The Aging Narcissist, What You Need To Know

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In today's video we talk about the aging narcissist. What happens as the get older? Do they get better or worse? And what behaviors will they exhibit? This video tells you everything you need to know about the aging Narcissist.

Jill Wise, otherwise known as The Enlightened Target, is a life long survivor of narcissistic abuse. She was raised by a malignant narcissist and married to a malignant narcissist, she has endured years of parental alienation, has repeatedly been targeted by narcissists throughout her life. She has an intimate understanding of all aspects of narcissistic abuse and Cptsd. She uses her experience and what she has learned to help educate others and bring awareness to narcissistic abuse. She is also a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach and works with clients all over the world heal from the trauma of narcissistic abuse, parental alienation and Complex Ptsd.

If you are interested in private Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coaching with Jill , please visit her website

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Something I realized is that they will go to the grave unapologetic. Never wait for a sorry, it’s never going to come. Move on.


"The most damaging emotion that a victim can have is....hope." OMG!


You are so right! I divorced my covert ex at age 72. I am now 75, happy and thriving for the first time in my life thanks to helpful therapy videos like yours! God help and bless those who need to get out of narcissistic relationships no matter what age, but especially as they get older!


Move the heck away and go no contact. Don’t look back and live a new existence without their terrible abusive voice in your head. ♥️


I went no contact with my narcissistic Mother. Best decision ever. I feel free.


My father has literally destroyed my mental health, and keeps up the abuse, even with no contact, he tries to hurt me when he can. He has gone out of his way to make sure everyone hates me and doesn't speak to me, then he acts like he cares just to get me back into his web. When I caught onto this game (among many), I realized there's no turning back for me. I have no words for this monster.


Great message, Jill!🌺 So, narcs NEVER change no matter how old they are. What a sad, sad state of affairs.😢 Such a miserable, empty existence.


There are many narcissists ending up in Senior residential homes thrown in there where their children and grandchildren are not frequently visiting them. And one wonders why? And the answer is very evident after watching this video. Thank you!


God, you are spot on re: the ageing process, especially for certain men. The key word is pathetic


This is EXACTLY what is going on with my aging, narcissistic, Ex-Husband!!!He just CANNOT believe that he doesn't get a second look anymore!!!!


Narcissists grow old, but they never grow up.


A very articulate explanation of how narcissists decline with age.


I've posted on your channel before and I have to tell you that your expertise on this subject is 200% on the money. On December 13, 2019 after three decades of abusive behavior my divorce was final. So glad to say, Happy Anniversary to me!🦋🦋🐞💐💐


I went NO CONTACT in June 2020 after 8 years of Narc abuse, his lying, physical attacks, put downs, sex addiction . I still didn’t know him after all those years. He said he worked in London 3 days a week, he was with another woman .
I went NO CONTACT in June, I have stayed strong .
It’s the only way. Trust me if you really want to be free.


I knew my mother was a narcassist when she told me I had a “cheek” for opening a savings account to buy my first home. She’s a covert narcasist so she started threatening me with suicide over text. I’m 23 and we are no longer in contact. My NM has never owned a house so she is obviously bitter rather than happy for me for taking responsible steps


I needed to hear this; I kept thinking my husband was getting worse as he aged. It’s disgusting.


Pro tip: Narcissistic mothers will take that bitterness, anger, jealousy, greed, ALL the way to the grave with them. You’ll never hear what you need to hear from them. You’ll never ‘finally’ get kindness, apologies, encouragement, gratitude, signs of regret, or any form of love from them. If you can get away before they’re financially and physically dependent on you, DO IT! There’s not one reason to stick around. And know this, as the last attachment can sometimes be an inheritance or something, they’ve already written you out of the will. Just RUN.


Recently got rid of one who is also a pathological liar. Thank God I got him out of my life before he could do any real damage to me or my life. And looks wise, he is no prize. And when you talk about bigotry, you are spot on. And everything bad that happens to them is always somebody else's fault. Whew, glad I dodged that bullet.


Very accurate. Both my parents are narcissists. Mom is a diagnosed, high level NPD. Dad is covert but won't let himself be diagnosed. They are in their 80's now. I'm on my 50's and was always the scapegoat but don't contact them anymore. They are unbearable to be around because they are hostile, aggressive manipulative and jealous they are towards me because I'm younger. They tried to scare me with endless horror stories of all the health problems (they have) "I will get" when I age. They told me they hope I die before them. They stole my grandmother's estate money from her when they were younger and want my money, tried to manipulate me for it but I refused and let go. I have strong boundaries, which they hate. They hate me because I don't share in their fantasy of thinking they are Nope. Mom was always very vain and all about beauty. Dad was all about status. They had money and brilliant careers. Being retired their rich friends aren't around and mom desperately scrounged for supply. They bought a large house and new car then have no money left for other things. I'm doing well and live within my means. They (well, mostly mom but dad too sonewhat) never wanted me to succeed in my career. She sabotaged my education by making dad stop paying for college when I was doing well. She laughed as I struggled to get my education and find off campus housing, telling me I couldn't come home because she wanted her privacy. So I worked HARD. Multiple jobs and taking school too on my own. My career flourished from perserverence. They hate that, too. I was supposed to be her flunkie servant. Nope. They belittled and attacked me every step of the way. I stayed in therapy for the C-PTSD their abuse gave me. Learned to be strong. I've been on my own living away from them since 16. Now I have a nice home and peaceful life. They know that they will be told to leave if they visit and try to start anything. Their hatred is strong yet they smile and come bearing gifts briefly once in awhile. I will talk to them but cannot trust them so I am on guard. They know I will get a restraining order if they attack or abuse so it's just a fake momentary grab for supply then they go back to shunning me again. They shunned and blew me off all my adult life but cannot stand that I no longer care.


My elderly mother has gotten much worse in recent years. I have had to end contact with her to save my sanity.
Please don’t allow a narcissistic parent destroy your important relationships . That’s their ultimate goal . Understand that narcissists only get worse . My wealthy mother tried to string me along promising me that all that she owns would eventually be mine . She tried to convince me not to pursue a lucrative career . I ignored her. At this point she has probably changed her will.
Narcissists are full of surprises. Never forget that .
