incapable of turning to God by my own will. And, having an inkling of the absolute sovereignty of God is, well, beyond words. I'm grateful He pulls the rug out from under us. Great sermon. Thank you.


I thank God for James White and Jeff Durbin. The absolute truth of Calvinism brings that Holy LIGHT to shine so brightly on the darkness of sin and lies that pervades the lives of unbelievers and Arminians. They always have to survive on the arrogant proponents of Karl Barth and other so called higher critics who put themselves above the Bible.


Best message I've heard on this topic.


Thank you so much Pastor Jeff for explaining God's sovereignty. It was easy to understand and opened my eyes.


I was called a Calvinist before I knew what that even meant, my faith is based on Scripture and I only learned that what Calvin teaches agrees with Scripture later. The Sovereignty of The creator of the Universe has been a given to me all my life, long before I received my new birth. The most important part of my salvation experience was my prayer to The Lord that I would know the truth of His word. I came to The Lord as a repentant guilty sinner with nothing to offer, crying out for mercy and for The Lord too show me the truth of His word. I search the scriptures and trust in the Spirits leading. From the time I was saved the Scriptures have been open to me. I'm still learning, God Bless you...


When my mother died when I was 7 I obviously had a hard time with everything. My dad became a alcoholic and blamed me for my mother's death. Long story short I was sleeping with my mom and she had chest pains. I was supposed to wake up my dad on the couch and I accidentally fell asleep. She died because I didn't wake him up for help.He would wake me up drunk on school nights, beat me and remind me of how I killed my own mother. I am 33 now and spent most of my life thinking I killed my mom. I now see why it happened and I think God has a purpose. I was broken until I became a Christian 4 years ago. This is so uplifting because I can now see I wouldn't be here if it wasn't in the plan. I'm now going into ministry and I now can help people who think they have to live with depression. I now can help kids who are going through a terrible time because I have been there. I now can help drug addicts because I was there. I now can help alcoholics because I was there. I was in absolute hell but God was with me even when I tried killing myself. I have zero hatred in my heart, zero want to drink or use, I raise my daughter in a God loving household. I would not be nearly as strong as I am now if it not for my childhood. I am the guy my family calls for help now and someday God willing I'll be the one many will come to in order to meet the one and true God.


Great sermon Jeff, as the title of the best hymn ever written AMAZING GRACE I’m glad God is raising up people like you with an uncompromising message of the true Gospel
