Tension - Aiming's Secret Weapon (advanced)

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Tension is an essential component of the aiming toolkit, yet it is often misunderstood.

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That tip about how enemies are moving slower than you think was super helpful! Whole video was great as well. You are the goat of aim videos!


for starters you cannot be "relaxed" while aiming to begin with, by definition you need to contract muscles to move the mouse, but i get why "tension" is bad, when you feel stressed you have this impulse to tense up way way past what is required to aim at your very best, and this makes you aim worse instead, so really the ideal is to tense just the exact amount of muscle needed to be near 100% of your best


so basically: be conscious and use as little tension as possible but as much as necessary.

imho a tense hand/arm IS generally bad for speed and precision (just like weight lifting/calluses on your palm and fingers ;). i used to work as stage builder/ industrial climber and could feel the impact in my fine motor skills. i think most people play with too much tension and the topic "how to use tension" is very, very advanced (apex jitteraiming for example). i guess most tension most players experience while conventionally tracking/flicking comes from too heavy mice and too high sens and is 99% unnecessary and disadvantageous (can recommend trying <50g mouse).


I think there is one issue with tensing at least for me and that is inconsistency.
I feel like on some days i just apply more pressure than on others.
I recently focused on to get rid of any tension and it took me about 3 months to do so but now i think beeing fully relaxed works better.
First my aim felt completely off and i couldn't get on the target for some reason.
Flicks got alot better wich was horrible at first to do without any tension.
Tracking i still work on and the only time i tense a little bit is if the enemy is far away.
I feel like for close reactive tracking it's way better to not tense.

As you said you won't find the right answer and i'm sure this also depends on the person but my aim got better without tensing,
first it feels like you are not able to do it but with a bit of work you get used to it.

But def a good video, for some reason noone talks about tensing in their aim guides at least i found very little about it.

Also sorry for my english :D


I applied what you were talking about regarding tension to my training in Aim Labs and my gameplay in Valorant and immediately noticed results. Probably the best tip I've ever heard of. Thanks! :)


I've always used a soft mouse pad, and I realized when I started to get more interested in the art of aiming well that I used tension alot to come to full stops, and also micro adjusting.


I look forward to using some of this advice in my shooters. Per usual, there's a Goldilocks zone where everything comes together. I look forward to watching more of your content to see what I'm missing out on.


Awesome new footage mate! the addition of the eye-tracker is so great! loved it mate!
And I have a video request mate, only if you have the time for it, you can absolutely ignore it if you don't. It's about "how arms should be resting on the desk", I know you've already covered it, but I just wish to know more from you about how it should feel to know that my arms are in their best height and resting well for aiming. It's because recently I've been unconsciously having so much pressure on the palm, while the forearm kinda of floating, which made my arm flicks feels so bad. And other times I would see myself doing the opposite, where my palm is not touching the pad at all, only my fingertips.
Thanks for all the amazing contents mate! I really look forward to seeing them.
Keep on the Unique & awesome work mate!


For me, I notice tension helps me with small clicking (that is, anything but tile frenzy BS) scenarios and reactive short strafes, especially with smaller targets. However, it makes me perform worse with smooth tracking and faster strafes. I think modifying your tension by the distance to the target is usually optimal, where, paradoxically, the closer you are to the target the more important it is to not tense.

Another reason tension is so demonized is that people only notice it when the tension costs them. They enter a surprise close range engagement, they overshoot on their initial flick and tense up, and continue to overshoot when trying to find the range. Then they blame tension when really they should be blaming their game sense and their reaction to sudden stressors.


This is not the kind of aiming advice that dominated Youtube in the 2016 era Lmao. This is genuinely solid advice and the whole video feels futuristic asf. 2016 me would be happy and I'm happy asl I finally get to see my method of aiming talked about. (I had no idea tension aiming was a thing til now but it's the way I always aimed on PC) Thanks for the tips, I'll def use them to adjust💯


I think it's a very good example and explanation of the appropriate tension When I'm aiming and tracking an AD moving target, when I feel the force, I relax and slowly track the enemy again And there's a bit of tension when you flick it, which is a good video that explains very well that it's very natural


I was a tension player due to my chair being a monoblock chair and my table was tall and not customized for it,
resulting arm placement higher and just planting my wrist on the edge of the table with no arm movement aiming,
it didn't give me any problem at all and gave me an insane muscle memory that I could do an insane flicks and and a perfect 180 everytime I do a wrist spin,
I'm also a claw player with a big cheap mouse resulting in more muscle usage,
I was so obsessed with tension aiming that I would play csgo everyday and before a match of rank I would load up aim map and play for like 30+ min until my arm hurts meaning I'm ready to play rank.
Now the biggest downside to this is after playing like a couple of games one your wrist hurts for doing repetitive flicks and only wrist movements alone,
and your performance starts to dwindle until you start getting that wrist pain as you increase the tension thinking it would do better but do worse instead,
you tried relaxing to reset but my habit on always playing with tension can't even let me rest.
Personally tension aiming depends on a person just like me I was a wrist tension aimer that requires just the wrist so its easier for my muscle memory since I'm only using the whole wrist for movement and not the whole arm itself.


In my experience, tension and relax are different states in your "aim journey", normally when im lets say "in tension" is because im consciously trying to improve some aspect or im focusing on certain task, even when i have a bad day i tend to apply more tension, by other hand when i have interioriced the task or whatever im doing everything is smooth, working in that smoothness i really think that helps to get better


It’s basically the same concept through badminton, you start with a soft grip then you harden it before you hit the shuttle which adds more power to your shot, having a good grip at your racket will give you more power. Same thing with a mouse, keep a tight but soft grip on your mouse when tracking then for flicks, tight and tense it before the flick.


As someone who played a lot of minecraft pvp, where you need to constantly tense up your arm, and recently switched to CS:GO and more tactical first person shooter games, I have been having trouble being calm during aiming. You can definitely get used to constantly being tensed up and use it to your advantage. It definitely isn't limiting my aim a lot, but in some situations I will have a moment where I cannot move my hand due to the tension. I also find myself constantly being tensed up and stressed. Hopefully this video will help with it, thanks a lot.


I've seen your other videos on aiming and I'd love to say that its helped me tremendously. This video was definitely a breath of fresh air for me.

I've always overthought the fact that adding tension was detrimental to my arm, and not because I'm using too much tension. but I just had a thought that any tension was bad. so I always played with a relaxed aim.

I'll start to utilize tension slowly into some of my gunfights


Tyvm for this video, stopped playing shooters for 6 years and only played mobas, though i got high in the rankings, got back to shooters and now i really have a tension problem, moving the mouse incredibly fast but without any kind of precision.


6:07 I think this is the most emotion Struth has ever shown


Esse foi o melhor vídeo sobre mira qur vi ate hoje, pesquisei milhares e milhares de vídeos e nenhum havia respondido tantas perguntas minhas como esse, obrigado mano!!
