ADHD in Women

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Women and men are equally likely to have attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD), even though it's often mistakenly thought of as a male disorder. In fact, adult women are the fastest growing population of ADHD diagnoses.

Misconceptions that ADHD always means physical hyperactivity
Inattentive symptoms that are easy to overlook
These ‘invisible’ symptoms are often mislabeled as:

-Learning disabilities

Undiagnosed women may live their whole lives being called:


Does your life feel like one big struggle? Are you perpetually disappointed and frustrated? It could be an undiagnosed condition causing those problems. Find out, in this video.

Related Resources
2. Free Download: Free Resource for Women and Girls: Is It ADHD?

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Yes, I have no idea how other people manage their lives.


The “feel selfish because you forgot to thank someone” had me crying. An old boyfriend berated me for 3 weeks because I forgot to tell his best friend thank you once. I even went back and thanked his friend after the fact because I was so embarrassed, and then was told I do that a lot by my friends. I thought I was just an asshole, but this changes so much.


I answered yes to all of them except being a chatty cathy. I'm usually quiet but when I talk it's too much and I annoy ppl. And it's constantly loud in my head. Always has been.


Wow!!! I've ALWAYS felt like everybody is passing me up!


I remember I got yelled at cause I didn’t say thAnk you once and now I always say thank you or overly express my appreciation sometimes


I have been called selfish my whole life for forgetting to say thanks for receiving gifts even if they are gifts that I don’t like.


Well I haven't been diagnosed, I was just put on meds to calm me down. My parents say I'm very hypersensitive, exaggerative, talkative, and that I take things too personally. I've been made fun of because of this, people claiming that I'm too over the top for it to even be an actual, believable problem. I also feel like I'm normal, but in some sort of way I feel like I'm not normal inside my brain, it's weird. I invest more time than I should in looking for things or making them perfect. And I'm extremely squeamish about germs, mess, dirt, and sickness, but I can never keep my room in order (my blankies always find their way onto the floor). I think I should discuss this with my parents, just so we get an accurate diagnosis as to what is really happening here.


One thing this video fails to may function fairly normal, BUT, boy do you spend most of your time overcompensating, managing "systems" to keep your life on track and doing "things' that others think make you weird, because you know damn well that if you don't, you will be jobless, homeless or worse. I successfully managed my ADHD (yes, I am a hyper girl--that adds another layer of weirdo or "spaz" to the list), but since I have hit perimenopause, I can't even manage my symptoms at all. It's crippled me, destroyed my finances and it's threatening my marriage. My worst fear during the 30+ years I was in the workforce finally came true: I was fired from a good job. Fluctuating Estrogen levels exacerbate ADHD. Now, at 52, I can't get diagnosed because "I did not have it as a child." BS, I have spent my life internalizing my shortcomings as society saw them, working hard to "pass" for normal and get by. Now that I need a diagnosis, I cannot get it. F*ck the DSM-V. It's such outdated science rubbish and the "symptoms" on it, which many practitioners use to diagnose women are based on little boys' symptoms. It's sexist and ageist.


Iv always had refection sensitivity. I'm so hard on myself if anyone at all rejects me in any way. It feels awful. So depressing.


Number 10 just stabbed me right in the heart because it sums up how I feel about life every day.


Being chatty and “selfish”
Extreme physical activity
Inattentive / space out
Resort to last minute projects
Yeah that’s me


ADHD is horrible to have for me. It makes me incredibly unmotivated and unhappy. I've been diagnosed with ADHD since kindergarten and living with this is just horrible, there's no docters to help me nor therapist. They just suggest Vyanse and stuff and honestly Vyanse makes me more dependent to rely on Vyanse or else I can't be motivated to do anything. It's impossible living with ADHD for me.


I was already diagnosed with adhd at a young age I just like watching these kinds of videos


10/10 on the quiz. I definitely have it but I'm waiting for an assessment at the moment.


I always feel like i either can't tune anything out or I tune everything out


Much more sound senstive..i always surprised with people in more noisy areas..i Lo ve a calm home


but my parents dont seem to really believe me and im scared that ill see a professional and they wont believe me either, but im having rly significant issues because of it and its affecting me a lot and just getting worse over the years

idk what to do


I'm having a hard time answering those questions because I barely even meet other people for me to know


Number 8 is my main problem right now.... It's a living hell and I dont know what to do. I feel so depressed, I wish I had money to manage my adhd.


ADD is a subtype of ADHD. Now i have heard this on a few sites not all so i dont know if this correct but from what im hearing is two things. One being adhd is more likely to happen in boys and ADD is more likely to happen to girls. Im not sure if this is true. 2 being u have a fair chance of getting adhd or adhd. Does not matter what your gender is
