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Love Taylor saying 'you can't charge it to 100% or it damages the battery' - it's done 460k, I don't think battery care is the highest priority right now...


Alex asked a 70+ year-old man how to charge an electric car - and actually got helpful advice - crazy world!


News from Renault, they got a new car i have a picture its called the *Influenza*

James May 2012


I'm not an EV fan boy but I'd like to make a few comments: running a battery down low on occasion doesn't kill the battery. Also charging it above 80% for a road trip is also fine. Depending on the type of battery chemistry, some are better to be daily charged to 80% if you're doing lots of miles, other newer chemistries are fine to be charged to 100%. Also DC fast charging doesn't kill the battery sooner. There's a lot of misinformation around about EVs and unfortunately you guys have fallen into the trap.


Had electric for 7 years. In the beginnings it was tough. Now with a Model 3 its so easy. If you dont have a drive - dont buy electric. I charge my car 95% at home for 7.5p per kwh, i get 250 miles range. I have done 45k miles and a least 35k is all charged at home. That has cost me £656 for 35k, I only need to supercharge if my round trip is over 250. Which is rare for me. Also if you need to charge a lot when out and do loads of miles and want electric, ONLY buy a Tesla if you want hassle free charging and no waiting,
Electric will never replace ICE until the costs are equal in purchase and running and every petrol station has at least 10 rapid chargers. Until then Electric is great when you charge at home and rarely need to further than your range.

Edit. Updated the costs for charging. 👍


You need a driveway for cheap EV ownership. I charge my car once a week at home overnight for 7p per kWh. Costs me £2.60 a week.


Not even watched it yet, but I assume Alex bought a lemon

Edit: the Renault is not a lemon, it did a beautiful job of wounding up Alex 😂


The Renault Flatulence was designed with battery swapping in mind, they just never got the operation up and going outside of a small trial in Israel before the company doing the trial went bust. Maybe have a go at a battery swap to see how easy it could be?


Big fan of the channel, love shitboxes, V8s, old BMWs etc, also a very happy EV owner.
I'm not a rabid EVangelist, they aren't for everyone, and there are still things that need to get a lot better, and public charging needs to be cheaper. EVs need to be cheaper, and simpler, and move back towards button-controlled HVAC systems etc.
I would never expect Alex or any of the Autoalex crew to be fans of EVs, and that's not my gripe, as echo chambers aren't healthy.
Having said that, it's a little disappointing to see a video that goes after the lowest hanging fruit, feeding into a (rather irrational) anti EV narrative. It definitely makes for entertaining TV choosing not to learn how your very old EV charges, so that you can wander around looking clueless when it's charging time. And also making it look agreeably perilous choosing when and how to stop to charge, rather than using one of the many apps that takes a couple of minutes to programme to give you a safe route that takes into account your car's range and charging times.
EV related content nowadays is really only sufficiently entertaining when the most extreme vehicles are being put through the most extreme tests.
Watching the average person use their three year old, £13-14, 000 EV on a 20 mile commute for a week before charging it overnight for £3, which is more representative of the norm, is acutely dull.
Personally, I'd like to see the Tesla M57 swapped and the Tesla running gear (motors and battery) put in the Fluence to create a sleeper that could be raffled or given away at a Mattwood event or similar.
EV content notwithstanding, keep it up guys, love the podcast, it makes my commute fly past!


Horses for courses. You don't by an electric car if you only do 450 mile plus journeys. Likewise if you are a plumber you don't by a 2 seater sport car as a work vehicle. I average 40 miles a day. Electric suits fine.


Given that Renault only sold 79 of the Fluence ZE model in the UK, it's probably worth hanging onto it. It's rarer than unicorn shit.


Older low mileage electric cars can be some of the worst for degradation, because they likely spent their whole life plugged in on 100% charge, which with their unsophisticated batteries would absolutely kill them.


I really don’t see the hate on electric cars. They are quick, ride nice and if you are honest with yourself, the 20 mins to fast charge and around $15 to pay for full charge from 20%-90% isn’t inconvenient. Plug it in every night at your house and you’ll never once have to worry about it.


Guys, despite your best efforts, all you did was convince me the Model S is a belting motor and can got to Scotland and back trouble free and cheaply. I love that car!!


I miss Tom Lenthall, need him on another video soon !!


the problem with 1st gen electric cars is like old phones, no standard connector has been made yet, like we have usb C now and back in 2008 we had like 10+ phone chargers


A few minutes in and won't lie, already enjoying it more than the hot hatch finale.


according to wikipedia, you have a really rare Renault on your hands sold a grand total of 79 in the UK.


Sorry chaps, got to point out that the numbers favour an EV if you can charge at home.

As the previous owner of that Range Rover, it would have cost me a minimum of £37.38 in fuel for my 150 mile commute. In my EV, charging at home at a preferential rate, that same journey costs me £4.

I do that journey 3x a week, therefore saving £400 a month in fuel costs. Plus I have no maintenance costs for 3 years (apart from tyres), no VED (yet) etc...

My Polestar 2 was the right decision > my old RR.
