How To Send Encrypted Emails - Sending Encrypted Email With ProtonMail

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A tutorial on how to send encrypted emails with ProtonMail in 2020.

ProtonMail is a free encrypted email service provider. All ProtonMail email addresses are encrypted by default. This basically means that if you lose your password, you cannot recover your emails because they are encrypted with that password. However with ProtonMail you can still recover your account, if you set a recovery email.

You can also send encrypted emails to non-ProtonMail addresses, which is what we will be doing in this video tutorial.

Follow these simple instructions to send encrypted emails:
1. First login to your ProtonMail account.
2. Click the Compose button on the top left.
3. Choose an address to send an email to.
4. Type in a subject and message.
5. Click on the small lock icon on the bottom left of the email message window.
6. Enter in a password for the encrypted email.
7. Leave a hint as to what the password is, for the recepient (optional).
8. Click on Set.
9. Click on Send, to send the email.


Video Clips & Images: Videoblocks, Pixabay, Pexels, Videvo

Music: YouTube Audio Library, Audioblocks

Music: TeknoAXE - Synthwave E
License: Creative Commons

Music: Jesse Gallagher - Tratak
Source: YouTube Audio Library


#tutorial #protonmail #encryption
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u still have to give a way ur encrypted message password to the recipient. using a pgp key to encrypt is safer


"this message will expire in 27 days ...."

does this mean that any/all encrypted emails sent will be forever deleted after the expiration time? if so, is there a way to retain old, encrypted emails (in both proton mail as well as to any recipient that has an external email) for future reference?


so if I don't do this, its not encrypted, I can't just send it .
