5 Things You Must Never Do to Your Shih Tzu Dog

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In this video, we bring to you 5 Things You Must Never Do to Your Shih Tzu Dog.

✅✅ Develop your dog's hidden intelligence to eliminate bad behavior and get a smarter dog.
To Be Clear: The Shih Tzu's name means little lion which they are most certainly not, but might be confused for because of their big fluffy mane. This breed is all about cuddles, not hunting. They are excellent house dogs who enjoy following their humans around the house and getting them to play with them. They’ve been around for a long time since ancient times, finding themselves on the laps of various people, including emperors. As a Shih Tzu Dog owner, there are some things you must never do to ensure you get the best outcome, and in this video, we will talk about 5 things you must never do to your Shih Tzu Dog.

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Clearly whoever said don’t pamper them has never had one. I don’t know how to not pamper mine! It’s her house she just lets us live in it and be her servants! Shih Tzus don’t have owners they have staff! Shih-Tzus are the best!🥰


I have had shih tzus for 17 years, one was put to sleep 7 years ago I still think of him alot. I now have a darling boy and he is my best pal and I try to do all the things mentioned in your
article. I am nearing 90 years old and I would be very lonesome without my lovely boy he is smart, happy and alot of company for me.


My son got a shih tzu and he told me I needed his brother! I got him, and love him to the end of the world! He’s almost 10 months old, and is my constant companion! He’s a great loving dog, he’s getting more lap loving, and makes every step I do! My husband is sick and in the bed and he’s been such a great little boy to help me keep my life from going completely wild! I’m so glad I have him, he’s quite different from his brother. His brother is named Ace, and mine is named Gorgi! No other name would’ve suited him! He’s a wonderful support little person! I talk to him so much I seem to forget he’s not a human person! So much companionship and love from something so little! While we both love him immensely, he’s really spoiled to me!! Sorry this is so long, but he’s my world since I can’t get out and see people and all! He’s my world and loves me unconditionally! I love my son for insisting that I buy him! I’m forever grateful!


So my whole family pampers our shih tzu. We are now working for her and obeys her every command. It's not that bad tho 😆


I was a shihtzu owner until he died June 2020 at 17 years. He became blind for about a year or two but still was able to stay somewhat active. When his hip problems became very difficult we were torn between taking him to the Vet or letting him die at home. We made an appointment with the Humane Society (where we adopted him when he was 1 year old) but then he seemed to be getting better. I had just finished radiation treatments 2 months before he died (after being diagnosed with cancer) while under (Covid) stay at home orders so it was a very hard time in many ways. We made many mistakes but we believe he knew he was loved and we took care of him the best we could.


I found my little guy in a blizzard. I broke my ankle that day too! I was able to corner him in a parking lot and bring him home. No chip, wasn’t fixed. Just all alone out in the cold. He is a little Angel. He has brought so much joy to our family. Oh boy. Well my Huckleberry sure is pampered. He does cry out loud and loud if I leave him to long( like to go do some needed chores. He absolutely loves baths and getting his hair brushed. He is my joy along with my other two pets( Maltese Luigi and Bugsy the tiny cat) God Bless you all and God Bless Shitz


I had a Shi Tzu fir 19 yrs. She was walked 4 times a day and brushed everyday at a certain time. They love routine.


I had a Maltese shih tzu named Zoey and she lived 14 years 5 months. I now have a registered 6 month old boy named Chewy that was my Christmas gift this past Christmas. He is my world! I hit the jackpot with this puppy. Completely potty trained after 4 months and loves to be brushed and combed after each potty visit outside. I even bought a cordless groomer kit off Amazon and groom him myself. I’ll save a lot of money this go round. And to top it off he loves to get a bath!🥰❤️🐶🤗


My wife and I had our first Shi-Tzu for 17.5 years and our new girl is about to turn 4. She is literally like our child and we love her like one. Shi-tzu’s are the best dogs and companions ever


Pampering them is not spoiling them. I would say shih tzus thrive on schedules.


This explains why my shih tzu doesn't do a single thing I tell him. He's spoiled and in control :)


Yes I am owned by a Shih Tzu, she is an angel


Yeah that confused me, they said not to pamper them. I didn’t think that was possible😂 Shih Tzus are the absolute best! My first Shih Tzu, his name was Stewart. He was black and white and in his younger years we let his hair grow out some but it was so hard to take care of. In his later years we cut him very short and he looked so cute with short hair. He was the cutest, sweetest little boy but he had some fierce attitude! I loved him SOO MUCH! He loved car rides and I took him shopping with me often. I took him swimming with me. My parents have a pool next door. He didn’t like to swim but I would let him float on a boogie board and he really seemed to like that. Almost every time we went to the beach we took him and our yellow lab Toby, that we lost back in 2017😭They both were my best buddies❤️We lost Stewart in Oct of 21😭I was devastated💔We had to put him down. Kidney failure that came on so fast and couldn’t be stopped. Putting him down was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. He was almost 15 years old. I treated him like a baby❤️ We weren’t really ready for another dog but it seemed meant to be. Early in Feb we came across another Shih Tzu that was eight weeks old for sale. She is the cutest girl Shih Tzu puppy I ever laid eyes on, so I had to have her. She was very expensive but worth every penny. Her name is Gabby, which fits her well because her tongue is always hanging out. I absolutely love it! I have not cut her hair yet because her hair is so pretty. I don’t want to lose her puppy coat. She is the prettiest color light brown with dark tips and some white throughout with dark highlights. She is just the prettiest little thing and I plan on totally spoiling her much! I want a whole house full of Shih Tzus❤️🐶


Yes, I have a Shih Tzu, name Oreo 9 yrs, will be 10 yrs in 10 Nov 2022. I keep his hair cut short, in summer, I let grow in winter months. We love him, have no problems, he is amazing in house, traveling etc. I pamper him all time especially while we travels. He a world traveler, he go church with us to movie etc.


I'm a shih- tzu owner& he's very smart& energetic, he's so loved!! Sandy


I have a Maltese shih tzu! He’s around 14 weeks old now and he’s the most adorable thing ever, he’s very loyal, caring and he even shares his food with my cats sometimes which is so sweet. He’s a total sweetheart and I will never stop bragging about him!


My shitzus were always pampered
And never had any problems
We always kept the cute puppy cut
Grooming wasn’t much of a hassle


I have three shih tzu's two of them are rescue doggies we have had this breed in our family for 40 years wonderful companions:):):):)


We had one mixed with yellow and white and some dark brown male Shi Tzu previous owner neglected him.
We took him in about 2 years of age and we loved and adored him so much; he lived with us 15 years.
He died 3 months shied and he would been 18 years old.
Now it’s has been 3 years since he passed we missed him everyday😭he’s like a child to us.


Wonderful breed! We’re going on our 3rd ShihTzu each previous 2 have Enjoyed a Great Life being spoiled & mainly ❤️.
First-Scooter lived 17 years 6. Months.
Second-Zoeye lived 13 years.
Third-Buddy is 18 months & going strong.These ShihTzu’s. had All adjusted to our Lifestyle ( work & play). There’s No other breed for Us, ❤️❤️❤️
