Defeating Adventism # 113 – Seventh-day Adventist Aunt Sevvy “Says the Quiet Part Outload”

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This article is clear how Seventh-day Adventists hold Ellen White in the highest place of esteem and trust, followed by the General Conference and in third place is the bible. Seventh-day Adventism admits that it cannot and does not adhere to Sola Scriptura.

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Seventh Day Adventists and the Bible (Adventism Exposed)

Aunt Sevvy Admits the Truth of Adventism's Authority | 213

Do Adventists Believe in Biblical Sufficiency? (Dear Aunt Sevvy - May 15, 2023)

Seventh-day Adventists 28 Beliefs

Wikipedia – Sola Scriptura

Bible Info

Bible Study

Zondervan Academic

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society – January 1, 1983, p. 22
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Question for SDAs: We all know that no traditional SDA believes in Sola Scriptura. Do you agree that Ellen White rejected, and taught SDAs to reject, each and all of the five Solae:

Sola scriptura (Scripture alone)
Solus Christus (Christ alone)
Sola fide (faith alone)
Sola gratia (grace alone)
Soli Deo gloria (glory to God alone)?


I remember when I was about 8 and we had moved to a regular neighborhood with a mix of faiths I asked my Mom if we were Protestant or Catholic (I was pretty sure we weren't Jews). She responded "Neither". I wanted to know what we were then. Of course, we were the Remnant church. What a self-centered concept that is.


I'm still in recovery after hearing that podcast on FAF..
This one is a proper kick in the balls for SDA .. .. ..
I wouldn't be surprised if they have completely pulled the article by now !
In the defence's stand all I can hear is "as a seventh day adventist for 30 year's I Believe.. ... "


It's amazing that you work so hard to expose errors in Adventism which get glossed over because too many of us won't take the time to unravel the knots!


At a Steven Bohr meeting I attended it was said our worldview should be based on the Bible AND The Spirit of Prophecy (Adventist lingo for the writings of Ellen White).


Sir, this is one of the best. May someone stuck in false religions LISTEN!!!


No, the article is there. No attempt to bury it. Nor was it a "slip up" as you say. AT intended to say exactly what was said there. AT is completely independent of the General Conference.


Hello, once again. I was raised semi SDA. It was drilled imto me growing up the text where Jesus says, " i have other sheep ". I was taught that referred to people who aren't Christian, especially the Hindu as it is a much older religion then Jewish or Christian. Having many Hare Krishna neighbors and friends and several family members and friends who are Sikh i find that very comforting. Please, explain. You have my email.


A challenge to the Adventists:
Please show me where the Bible clearly and unambiguously states that the writings of Ellen G. White are of equal inspiration to that of the Bible itself. If you have to use writings other than the Bible to support this claim, then that is no longer Sola Scriptura.
If you do apply Sola Scriptura and cannot find any sanction from God in regard to Mrs White's writings, then by who's authority do you believe it?
The same applies to any claims that Mrs White was a prophet. If it cannot be established, clearly and unambiguously from the Scriptures that Mrs White was a prophet, then by who's authority do you believe it?


Wow this is quite disturbing - I will have to listen to the FAF podcast on this, I have been defending the gospel and the sufficiency of scripture and opposing the bastardization of the word by SDA's, to members of my family who still subscribe to this system and recite the Great Controversy narrative, thinking, as they have been brainwashed to do, that these satin-centric ideas are Biblical because Adventists have pulled a few biblical texts out of their original context and made them to say things that the Bible never said, in order to protect the 'pillars of their faith' - these Adventists have been BS'ing their way through God's Word to protect their pride because after 180 years they still cannot admit that Miller was a Biblical buffoon and they were WRONG about their prophetic predictions - 100% failure rate. - SMH


the 73 book Bible established in AD 382 at the Council of Rome by Pope Damasus I is the only authority for true Christians? Yes, the 73 book Bible that lasted for over 1000 years...the very first book that came off the Gutenberg Press? But wait, I've seen Protestant Bibles that only have 66 books and are missing sections in some books. The Luther Bible dropped James all together. Who has the *authority* to add/remove books or sections of books from the Bible? It's too bad the Bible doesn't explicitly spell out what should and shouldn't be in the Bible. I guess we had to rely on some external authority to decide what should and shouldn't be in the Bible. Logic would say that should be the one Holy and Apostolic Church that originally decided what books comprise the Bible, right??


Even if what you say is true, can you please say it with less animosity hostility? Those of us who are listening to you find your attitude of anger doesn't really help us believe what you're saying because your spirit isn't right.
Thank you for caring. I do appreciate the fact that you do care, trying to look past the hatefulness.


Do you have an axe to grind with the Seventh day Adventist.


The component of you and followers: You do NOT, NOT, NOT quote the Holy Bible.


I've learnt more about you people from Ignatius of Loyola.. you're able to do anything to destroy the truth..Not only EGW but also others protestants from the history.


This is not true. Aunt Savy is not the standard for SDA messages. I believe the 10 commandments. We believe the 4th commandment is true. The only one that says “Remember “.


Stop accusing the Church of God, before you are in trouble i have mercy for you.😢


Without Ellen's Lies Adventism Dies! God bless you brother and your ministry!


I love Colleen and Nikki!!! ❤️
Another great video Jim. 👍
When are you going to do a vid on the Rwandan Adventists that wouldn't kill on the Sabbath. Sunday through Friday was ok to murder on though. 🤬


Former Adventist podcast is incredible. Very thorough and they go through the Bible soooo thoroughly. They helped open my eyes a lot but also helped show the clear black and white distinction between the SDA gospel and Christian gospel
