Defeating Adventism #87 – The Seventh-day Adventist 457 B.C. chronology refuted (Ezra 7:7-8)

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The Seventh-day church teaches an unbiblical pile of dates, bible verses and historical events that ultimately end in 1844 which was originally the physical second coming of Christ by the false prophet William Miller. The Seventh-day Adventist church kept this false prophet’s chronology, but change the event in 1844. This chronology is fraught with error and this video will take down the beginning point of this chronology which is 457 B.C. and in particular show the Adventist use of Ezra 7:7-8 in support of their 457 B.C. date is erroneous and shown to be false. No Persian king in Ezra 1 through 7 ever issued a decree to rebuild the city of Jerusalem in 457 B.C. as the Adventists claim. But there was a decree in 445 B.C. to rebuild Jerusalem’s and because this decree was in 445 B.C., it totally refutes the Adventist chronology of 457 B.C.
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Ellen White in the 1888 Great Controversy (shown in video) shows the Seventh-day Adventist chronology where 457 B.C. is associated to Ezra 7:7 which is supposed to be the decree to re-build Jerusalem.

There is no decree in Ezra 7:7 or the entire chapter of Ezra 7 which decrees the rebuilding of Jerusalem. Will you now admit the SDA chronology is *NOT SUPPORTED* by the bible and the SDA chronology is false or will you harden your heart and continue to store up wrath for your final judgement?

Romans 2:5 ESV But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God's righteous judgment will be revealed.


Ellen G White's book The Great Controversy is the driver's manual for the SDA flock. The chronology becomes totally sacred and remains unquestioned by most of the denomination. However, the vitriol anti-Catholicism is so palatable that some SDAs are cautioning about promoting it.
The following excerpts are from a concerned Adventist pastor.
After mass distribution of The Great Controversy in Canada some years ago, the Church Ministries Director of the Quebec SDA Conference received a call from the police commissioner of Montreal.
“We have received numerous complaints about a book entitled The Great Controversy that is being placed in letter boxes in a “wealthy section” of the city. After some research we have identified your Church as the publisher and distributor. *A quick perusal has clearly shown that the book is very anti the Catholic Church and thus falls in the category of ‘Hate Literature’ because its content can easily create hatred between communities”* . Then he quoted from an article of law that prohibited such an action and mentioned the heavy fine that went along for distributing material attacking another church.
*Today, any publication that dares to use a similar approach is quickly vilified as hate literature* . We condemn similar anti-Catholic language used by white supremacists in their rallies, should we be careful not to be perceived as doing the same?
[M]any scholars and well-informed church members consider somewhat outmoded some prophetic interpretations and beliefs that are presented in the book. Three cases in point are (1) the signs in the sun, moon, and stars dating back some two hundred years are not considered to be indicative of the nearness of the Parousia; (2) the understanding of the investigative judgment; (3) That it is Satan and not God that pours the seven bowls (Revelation 18) over the wicked. The people who might choose to read the book will probably be the kind of readers that will question some of the theological material and, finding it wanting, reject the book altogether."
—Pastor Eddy Johnson is the director of ADRA Blacktown and pastors two churches in the suburbs of Sydney, Australia.
spectrummagazine 08/26/2011


I wish I had this information when I was being drawn into the SDA church with prophecy seminar as it would have saved me from being in this cult. The SDAs rely on reaching people, like me at that time, that have a very limited understanding of the Bible. This completely refutes their teaching with Scripture--there is no way around this.

I hope and pray that those who are considering joining this church or are going to their prophecy seminars will watch this.

This plus their false interpretation of Daniel 8:14 destroys the investigative judgement doctrine.


Excellent Bible study.

Every time you say "waza waza bing", I imagine it as the sound of idols and false doctrine being manufactured. Aaron threw the gold into the fire and -- waza waza bing! - out came a calf! Ellen White and friends did the same thing and out came 1844, the Investigative Judgment, and Adventism as we know it.


The Scriptures teach us to: “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” 1Thess 5:21


I wonder if that wine for drink offerings was fermented wine or grape juice?Did not the sons of Levi, the temple priests have a allotment of fermented wine for their personal upkeep to drink.Their sin was over indulgence wasn't it?


I appreciate your efforts to show how the Bible does not support Adventist theology. Another problem with their timeline is they have Jesus being crucified in a year where Passover did not fall on a Sabbath and therefore they have to crucify Jesus on a Wednesday.


Never apologize for a long video. I too enjoy the longer video which can allow time for a fuller understanding of the topic. Keep up the quality work Jim!


So what, this is horrible, it doesn't matter, we are to love one another! If we as Christians are not one WE ARE NOT CHRISTIANS!! Repent and love one another!!


Can you safe to say that there are only TWO Original decrees

1. 536 Original decree of Cyrus. to rebuild the temple - suspended by Cambyses in 522
2. 522 Decree of Darius 1 B Confirmed Cyrus decree and revoked Cambyses suspension.
3. 457 Original Decree of Artaxerxes 1 to RESTORE and REBUILT Jerusalem - suspended by Artaxerxes himself early in his reign when Samaritans complained.
4. 445 Decree of Artaxerxes 1 - revoked the previous suspension and CONFIRMED his original decree to Nehemiah.


While i was studying ezra 7 i came across a problem you don't seem to address in the video. So if the decree in ezra 7 was in 457 bc, and that was the 7th year of artaxerxes's i reign (ezra 7:8), that means that his first year should have been around 464. The Temple was finished in the 6th year of king Darius(ezra 6:15), in 516 bc, since his reign started in 522 bc. That means that the decree from ezra 4, to stop the construction of the temple was before the year 516. Now my question is, how could artaxerxes i give a decree before the year 516, if his first year of reign was around 464/465 bc?


Ivor Myers has a great interactive study regarding the Investigative Judgment position as a whole.
The name of the YouTube channel is "Power of the Lamb." Look for the "Make it Plain" Series in the YouTube playlist.


I like long videos, do not be sorry not sorry :P LOL


Wait for bio bill, will have something to say.
Ellen White will give him a vision.


They were given money out of the King's treasury for foundational materials and as you say, the Temple, Ezra6:4


You will not defeat us because we will prevail with Jesus on our side. Try harder! Your hatred of us shows the kind of spirit which is in you and your legal personality as a system.


There is absolutely no consistent Berrean type Christian in Adventism.


I am asking Three-Dollar Bill, to repeat... what he claimed in a recent reply. (the reply seems to be deleted now) Bill, kindly affirm that the bible is your only creed.


Robert Anderson - "The coming Prince"


We have same SDA nutters like Biodegradable Bill down here in Australia. Please come and take some. They seem to be multiplying lately. 🤨
