CAN a CHRISTIAN LOSE their SALVATION || Once saved, always saved?

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#salvation #canyouloseyoursalvation #oncesavedalwayssaved

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What is the truth about once saved, always saved? Can a Christian lose their salvation? In this video, Daniel explains the truth about salvation. He will answer these questions biblically and will tell you how to be sure of your salvation. Are you know if you are really saved? Can reborn Christians lose their salvation? If you want to learn more about salvation, then watch this very important video till the end.

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I'm ex muslim but Jesus saved 2018. My wife she is new believer but we are not life Togather. Please pray her and pray our marriage because We want to come together


I have sin and I have repeatedly repentance of my sins and seek guidance from the Lord


I am saved by the grace of God . I accepted Jesus as my saviour and redeemer and lord in my life. Thank you Jesus


Everytime I stray. He comes and gets me. That one sheep. He truly loves me. He never changes. Thank you lord Jesus for dragging that cross and giving your life for my sins and the world. Save us all. In holy holy holy lord Jesus name .


Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.


Jesus saved me in 2022, Hallelujah! All glory goes to Jesus Christ!


Im a born again Christian, I still sin a lot but I am convicted from the holy Spirit when I sin and that conviction grows stronger the older I get, when I get concerned about wondering if im not changing, I look back and realize how much less I sin as I once did, only the holy Spirit could change me, thanks to God's holy Spirit Through Jesus Christ, Thank you Lord Jesus for being my Lord and Savior. ❤


I’m reminded of the parable of the lost sheep in Matthew 18:12–14 and Luke 15:3–7. Surely, the Lord will come after those who are lost. I can do nothing of my own, but I depend completely on Him. I’m saved by His grace. 🙌🙏 ❤😇


I am saved by grace and that is the gift of God 🙏✝️🛐✨👼🏼✨


There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Good work, Daniel.


My parents were out on an anniversary date. I was at home with my brothers and sister, I was selfish and I treated my brother bad (argued, annoyed him, and ignored him.) they were playing video games and in the middle I started crying and said “I’m sorry for being mean “ “I want to be a Christian “
When my parents got home I told them that I wanted to be a Christian. I prayed and accepted Jesus Christ in my


I am a REBORN CHRISTIAN!!! Praise Jesus Christ and our father God 🙏🙏❤️🤗


Two of my brothers were in a car accident with several cousins. He was 22 years of age and saved and God took him home. Thirty four years on my other brother told me he'd come to accept Christ as Lord and savior. Now he is walking in newness of life.


Thanks! I was raised on the church and I was baptized in 1966. Today, I feel more close to God than I have since I entered college. I feel again the truth and the spirit held. I fell away. I am so sorry and repent😭.

Thank you for this message. I love you


I'm going through a rough time and I am 67 years old and raising my great granddaughter who is now 2 years old and I have had her since birth she was born addicted to herion and her parents are still using. I grow so discouraged more often than not. She is such a precious little girl and she loves me and everything God has created for us to enjoy. I don't have anyone except for the baby and me and my little dog nobody comes to check on us and sometimes I don't understand why it's as if I have only Jesus and His Holy Spirit to guide me and talk with me. I know that God has a greater plan for us and I have to keep believing and praying 🙏 and trusting God for his protection and will for our lives. Please pray for my daughter Elizabeth Schronce and her children and grandchildren because they are all addicted and I never hear from them no matter how much I try to reach out to them I have taught my children and grandchildren about the love of God our Father and Jesus Christ His Son but they seem to be choosing the world instead of the family and love one's who care for them and I appreciate all the love and prayers for us all


Born in the Flesh on 7/10/81, Born of the Spirit on 04/20/01❤ He Came into My life When I needed him the Most. I didn’t even know how to turn to him. He put it on the Heart of someone in my life to Ask to Pray for me. In that Moment I knew He was Calling me to him. I died that day.(metaphorically speaking) was Forgiven for it all and was a cleansed and Born again. Could never Forget. I was Bought with a Price. One I could never Pay. Thank You Yeshua/Emmanuel/Jesus the Rock of My Salvation. My Deliverer. Lord Help me to Share your Love. For there is Nothing in this World that can compare to you. Thanks Daniel. For Sharing his Word.


In October 13 2019 I gave my life to Christ!!


I'm a new believer been saved two weeks thank you for your videos ❤❤❤ god bless you Daniel your videos really help me ❤❤❤


Man, this question has plagued me throughout my failures in this walk and currently left me a broken mess after some heavy handed backsliding. Through all my backsliding I always had the thought in my head and feeling in my heart that I shouldn’t be doing what I was doing but I ultimately kept giving in until I find myself bound once again (to a lesser degree than before I was saved, but still definitely in bondage to addiction) I have gotten SOOO frustrated with different preachers saying completely different things but feeling like nobody can exegete the scripture in a way that made full sense to me one way or the other. I love Jesus, and I think that’s why it hurts all the more knowing where I’m at right now, and leaves me susceptible to the accuser of the brethren and his lies and twisting of scripture to try to condemn me. I feel in my heart if I just get back up and surrender again that He would gladly receive me back, but I’m so tired and constantly overthinking things to the point I don’t want to take action, alongside the extreme fatigue and stress of keeping up with basic responsibilities like being a manager at my job, and being married. I for sure at least grieved the Holy Spirit, and I feel awful about it. I feel like I’m at a breaking point, but for the first time in the last few months I’m having a very slight sense of hopefulness because I know Jesus saved me and changed me RADICALLY when I was a broken mess. I feel like it may just be part of His plan to let me go through this, and feel the separation between us and the consequences of my sin, to stir me back up instead of thinking He is just done with me… I’ve been frustrated with Him that I find some scripture so confusing and hard to come to a solid conclusion about like a lot of the stuff in Hebrews, etc. but the last few days I’ve been feeling like I’m just focused on the wrong question (whether I can lose my salvation or not) and need to simply come back to trusting Him with all my heart and not leaning on my own understanding like I have been. I finally feel like I will come out of this soon, and I can see how much these experiences I’m having can benefit the body of Christ and bring Him glory when all is said and done. I think I’m just going through a very severe chastisement, and possibly a trial and pruning all at once, that’s to teach me how to TRULY walk by faith and not by sight, or by my feelings which is something I’ve struggled with in my walk without even realizing how bad that is. I’ve also been being attacked by the enemy really badly with things like sleep paralysis and intrusive thoughts that I’ve never had before but I’m learning to ignore those thoughts and experiences, and not let them wreck me or distort who God really is to me or who I am to Him. Thanks to whoever read this all the way through for listening to a struggling brother in Christ, if you made it to the end of my venting I would be greatly blessed by your prayers if you would be so kind. I love you all, stay close to Jesus and trust Him even when it doesn’t seem to make sense, and stay away from your sin. Don’t make my mistakes, I promise that you probably don’t want to experience what I’m going through lately.
