Why McDonald's Doesn't Have A Vegan Meat Burger In The US

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As consumer diets continue to shift toward healthier food, plant-based alternatives are becoming more and more popular. Fast-food chains like Burger King, White Castle, and Carl's Jr. are rolling out fake meat options. But will Mcdonald's - the world's most famous fast-food restaurant - jump on board?

In the 12 months ending in March 2019, restaurant operators increased purchases of plant based protein 36 percent. That's in an environment where foot traffic in restaurants has remained relatively flat since 2014.

Traditional veggie burgers started popping up on grocery store shelves in the 1980s. Restaurants added them to their menus as an easy option for vegetarian diners. But veggie burgers have also gotten a bad rap. Made with black beans, lentils or tofu, they don't really taste like a real burger. In fact, they're usually pretty tasteless.

Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are trying to change that. Their plant-based burgers mimic actual beef’s taste, texture and look. The Beyond Burger uses pea proteins and beet juice to achieve taste and texture.

The Impossible Burger has found its own secret ingredient: heme. The iron-containing molecule is found in our blood as well as beef. It’s what gives meat a pink color and a metallic taste. To make a vegan friendly burger that contains the molecule, Impossible Foods uses genetically modified soy. And as an added bonus, the heme makes an Impossible Burger look like it’s bleeding juices -- just like a meat patty.

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Why McDonald's Doesn't Have A Vegan Meat Burger In The US
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McDonald it’s ahead of the game, they haven’t had real meat in decades 😂😂


Tbh if i wanted a healthier source of protein, I wouldn't be eating a burger.


I got a friend that used to work at BK and she told me that the veggie burger sold like crazy.


I’m one of those omnivores, and I like the meat alternatives largely, even exclusively, for the environmental reasons. There’s no real evidence that shows that fake meat is appreciably healthier than actual meat.


The Impossible patty is massive. Doesn't shrink like the beef patty and it tastes even better than the regular Whopper. They gourmet Beyond patty is absolutely AMAZING. Had one at Fudruckers and it's mind blowing.


It's not the impossible burger but Sweden and Finland have a McVegan burger that's a decent burger in mcdonalds standards


I will eat an Impossible Big Mac! I’ve been waiting years for a veggie burger at McDonald’s. They need to also think about groups of people going somewhere to get food. When I’m on road trips with my friends we only go to places I know there is a veggie burger or veggie option at.


Good news! The McPlant burger is now available in 4 cities and 8 locations for test marketing here in the USA. More widely available in some other countries, like the UK.

I hope it will be at all locations for Veganuary.


In Belgium they had the mcveggie for a couple of years, but recently they've added a whole new vegetarian menu 🤷


Has anybody mentioned that murdering animals for human consumption is not only unhealthy for humans but grossly cruel to sentient animal beings?This world would be a much kinder and humane place without animal extermination factories!Im vegan and proud and healthier for it!The younger generation is starting to realize this!


“ I want to be healthier and not eat meat” eats a impossible burger made with gmo


It has been available in Finland for a some time too


I'm one of those omnivores that have been buying vegan options. The soy burgers of the past tasted terrible to me. The new plant-based burgers have come a long way from the past. I choose the plant-based meats because they taste the same as the real thing, but without all the artery-clogging cholesterol.


"But veggie burgers have also gotten a bad rap. Made with black beans, lentils or tofu, they don't really taste like a real burger. In fact, they're usually pretty tasteless."

Veggie burgers haven't been "tasteless" in well over a decade. Whoever came up with that line wasn't actually eating veggie burgers, they're just pushing their IDEA of veggie burgers. Some are more meat-like than others, but most are very flavorful and have a nice texture.


You didn't answer the question asked in your video.


7:42 love how they used a shot of the scientist using the laptop for facebook


Makes sense. At the end of the day, transitioning away from meat factories towards a menu that is easier on the environment requires customer demand.


There are a lot of countries in which they do.

*I’n here before the video gets taken down*


I ve eaten mcdonalds in Bahrain and India They do have a veg burger.


The world will be a better place if we all ate less meat! It's okay to be an Omnivore but we all need to be more Sustainable to help our planet.
