My biggest regret of my twenties.

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I'm bringing the 30 day experiments back! What should I do after yoga? (don't say meth).


Hi Matt: At this point, you probably have your assistant reading these (hi assistant) but I live close to the beach, and swim most mornings with the retirees. I find older folks to be a wealth of knowledge. So my suggestion for a 30-day challenge is for you to talk to someone over 70 for 30 days and report back to us the experience - any variation on this would be fine. Thanks, Cynthia from St. Croix


“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”
–C. S. Lewis


*“You’ll watch an entire Netflix series even when the first episodes are slow just because someone told you that ‘it gets better’, but what if you looked at your goals like that and watched your life get better instead?”*

Love from a small YouTuber💙


*5 things to quit in your 20s:*
*1. Overthinking*
*2. Trying to make everyone happy*
*3. Living in the past*
*4. Worrying*
*5. Doubting yourself…*

Love from a small YouTuber 💙


I'd like to emphasize this: never blame yourself for past mistakes or missed opportunities. Because without that passed experience you wouldn't have come to who you are today. This realization has been freeing for me, and helped find the courage to move forward, without letting fear to overweigh reason.


Just turned 22 last month, and being more courageous has truly helped me discover who I am and what I’m capable of. I’ve been making more spontaneous trips, putting myself out there with my films and YouTube by introducing myself to new people, and just overall being comfortable with being uncomfortable. Anxiety pretty much defined my teen years, and my entire life until I hit 20. From there it’s been a gradual increase. Ups and downs, but finding ways to turn those downs back up again


I don’t understand why people feel such pressure to find a significant other. Isn’t pursuing your ambitions a far more important task? I used to actively seek women and party a lot, but as I began visualizing what I wanted for my life and started working on my goals, I lost interest in going out with girls. IMO, a SO should be fairly likeminded to you and I believe you’re more likely to find someone along the way while working towards your goals than on Tinder.


I’m out of my twenties and got a nice little courage boost watching this one. Thank you! Your videos have helped me and inspired me so much over the last couple of years, let me know if you’d like any help during your 30 day Yoga challenge! I’m thrilled for you!


We knew you'd come around to yoga eventually 🙏✌️Many classes are waiting for you!


Let's appreciate his honesty. It's incredible hard to talk about things that you're not proud of.


It’s crazy how individual anxiety is: While I’m writing this comment, I’m more scared to post this, than the Date I have at Sunday and I’m 24. I have more, ,online presence anxiety” then, ,dating anxiety”!
The fact, that you found the courage to create a successful YouTube channel with personal topics, and I struggle to put one anonym comment on YouTube, makes me believe, that pushing yourself out of the comfort zone really can beat anxiety.
PS: 30 Days surviving in the Australian rainforest. ;)


All the anxiety, all the stress I’d ever had stemmed from one thing: fear.

Fear of failure, fear of embarrassing myself, fear of talking on the phone. The fear was so intense that it made me not want to do anything, and for a long time, I didn’t. If there was the slightest risk of things going wrong, I didn’t do it.

There’s a really great scene from Rocky 3 where Rocky is afraid of not only losing to Clubber Lang, but also losing everything he had worked for, fear of not being a man. Fear of not being himself.

What I love about this scene is Adrian calls Rocky out on his fear, and makes him admit it to himself and to own it. She asks “What’s the truth?”. “If we don’t have the truth then we don’t have anything”, she says.
He had been trying to hide it but was failing, and it was costing him.
She tells him that if he doesn’t get rid of that fear, the only thing he will have left is regret.

It’s a simple scene, maybe even cheesy, but it perfectly embodied my relationship with fear. I too had been running from it. My truth was that fear was the one thing holding me back.

I told myself that I wasn’t going to let fear have a stranglehold on my life anymore.

“The brave man is not he who is without fear, but he who acts in spite of it”.

“The greatest teacher, failure is”.


I’m turning 20 this November so this video will definitely help out! Thanks for passing down your wisdom to us, Matt! 🙌🏼


Honestly I’m a 20 something and you can never be reminded of this enough. Fear just creeps up again and makes you «safe». I needed to hear this today, thanks!


I have the feeling that whatever we do, we will always have regrets.

The right thing to do is to let go of the past and continue going forward. GOOD VIDEO BRO


This video really speaks to me. I was terrified of dating in my early 20s. I didn’t have enough courage to take risks and do things that I would have enjoyed like going on solo trips, moving out to another city or state or something as simple as going to the movies by myself. I always tried to play safe and stay within my comfort zone. I’m 30 now and my current partner has helped me to overcome my fears. I’m definitely a more adventurous and spontaneous person now, but I wish I had been like this when I was younger.


One interesting thing about these “what I regret” or “what I would do different” is that it shouldn’t be about “I wish I did things differently” because that totally misses all of the growth that you have gone through throughout your life. The way I see it, if you are in a part of your life and you have things that you would do differently, that just means that you grew as a person! How boring would it be if as soon as you are born until the day you die you were perfect in every way? Growth is what life should be about, not “already being perfect”…
As is often said: “it’s all about the journey.”
So don’t feel bad if you have regrets. It just means that you are a better version of yourself.


I just turned 25, and it is so so true! Fear is the biggest thing that stops me from doing something that I would wanted to do. Or even simple thing as making my own decisions. Fear to decide what is what I want, and do the things what I want. thank you so much for sharing this! 🌞


""'you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.'
- Wayne Gretzky"
- Michael Scott"
- Matt D'Avella
