76% of People Die With the Same Regret

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Turns out you’re going to have to fight for your right to be happy. 3/4 of the population lay on their deathbed wishing they would have stayed true to themselves, not living the life others expected of them.

Here’s how I think you win that fight:

1. Build accountability around your personal goals. Writing your bucket list builds accountability because you’re turning a thought into something tangible and your list acts a reminder that your dreams exits. Sharing your goals also builds accountability and having someone check in on you (an accountability buddy) increases your chances of success by 77%.

2. Don’t wait to feel inspired to go after your dream, you’ll be waiting a long time. Create your own inspiration through small steps of action. Nike has been saying it for a while, Just Do It.

3. Remind yourself, anyway you can, that you are mortal. It might be tomorrow, it might be when you’re 80, but one day you will die. That means your time is limited therefore now is the time to write your list.

Build these muscles to win the fight! 💪

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Listen. 99.9 percent of all humans who have ever lived did not have time to worry about what they did or didn’t do when it comes to death. Mostly they have struggled in the mud for survival and are content with basic events of human existence. Don’t sweat it. Trust your decisions at the time. Don’t be preoccupied with decisions in the past that you can’t change. Enjoy the life you’re living now.


I didn't understand this until 15 years ago when I was about to die from chronic kidney failure. I thought about all the things I didn't do for one lame reason or another. I got very lucky and received a kidney transplant and things have been great since. Now I do all the things I didn't do before. I take that day trip. I clock out of work on time. I call that friend I haven't talked to in a while. I visit my family. I ask that girl out on a date.

Getting sick turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me.


I’m in my 50’s and already regret having worked my life away.


I'm pushing 80. Most of my regrets are over things I wished I done different in social situations. The best part of my life has been since I was in my late 40's. I look back and most of the regrets are how I should have treated others better or handled situations better. But I've lived a good life. Which in some ways makes my failings with others even worse. Just me.
Again, this is just me, I've realized at the end of my life, if I have any real self-awareness, that the only Judge I face is myself. There is no report card as you lay dying.


For me, if I have regrets on my death bed, that means I didn't understood life. The purpose of life is to live. If it's my time, then it's my time. I will rest in peace rather than rest in regret.


Nawh man, no matter what you do and what goals you do you’re gonna regret the ones you didn’t. If you did it, you might have ended up 10x worse. Butterfly effect.


I met a lady in 2008 and at that moment consciously thought "I have ZERO regrets." Things did not work out with her and now at the age of 50 my only regret is that I did not start a family at a younger age.


You cant do everything, so you'll always regret the things youn didn't do.


You can go after the things you want. You can try and try and try and fail forward. And you will not force a breakthrough no matter how hard you try. Don't try. Just live.


From the Supreme Buddha There’s only two things that peoples regret on their deathbed No.1 Is that i have love a little and No.2 that i have travelled a little


Has anyone ever really approached someone on thier death bed and conducted a survey?


I consider my life to be a failure. I never hit the standards i had set for myself but i absolutely went for everything i ever wanted regardless of the outcome. I always chose myself over following anyone else or their believes. Its the only thing i know I'll be able to live with when i pass.


And this is the type of regret that we have a lifetime NOT to have. It's in finding ways to start moving toward or asking for what we want. A little bit everyday or whenever we can.


The summary of this 2:06 video is do not PROCRASTINATE period.


Big regrets are the issues, there will always be little things we'll regret doing/not doing.


I do regret the things I did. I went after my dreams. I took chances. They weren't ridiculously unrealistic dreams, but changes in government policy and the pandemic ruined everything. And I continue to pay for those unmet dreams.


We all die, one day, some sooner than others but thats what life is all about and theres no reverse trying to find a resolvement because it probably wouldnt have mattered.


I don't care because it's life .just ask yourself have you really lived and 90per cent will say no all they've done is work and watch other people live .


Yep and that I believe that regret is that they did not invite Jesus Christ into their lives!!💯


Guys, please read the Book... A life with purpose by Rick Warren.
