Defeating Adventism # 118 – Seventh-day Adventists – Ellen White Proves The Immortal Soul

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This video is part of a recent stream of videos on death, the soul, the afterlife, heaven, paradise, hades and hell. In this video I address and show that Seventh-day Adventists are dishonest and deceivers. I show the Ellen White vision and prophecy from the 1847 “Word to the Little Flock” and then show this very same vision as it was supposedly re-printed in the 1882 Early Writings.
You will see that when this so-called vision was published in 1882, the dishonest Seventh-day Adventists removed 250 words from the original 1847 vision. The words removed were problematic in that Ellen White supposedly saw in vision and in the heavenly realm that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah and Daniel were all there. This turned out to be a problem since Adventism does not believe anyone is alive past the grave and only will be alive past the grave at the one and final resurrection. So, the Adventist solution was to censor this vision of Ellen White and remove the 250 words which contradict current doctrine.
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Question for SDAs: Assuming there were any truth at all in Ellen White's claim to have seen Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Noah and Daniel in vision, why was that claim deleted in subsequent publications in the manner described in this video?


The main problem with this vision is the temporal paradox, and I believe it was purposely designed this way. There are three moments in this vision that reveal significant inconsistencies in space-time—issues that even Einstein would have trouble resolving.

1. In the beginning, she talks about seeing the future (specifically, the entire scene of the second coming).
2. In the middle, when she asks "Jesus" to show her a place (Silver... etc.), she finds Joseph and Abraham already there.
3. When she requests to eat the fruit from the Tree of Life, Jesus says, "Not now, " and an angel takes her back to Earth.

Her "vision" is so disorganized that she can't reconcile two basic pieces of information: where and when each part of the vision actually occurs. It simply creates a spirit of confusion which would be a great nickname for her "angel".


My dad was born in 1909. He said when he was a teenage the minister at the SDA church they went to ( near Bakersfield ) told the congregation to return a book by EGW, but he didn't remember the name of the book. Then his family decided to read it and it had contradiction to what the church taught.


Such errors with Adventists are also in other sects. Russelites also proved Immortal Soul, here in Poland when Russel died, "Biblie Studens" (Russelites) proclaimed that "he is not with the Lord" despite the fact that they deny immortality of a soul and counscious state.


Still can't convince AdventistS who soaked in their doctrine.
Another great lesson 🎉


Hey apologia I think this refutes adventists so hard--and in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
Luke 16:23--I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
Revelation 1:18


Adventists pay attention - immortal and eternal are two different words. Man has an ETERNAL SOUL/SPIRIT that is made in God's image. It exists eternally because God is eternal. It never ceases to exist. It can be dead, or alive. A soul that is regenerated by God, who is the source of immortality, is MADE IMMORTAL - it now has eternal life. A soul that is dead is still eternal, but it has no life and is not immortal. It has to spend eternity somewhere. It is not immortal because it's dead. Dead is not non existence. A soul without life spends eternity in torment, away from God. An eternal soul that has life spends eternity with the source of life, God himself. It's very simple.


Hi Jim, Monique here. I just watched #118. Excellent research work. Continue your good work.


Good job Jim. I can see from the comments you struck a nerve with those deceived by false doctrine.
Keep teaching the Truth my Friend. 🕊️


They are still editing stuff out, I discovered this about 13 years ago while doing my own research into her.


Very interesting. I never heard this info before or heard of this issue.


This is such a great topic. The biggest challenge I ever had with them in online debates with Adventists was this one guy going on and on against "Christian Platonism". And I have been wanting to some on that topic because of all the things that fit into that topic it is so foundational for Christianity (e.g. the Nicene Creed etc.), not to mention to actual New Testament revelation etc. Anyway, this video looks like dynamite. :)


I'm not an Adventist, but I can't seem to find in scripture where God, Jesus, Paul or any of the other apostles say that I have an immortal soul.
Ezekiel 18:20 says the soul (nephesh) that sins dies. The Hebrew word nephesh has several meanings. It can mean creature, one's desire or drive and one's history. So in Ezekiel, the creature that sins dies. That doesn't sound immortal.
Ecclesiastes says the dead know nothing. How can you have people in heaven or "hell " immediately after death and know nothing? Is there a judgment that takes place after each person dies? To my understanding, there is a judgment at the end of the age. The Great White Throne Judgement.
Plato and Socrates are the ones that said the soul is immortal. But their words are not found in scripture.
I'm not looking for an argument, just confused.


Without their Lies Adventism dies! God bless you brother and your ministry!


Ellen G White never teach that souls are immortal. If i am not mistaken Adventist is the only church that teach that dead people are sleeping in their grave.


I am not an Adventist but I would just like to say the preface stating no sentiments etc. have been changed means what it says. A better use of time. Maybe would’ve been to look at how many words and how much of scripture itself has been deleted in the newer versions of the Bible from the 1920’s onward.


If hell is eternal, where will hell be when the earth is made new? God is going to make all things new and the former things will have passed away. Is hell burning now? If it is, where is it? If you say that hell is under the earth the bible certainly would not support that in Malachi 4:1. By the way if hell is burning now, who or what is burning in it, a soul or a body because what most of you say is that when a person dies, his or her soul leaves his body and goes to heaven or hell. We know that the body is still in the casket because we can see and view it. So what in hell is burning? A soul! What is a soul made of? Can you touch it, see it or feel it? I heard one commentator say that believes the way that you do, is that the soul is immaterial. Now that presents a real problem. How can anything that is immaterial burn? I have also heard that souls are immortal and indestructible . In this case we should not be seeing bodies burning in hell because bodies just would not last. The bible says in Ezekiel 18:20 that the soul that sinneth it shall die.


Awesome video as always but no surprise there these people are mafia minded thanks J


How does "To the Remnant Scattered Abroad" prove she wasn't seeing a vision of the future?


Wow. You miss quote so much and insinuate things God help you .As already shown, the theory which forms the very foundation of Spiritualism is at war with the plainest statements of Scripture. The Bible declares that the dead know not anything, that their thoughts have perished; they have no part in anything that is done under the sun; they know nothing of the joys or sorrows of those who were dearest to them on earth. GC88 556.1

Furthermore, God has expressly forbidden all pretended communication with departed spirits. 

You could have used this quote and many others, but you have a agenda.
