Why Are Only 20% of Players Using 'Toggle to ADS'?

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Discover the aim gains hiding behind one of the most overlooked settings. Toggle ADS provides many benefits, so long as you can conquer the learning curve.

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Toggle dramatically improved my tracking, flicking, and overall precision


I switched to toggle and it significantly helped. Wasn’t hard to transition either. Just give it a try.


i tried both, both have their use cases.
after 5k hrs with some of the best mice of the last years (btw currently a 26g gwolves hsk pro <3), hitting master twice and a few comp wins - in apex imho hold is "just better" lemme explain:

generally ads has major downsides but speed, aggression and overview are op - so you should try to actively avoid to ads in a lot of scenarios and ALWAYS try to ads as short as possible bcs movement penalty plus less fov (means less info). theres a lot of benefits to quickscoping in apex (if you start spray ads and continue hipfiring you keep ads spread for a moment, repeatably). quite commonly i end up ads-hipfire-ads-hipfire multiple times during one mag, balancing dynamically me hitting while strafing fast enough to not get hit. so basically you might effectively introduce more strain to your hand with toggle bcs youll have to build up tension and release twice as fast and often than me with hold (or you end up being the easier target staying ads, unable to move as quick as your hipfiring opponent).
also fun fact: most mouse switches work in a way where they need significantly more pressure to trigger than to hold.. still obv more tension to hold than not to hold but isnt that only relevant when ads for longer than ever in apex necessary?

if youre using toggle ads: i bet you ads too much in apex and theres a good chance you also play slower/more passive than gud4ya. try generally ads as little and short as possible (maybe do a no-ads challenge for an evening to get comfy!) and you might feel toggle becoming annoying aswell :) cheers


I love toggle, began using it one year ago and fell in love with it, but on some games like Destiny 2, where toggle is done differently than hold, it's a handicap that you are putting on yourself


I’ve tried toggle a few times and each time was thrown off having shaky aim with my ads most likely because I’m so used to death gripping my mouse, but now having switched to a g303 that gives me that control without having to grip it so tightly, I think I’ll try toggle again to see if I can commit and find the benefits to it.

Love the vids as always <3


Finally someone speaks of my secret love for toggle. It’s difficult for the first week, the second week is quite surprising.


I've played with toggle for month long periods in the past but I eventually kept returning to hold. Toggle feels easier and lighter as there's less effort required, but it also feels like there's less of my hands muscles in use when focusing, something I've heard said from top tier aim trainers as well. I haven't found much difference with tension once you get used to one or the other. The thing that makes me return to Hold is Toggle feels a bit unnatural/ unfit for modern shooters requiring you to go in and out of ADS and switch mid animation so often, adds an extra step in the process which makes it non-instant and just feels clunky imo. I'm a very aggressive player so it's also definitely down to playstyle.


The timing of this video for me is brilliant, last night i was in the range going through my setting and noticed that toggle for ads was an option, i tried it for a few minutes before giving up on it, i guess i'll have to give it another shot after this!


I went from controller to M&K and from hold aim to toggle in the span of a little over a year now and yes toggle helped my aim focus a lot.


I don't really experience any extra tension when holding down m2. I use toggle in CS, and although it is forced, it makes sense in my mind because the scope-in animation is instant and you tend to just hold angles longer. In games like COD where ADS times are getting longer and longer each year using toggle aim just feels wrong. It's like you give an input and wait half a second for it to take effect.


I fully acknowledge that toggle is better. The problem is that Apex has hipfire that tightens up after you release ADS, which means it is optimal with ARs in close range situations to go in and out of ADS quickly to maximize movement speed and bullet spread, and this is very difficult on toggle. This is why you see people like Struth getting so good at close range ADS, because they dislike the randomness of hipfire. But it truly is optimal in Apex to be able to use the hipfire movement speed, especially with ARs.

I may try toggle ADS out, but I may find that clicking the right button many times in a fight will annoy me.


I have a clear preference for hold in some cases, like a close range Peacekeeper peekaboo shot, but I also see some cases where toggle seems potentially nice, like trying to track someone with that monster spray pattern on the Devotion. I would be a lot more open to trying toggle if I didn't have to sacrifice the benfits of hold, so how about both toggle and hold available at the same time, without having to change settings? Press M2 to toggle ADS. Hold M2 to hold ADS like default in most games. Of course, make it optional, and add a delay slider to where a press becomes a hold.


I plumped for toggle aiming when I made the jump to PC gaming in 2021 because I used the logic of my mouse hand needing to do less while also handling recoil (not too big a problem with a controller as it's very difficult to get your left index finger to conflict with your right thumb during the aiming and shooting process). In my case, it also helped that I played a lot of Halo back then too, so that I had some tolerance to toggle ADS (although Halo aim assist largely does the job for you, which would cause people that whine about it in MW2 to have an aneurysm), on top of the fact that my hands are quite shaky at rest anyway, so shaky-aim wasn't really a hindrance. I also found that the outright speed advantage of a mouse makes up for the slower movement that Toggle ADS brings (it doesn't matter if you're rooted to the ground if the enemy isn't expecting you to be there in the first place, and also isn't expecting to be shot at that quickly).


I've never really liked toggle for much of anything, especially aiming, but struth is always dropping truth bombs. I will definitely be giving this a go after I hit masters like tomorrow because of the new apex ranked system lmao


I usually use toggle to ads back when I played CSGO, but I actually switched to hold on Apex, where I usually ads and un-ads very quickly like using the mastiff, or even spam it to conserve weapon accuracy while hipfiring. However, I definitely did feel the drop in tracking and especially flicking, but overall was still a net gain whenever I'm using shotguns. However, since I use rifles and smgs a lot more now, maybe I should try making the switch back.


I ran the same poll within my gamer group and the results were about the same, some people commented that they only use toggle for slow paced games, which as a long term toggler makes absolutely no sense to me.


The second i turned on toggle ads it felt like my aim was on, didnt need to warm up or anything it just felt locked.


Yeah, I’m good on toggle. I actually switched from toggle to hold on crouch for Apex as well. My main issue w/ toggle is what you mentioned in your video.

If you accidentally press the aim/crouch button, you end up in an awkward position. I can’t tell you how many times I got stuck awkwardly crouching mid-fight. I started to do hold crouch when I got more serious and it’s very intuitive. I haven’t mentioned aim because I’ve never tried toggle for aim and, due to my experience with crouch, will likely never try it. I play on console by the way lol.


in some games toggle just feels really weird like crysis 3 for example. Apex is a toggle game for sure though.
And for the games that have zoom instead of ADS like arena shooters, hold feels better aswell. These games usually don't even have a toggle option.
