24 Regrets of People Who Are Dying - Matthew Kelly

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24 Regrets of People Who Are Dying - Matthew Kelly

Video Transcript:

What do people regret when they are dying? I asked hospice nurses. Here are the regrets people have when they are dying.

• I wish I’d had the courage to just be myself.
• I wish I had spent more time with the people I love.
• I wish I had made spirituality more of a priority.
• I wish I hadn’t spent so much time working.
• I wish I had discovered my purpose earlier.
• I wish I had learned to express my feelings more.
• I wish I hadn’t spent so much time worrying about things that never happened.
• I wish I had taken more risks.
• I wish I had cared less about what other people thought.
• I wish I had realized earlier that happiness is a choice.
• I wish I had loved more.
• I wish I had taken better care of myself.
• I wish I had been a better spouse.
• I wish I had paid less attention to other people’s expectations.
• I wish I had quit my job and found something I really enjoyed doing.
• I wish I had stayed in touch with old friends.
• I wish I had spoken my mind more.
• I wish I hadn’t spent so much time chasing the wrong things.
• I wish I’d had more children.
• I wish I had touched more lives.
• I wish I had thought about life’s big question earlier.
• I wish I had traveled more.
• I wish I had lived more in the moment.
• I wish I had pursued more of my dreams.

These are the regrets of people who were out of time. Some people think it’s morbid to think about death. I disagree. It’s healthy to think about death. It puts things in perspective and reminds us what really matters. The inevitability of death should inspire us to get busy living."

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Straight and to the point. Not 27 minutes long, not padded with stupid ads. Thank you, good sir, kind sir.


Most of the regrets stem from failing to have courage. Fear is not your friend.


A few years later, one more thing will be added to the list, that is "I wish I spent less time using my phone & did something valueable"


I really like the quote I once heard "fear doesn't prevent death, fear prevents life"


Notice how all of the regrets are individualistic and matter to the person who is dying! In the real life we tend to worry more about others until we realize it’s just you. It’s always been you. Until the end


My father always said "you will never hear anyone on their death bed say i wish i had of worked more".


I almost fell off a cliff once.

My life flashed in my mind, much like in the movies. Memories flashed from that point back to when I was a child. They seemed to be the most meaningful scenes from my life. I can’t remember most of them but some were just me playing legos with my brother as a kid, hanging out with my friends, and several were of me bending down to pet the various pets I had throughout my life.

It wasn’t memories of when I got hired for jobs, or got raises, or graduated, or shit like that.

I think about this more and more nowadays. I don’t want to have to be on death’s door again to have perspective.


" I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, most of which never happened. " - Mark twain


“The inevitability of death should inspire us to get busy living “. Wow! 🙌🏻🙏👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


When you’re young, you care so much what others think of you.

When you get older, you care less what others think of you.

And when you are old, you realize no one was ever thinking of you at all. (They were too wrapped up in what others thought of _them.)_

I heard that once, and it stuck with me ever since. The moral of the story is live the life you want and don’t worry what others are thinking of you...
Because they’re probably not anyway.


many of those points have 1 root: STOP CARING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK


From my experience

Hating someone and living offended for years is a huge waste of time and energy. It makes you feel miserable, affects your physical and mental health. If you can't forgive someone, just let them go. Don't try to get revenge or prove them wrong. Trust me, sooner or later they will learn their life lessons.

Don't repeat my mistake.


The list they said:
They regret not being themselves,
not spending more time with people,
not being more spiritual,
working too much,
not looking into discovering their purpose,
not expressing feelings,
wasted time worrying,
didn't take more risks,
wish they cared less about what others thought,
know that happiness is a choice,
wish they loved more,
took care of themselves better,
were a better spouse,
paid less attention to other's expectations,
wish they had quit their job and done what they loved,
Wish they kept in touch with friends,
spoke their mind more,
felt they were chasing the wrong things,
wish they had more kids,
wish they touched lives,
wish they thought about the "big questions",
wish they traveled more,
wish they lived more in the moment,
and wish they pursued their dreams.


My mother passed last Wednesday evening after a long illness and even though i find it tragic and heartbreaking, I was lucky enough to be by her side and she was lucky enough to have me and some of her family there. I felt her last pulse and was happy that her suffering was over. I myself have had a decade long history of health anxiety but in the months and days leading to her final moments my mother expressed no fear of dying whatsoever. I find this incredibly brave and inspiring. She and I no longer share the heavy burden of her long slow demise as I felt pain because of her being in pain. Now at nearly 55 I have a brand new life in front of me because she’s gone and I no longer have her to look after and worry about. So death is a gift to end suffering and life is a gift to start living. It’s only 3 days since she went but I can feel her everywhere and she’ll live on in my memories until I take my final breath someday.


A funny thing about regret is… that it’s better to regret about something you have done, that about something you haven’t done


big respect for putting the 24 regrets in 2 minutes, sir!


I wish I'd taken more risks.
I wish I'd taken better care of myself.
I wish I'd travelled more.
I wish I'd lived more in the moment.


No one's headstone says, "I should have worked longer".

I have a coworker in his 60's who said to me that he wouldn't know what to do if he retired so he just keeps working. Mind you that the job is the most soul-sucking, meaningless, melancholy pit of despair you have ever seen. It's just awful.

I have another coworker in his late 50's who is like a robot. Same routine, same conversations, same jokes, same stories, same everything, day in and day out, over and over and over, no hobbies, no nothing, just comes to work and goes home, wash, rinse, repeat. He too is just going to keep working.

Financially, they both could have stopped working long ago so that's not an issue. I've tried to tell them that there's more to life than just work but it falls on deaf ears, so I've stopped talking to them about it. We've had people die at work, no joke, two of them, old dudes.

Not me, I'm not financially as well off but I'm saving as much as I can for the next year and I'm out of the rat race. No more alarm clock, no more commute, no more enduring the incompetence of management, no more clock-watching, no more putting up with nonsense, no more weekends flying by and gone before you know it, no more Monday mornings, no more working for the weekend, no more of any of that, every day will be Saturday when I "retire". I'll be on a budget, but I'll survive. I'd rather live on my terms than die with a big pile of cash. I can think of a million things that I'd rather be doing than carrying on a meaningless existence and wasting away at a job that's choking the life out of me.


You know the list is informative, when the first one is "I wish I'd the courage just to be myself."


It's amazing that it's completely devoid of any materialistic possessions or finances.
