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Can someone pray for me? I rejected to repent many times 4 months ago, I stopped to get on fire for God and almost stopped feeling conviction. When I sin I am not feeling bad or wrong. Thanks for anyone that prayed for me💛


I fell back into the world for 25 years. After Israel was attacked I fell on my face and asked GOD to forgive me for all of my transgressions! THANK YOU JESUS FOR NEVER LEAVING ME!

Update: The LORD has saved my grandson and the HOLY SPIRT is working on my two sons. 3 granddaughters and 2 daughter in laws to go! PRAISE JESUS!


I've thought I lost my salvation many times but this one verse has helped me…”All the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me, I will never drive away.” John 6:379


I've been struggling with sin of lust and anger, but I keep trusting the Lord❤ Amen!


Short answer: You can't lose your salvation because salvation comes from God, and God is incapable of failure.


Thank you Emelio. I've been dealing with sexual sin for years, and i've been PLEADING and begging God to take it all away. Even when I sin, i repent everytime. Sometimes i would feel that I will never be free, but i know that that was a lie by satan. I needed this message. Keep preaching the good word, and God bless you!


Amen brother I have struggles, and what helped me as a former drug abuser is thanking the Lord in advance for taking it away from me, I promise no matter what you struggle with don't stop praying an keep confessing them before the Lord an he will take it away ❤❤❤❤


AMEN i am special needs with Autsim OCD ADHD and PDD and i am struggling a lot with sin pray for me brothers and sisters


Lord Jesus help all that are in the chain that are struggling ... that includes all of us! Thank you Jesus!


"If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned." (Jesus)


I just learned something huge. No matter if our conviction is righteous or sinful, if you don't feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit, then you never had it. If you do feel it, you are by definition saved by Gods grace.


I really needed to hear this! I've been praying for my heart and God is molding me! My biggest transformation in's the first thing I needed mending... I still have moments but I recognize when I'm wrong. Praise Jesus!


I love listening to your sermons. They truly uplift me and I learn so much. Praise Jesus.


Amen, may God bless u and your family and whoever reads this and his family


May are Heavenly Father bless us all ! Those who have turned to him and choose to walk with Him . And bless those who have not yet by letting them open their hearts and eyes . I pray the lost find their way to the Lord . And Bless you my brother in Christ and thank you for your vids . I really enjoy them .


I am really really sorry for all my sin done against you against you Jesus Christ. Please forgive all my sin i repent and confess all my sin. Amen Amen 🙏🙌 Hallelujah Lord Jesus Christ please 🙏❤️❤️💥 Glory to Lord Jesus Christ 💪❤❤❤❤


Thank you so much ofr this message❤ God's timing is perfect!! Please pray for me, ive been doubting my salvation so often😔


Our works or lack of good works does not affect our salvation. it does affect our eternal rewards, but salvation is not a reward. Salvation is a gift that cannot be lost.


If we know Christ, however, our salvation is already assured. We’ll still stand before God – but not to be judged for our salvation. Instead, we will stand before God to be rewarded for our good deeds. The Bible says, “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad” (2 Corinthians 5:10). These too are sobering words, reminding us that we are accountable to God for the way we live as believers.


the best thing Imo for people who feel little to no emotions or convictions is ask God to soften your heart

using Pauls words
I was a once a blasphemer, a persecutor and a violent man; I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief.

This describes me to a tee. until about 5 months ago, I started asking God to soften my heart (I didnt pray often; in fact at this point I wasn't 100% sure anymore if God was real or not, it was probably a year or 2 since i last "really prayed" and I was almost certain God wasn't real as I "was a Christian" when I was younger but around 10-13 I started to think God or the things of God were just coping mechanism for people who couldnt handle reality) as I didn't see evidence for him, I felt little to no emotion and I felt like I was just being played

well as I said 👆 I started asking God to soften my heart to Him and His ways and to soften my heart to human emotions and empathy

I'm not gonna lie it took some time, but since then all I can say is *He did a 180 on me* as I ended up going from a "Child Christian" to a "10+ year athiets/agnostic person" to "being born again" not just believing what I was told

however I think sometimes the devil tries to gets too me, as I keep remembering my passed. how I'd deny God being real, or if He was real I denied His care for me and said things like "He just laugh at my misfortune like a comic" or "He hates me" etc. and every few months I start to question if I'm truly saved or if I am just deceiving myself. but then I try to remember what Paul says. *Christ came to save sinners, of who I am the worse*
and then trust that God wouldn't change my heart plus listen to and answer my prayers if He truly was "done with me" like the devil keeps trying to make me believe

if anyone read this whole thing "dang and thanks" 😂

andbto everyone on this YouTube channel I hope God blesses you all in Jesus Holy Name!
