Aim Coach Fixes Valorant Pro's Grip: A Guide To Mouse Grip

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Mouse grip is one of the most widly talked about concepts in aiming, aim training, and Valorant. If you want to aim well, a bad mouse grip can prevent that. If you want good aim, a good mouse grip will help, though it isn't an instant fix to problems. If you want a good mouse grip, you need to watch this video. If you want to develop a good mouse grip, watch this video.


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This video was made by me, and I have aim coached professional multiple Valorant players, Radiants, Immortals, Apex Predators, a former professional Apex Legends Player, Overwatch Grandmasters, and many more. Aim warm up vs aim practice? Why YOU'RE Practicing wrong. Aim practice, aim training. How to warm up? How to practice aim? Am I practicing aim correctly. Why should you aim train? How should you aim train? What is the best way to aim train? What should I do while I'm aim training? How to aim train? What's the best way to train aim? You can use these tips to clutch more rounds and win more often. How do I become really good at aiming? What should I spend my aim trainer time doing? What is the best way to aim? This will help you get really good at static clicking. If you can't seem to hit targets this is probably why. The reason why your aim is bad is likely because you make one of these key mistakes that I discuss in this video. Many new players will miss shots after having a decent flick. This is because they make on of these mistakes. How to make micro adjustments is talked about in this video. The video will tell you how to have good aim. Learn to flick. Practice micro adjustment aim. Become better at aiming. Become good at aim. Learn better static clicking with this technique. What's the best way to be good at a game? How can you improve your aim faster? What's the best way to get good? Improve faster. Get better at Kovaak's FPS Aim Trainer. Why should you aim train? How should you aim train? What is the best way to aim train? Do you want better Voltaic (VT) or Revosect (rA) benchmarks? What is Pure G? What should I do while I'm aim training? How to aim train? What's the best way to train aim? How do I become really good at aiming? What should I spend my aim trainer time doing? What is the best way to aim? You can use this to get better in COD: Vanguard, Apex, Call of Duty: Warzone, CS:GO, Valorant, Aim Lab, Apex Legends, Kovaaks, Rainbow 6 Siege, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, R6S, or to improve at reactive tracking, static clicking, dynamic clicking, reaction time, improve at target switching and precise tracking. You'll be able to win more and rank up due to better aim. #aim #aimtraining #KovaaKs Win more gunfights, aim better, play better, get good at Valorant, become good, use aim lab better, aim better, be better. Why is my aim so bad in pc fps games? Fix your bad aim. Prevent pixel skipping, reduce latency and input delay. Improve at mnk aiming, by training yourself to be a better fps aimer and mouse and keyboard aimer. Optimize your training and optimize your improvement, and find yourself optimizing your training and optimizing improvement through aim training. Improve in game faster. Get good at games. Find yourself experiencing FPS aim improvement. Get better at playing Kovaak 2.0: The Meta. Get insane aim in every game. Become a better gamer and pc fps aimer. Learn mouse and keyboard faster.
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west gave me one super simple tip and i immediately felt an improvement in my game. genuinely impressed, thanks bro.


Didn't think much of it then since I thought it didn't matter, but I've recently realized that I subconsciously palm grip really tight on fps games and ftip on everything else (mobas or just using the pc browsing). When I switched to ftip on my fps games, man it's a world of difference. I improved my aim instantly (beat all my personal best scores in aim trainers and felt so improved in my games) especially tracking, flicking, and microadjustments like you said. And I didn't need to adjust much since it's the way I've naturally gripped my whole life.


hey thanks! i had a palm grip with my fingers flat on the mouse. and i have always been uncomfortable, and aware that something's not right with my grip. i tried many things. i thought i just have to practice more with my grip to improve it. thanks for pointing it out. this was so helpful!!


I use palm grip but i use like the muscles in my hand to make microadjustments, kinda wish I had started with a claw or fingertip grip but even after watching all your videos i don't think my grip holds me back at all
edit: I recently changed to fingertip because I realized tensing the muscles in my hand for microadjustments is really bad technique and is gonna lead to tendon stress issues in the future if I keep doing it. I swapped a couple days ago, and while it feels awkward still, my microadjustments are much smoother and more relaxed, and my forearms don't feel sore at all after a long training session.


I actually started using a rather different and weird grip style that you’ve probably never seen before, in other words it’s like a standard grip but different, it’s when you put the palm of your hand close to the back of the mouse but not all the way, you’ll know by looking at it from the bottom and seeing that there is a little space between the palm and the mouse then, I have the thumb on the left side, pointer and middle finger in the left mouse button and of course ring finger on right mouse button and lastly I have pinky on my right side of the mouse. Honestly, this is a pretty solid grip for me and it helps me have a lot more precision while also being able to flick fast and precise. The old mouse grip I was using was holding back my aim in my opinion so don’t try to copy other people’s mouse grips, find one on your own and try different ones that suit your style. If you feel discomfortability while holding your mouse then that means it’s not compatible and find a new one.


Yeah this is what works for me with the mz1.. along with being one of the few mice that don’t make my hands sweat.. the deep comfort grooves allow me to move the mode with just my 2 fingertips then when I need extra stability I’m amble to pull the high back hump into my knuckles.. working on thinking egg recently so I keep a light grip on the mouse seems to be working pretty nicely


finally can find my grip thank you very much my finger was hurt when tried claw grip


Im a Palm player with little room (almost fingertip) im trying fingertip without the claw and idk man. Its rly good but i also got 10 years of practice on palm


HSK Pro is so goated. People who say it's more of a meme are really underrating the mouse and most likely scared to try fingertip grip (near the back not the front) and are more likely extending their fingertips instead of curling them for maximum microadjustments.


Yo i got a prolem wit my pinkie finger bein so curled that it starts gettin hooked under the right side and over time playin like this hurts my pinkie finger but any othe pinkie position feels unnatural


My grip may vary depending on the game I'm playing.
In Valorant and cs I use palm-finger
In apex and cod I use claw


I have same problem but my finger is on the other side of the left click


I agree but for example For me Palm grip just works great and theres a few pros who use a palm grip like Aspas one of the best in the world. I agree you should use what you are comfy with theres barely any reason why you would change your grip when its working for you.


Hi West, great video as per normal!! I wanted to know if you could help me out?

I suffer from an essential tremor in my hands, its progressively gotten worse but i feel like my tracking and reaction time is still good but the shaking is making it hard. I got use to a fingertip grip a bit ago, should i switch to palm?


If i get a new mouse and my old grip still works perfect on it should i still make a new grip for that mouse?


So when I am browsing or playing any other game I use ftip grip, it is natural. But when I play fps games i have hybrid grip. Do you think I should also do ftip when playing fps since it is my natural when I am not tensed?


Personally what I have found after trying out different grip styles, and the recent one the floating wrist (think ZywOo/Twistzz) Is that I prefer to anchor my thumb/ring/pinky finger's to the mousepad, using a relax palm/claw grip. Sure there is more friction, but this is the grip style that just feels the most natural to me, veil also giving me the most stability🙂

I have used the relax palm/claw grip the most, but before i did not really notice, if I had my pinky/thumb on the pad or not, but after i started trying different grip styles to find something that could make my aim more stable, i have to make sure I anchor my thumb/ring/pinky finger's to the mousepad🙂


i feel so uncomfy with my grip ive tried some good type of mouse like logitech g pro x superlight and razer viper v2 pro but while trying different positions i couldnt find the best grip for my hand that is comfortable


Using a lamzu atlantis rn. I notice that the issue of my grip is that my pinkie finger is always elevated, even though it feels natural I believe this is unhealthy. Are there any recommendations on fixing the pinkie position? When i tried to kinda tuck it to the back(?) Side of the mouse on the right I notice that my pinkie feels tense leading to somewhat of a discomfort(unless its bc I'm not used to the pinkie not being elevated). Sorry for the bad english.


I grip my mouse with thumb on left side, pointer on left click, middle on scroll wheel, ring on right click and pinky on right side. I kinda grip the mouse eveyr so tightly between my thumb and pinky and slightly claw my fingers. Do u think tbis is an okay mouse grip, im comfortable on it but i feel like sometimes i dont have proper control, any advice??
