What is REV MATCHING on a Motorcycle?

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How to rev match on a motorcycle and why you might want to do it on your next ride.



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This was one of the first thing I wanted to learn when I started to ride my bike, makes you feel like you know what you are doing, and it sound awesome!


If I tell you how much i love your explanation of rev matching, you won't believe it. I have gone through several videos about rev matching but yours is best so far. I watched over and over just to get it into my head forever. Thanks bro. More blessings. 👍👍


Man, feels of Revv matched down shifts are so satisfying.


Your videos only get better every upload. Quality content👌


Wonderful. Explained very professionally. Got my like.


Good to know I've been doing it correctly.
I'm always worried that I'm being too harsh on the clutch plates by "dumping" the clutch while shifting at speed, but it doesn't make sense to me since feathering the clutch means it's spending more time in friction and therefore more time on getting worn down.

I even learned how to upshift VERY SMOOTHLY without a clutch (clutchless downshifts are a bit tricky for me, so I haven't gotten very good at those), but it makes sense that if you can perfectly match the speed, you don't necessarily need the clutch. I've also found out that the bike kind of "tells" you when to shift because if you apply pressure up against the shift lever, it will resist shifting because the speeds don't match, but when you quickly cut the throttle, it drops to a speed that matches, allowing the shift lever to shift up, at which point you re-engage the throttle, and if done right it'll be as smooth as an automatic transmission - i.e. no jerking whatsoever (unless you're in very high rpms, at which point it's practically impossible to do an ultra-smooth shift, clutch or no clutch - there WILL be some jerkiness).


Another way to enjoy changing gears. So satisfying with the right muffler as well.😊


DISCLAIMER: revmaching is fun n all but remember the other benefit is "keeping the bike in the power band" wich sounds great but if approaching a really sharp turn might decrease the margin of error with regards to grip...


Great video. Great explanation. Things are so much better when the teacher can explain, with diagrams, animations, etc. In this video, he explained that the rear wheel moves and 'pushes' the cam shaft. This is what made it 'click' for me, when I intuitively understood what is happening.
I think there is a phenomenon where people think they understand something just because they can parrot the words a video said. I don't know if they are aware of that, and lie to to impress people. Or, they really think they understand it.


Thanks for explaining. I heard about rev matching but never knew or understood what it was. This might smooth out my down shiftimg


Clearest explanation on rev matching I've seen so far!


Mad respect, just for the fact you mentioned Marquez 💓🙇


One more benefit... last summer, I had to ride 350 miles mostly without a clutch because my cable was down to its last 3-4 strands and I had to preserve what I had left any way that I could. (The cable is 2" over stock length so a replacement was not readily available.) Fortunately, the distance to cover was mostly on the interstate but I did need 2 gas stops and had some slow traffic around Seattle. If you can match your revs both up shifting and down shifting, the ride will be much more comfortable and less worrisome.


Still working on getting it perfected, but I'm pretty good at it. Going from 3rd to 2nd is the hardest for me. Sometimes too much blip other times not enough.


I just started riding, and this answer all my questions. 😅 Been feeling that harsh shifting bc I was feather the clutch lol 😅


I’ve been doing it before I knew what it was called too 🙏🏽 It’s just like that I and the bike understand each other. Thank you for this video now I know that I’m doing it correctly.


This is one of my fav thing about riding a motorcycle, it is so awesome when getting it total smooooth .. also the engine will thank you in the long run!


Brilliant vid - sending link to my daughter who is learning.


This is the best video for bliping the trottle.


"Rev matching" reduces clutch wear as well. Which is why most owner operator truck drivers "float" gears. Its also smoother, so you are less likely to break your rear wheel loose in low traction scenarios, like cornering. Which is why big rig drivers also call it slick shifting. When you drive on ice or snow in a big rig you have to float/ rev match/ slick shift. So as to lessen the chances of breaking your drive tires loose and possibility jack knifing, or wrecking.
There are so many benefits. Knowledge or practice of Rev matching should be required for everyone in order to get a motorcycle license.
