Covenant Theology | The Difference Between Baptists & Presbyterians

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The New Covenant is not merely BIGGER than the Old Covenant in its scope, the New Covenant is BETTER than the Old Covenant in its promises. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content like this!

#Baptist #Presbyterian #covenanttheology
Keywords: theology, reformed theology, preaching, sermon clip, sermon, preach, the gospel, Christianity, Christian, reformed, preaching clip
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Absolutely right. Understanding the nature of the New Covenant guards from lots of errors.


As a Presby, I'm a bit confused by the title as I didn't hear the difference laid out explicitly. Maybe I'm just not familiar enough with what exactly Baptists mean by New Covenant. This is also a shorter clip, so maybe the context was already established earlier and didn't make it to this clip. I've heard some say that the covenant made with Abraham is the new, and the covenant made with Moses is the old, which sounds anachronistic.

But all the promises you list for the new covenant were made to Abraham and/or have other OT examples, so maybe that's what is going on here? For example, in Gen 17 we see the promise was always to the believer (v 11), their children (v 12a) and those who were far off (v 12b). We see glimpses of the Holy Spirit working in believers in OT saints, like in David's plea to not take the Spirit from him in Ps 51. And in the covenant ceremony we see in Gen 15, we have the usual ceremony where two kings would each pass between the carcasses of animals indicating if they violated the terms of the covenant, they would die, but the unusual feature is that Abraham never passes through them, instead God passes through on behalf of man, indicating that if man violates his covenant with God, God would die for man. That promise is really an expansion of what was given in the garden from the moment there was sin, that a child of Eve would crush Satan. With the expanded promise given to Abraham, we now see that this offspring would be both man and God.

I think the Presbys are right to point out that the "new" covenant isn't really new at all (after all Deut 13 forbids new teaching that goes against God's Word) but a renewal of God's very old covenant found throughout the Bible, just under a new administration in which Christ holds all the offices of the covenant, thus making it a better covenant. And in light of Deut 13, when people say that the NT and the OT are fundamentally different in their theology, they imply that Jesus and the apostles and all Christians are violating God's law and ought to be put to death. But that's not what either Jesus or the Apostles were claiming to do. Rather they were constantly showing from the Old Testament why Jesus and the Church was the fulfilment of God's promises.


Amen amen amen! Wonderfully put! He upholds his end of the covenant and ours!


Both the OT & NT promise that faithful believers will see their children converted:
_"I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you."_ (Gen. 17:7)
_"Who is the person who fears the Lord? His descendants will inherit the land."_ (Psalm 25:33-34)
_"How blessed is the man who fears the Lord. His descendants will be mighty on earth."_ (Psalm 112:1-2)
_"They said, 'Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.'”_ (Acts 16:31)
_"For otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy [Gr. saints]."_ (1 Cor. 7:14)

The text you cited from Jeremiah does *not* mean that children are now excluded from the Covenant.
_"Because they will all know Me, from the least [i.e. the children] of them to the greatest, declares the LORD."_ (Jeremiah 31:34)
This means that everyone will know the Lord, both believers *and* their children.


I liked the content but the title is click bait


Pray for Ben. Jacob and Ardelia they are my children..pray they are saved and reconnect with me their mama!


I start my new job at whole foods today...thanks for these devotional.


Baptist here... i benefited from this good word, but did not learn anything about differences beteween baptist/presby view. Maybe you assumed we had more background context.


The chronology of your logical communication of this subject matter is blessedly in order and beautifully illustrated to portray the Sovereighnty of God in His mysterious will, not revealed unto either the Prophets or Priests until the gift of the effectual grace of God in calling our beloved Brother Paul. Blessed be God, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


I fail to see how excluding children from the covenant makes the New Covenant "better". Why didn't God just exclude the children to begin with, if that was his plan?
Excluding them only makes the New Covenant smaller and it does away with the wonderful promises concerning children found in the Bible.


I have a really hard time understanding this. My reformed baptist brethren seem to want all the benefits of covenantalism without just taking the plunge (haha no pun intended) and actually including their children in the covenant. I know this sounds unjust of me, but it always comes across as some emotional baggage from growing up in US Christian circles and seeing so many credo baptisms. They want that emotional experience for their own life. Same way I see a lot of American Christians who want their kids to have prom, or walk a stage to graduate, or to play high school football.. so that’s why they homeschool till high school, then transition their kids into the government schools. It’s a lot of tradition and reminiscing that seems to motivate the behavior.

Anyway we have a lot of baptists that go to my Presbyterian church and it always seems they want the fruit of covenantalism without the root, without actually being covenantal. 😬 We were really hashing it out during some of our midweek discussions and we came to the idea that we just must view the visible and invisible church differently. They think credo = visible church, we include children in the visible church. But us including children is the whole point, we don’t think we’re living with little heathens, we train them differently, we educate them differently, because they are “Christian children”. And the baptists will do what we do in practice in every area except including their children in the sacraments, so it’s a lot of borrowing of our view imo.


Just read Phillip d r griffiths on this, now I believe I understand the new covenant.


Exodus 3:14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘I am has sent me to you.’”
We lose sight of this truth and instead of fearing God as the source of all truth, we begin to inject well meaning intentions to help God reveal the meaning or essence of this statement! Where do division’s come from? Have we lost the simple truth of Gods holiness? These things are not a failure on God’s part, that He is unable to convey who He is and what He has said, but on our part to hear and see that God is and does and we would do well to listen. I believe a lot of good intentions to help God out have led to a lot of divisions in the Church. May we continue to seek truth in Gods Word with fear and trembling and let God be true as we humbly submit to His Word! A posture that will unite His Church!


I was Baptistic the vast majority of my life. As I look back on it one of the biggest differences between Baptist and Presbyterian is the degree of continuity or discontinuity between the covenants/testaments. The same root seems to be behind the modern Dispensational eschatology.


God has been slow to anger since the first American Baptist was allowed to live in exile on Rhode Island. America, judgement is upon you.


Credobaptism isn't covenant theology. It is rather sophistry to justify disobedience to the command to Baptize in faith that the promise isn't just unto them; but also to their children and children's children. Their disobedience has lead to the highly individualistic wokism judgement unfolding before us.


Love the attention given to the promises of the New Covenant in the OT especially those of God-caused obedience. Joshua and Caleb, however, did not claim to be able to defeat the Nephalim the other 10 spies inaccurately reported to be in the land (Num 13:33). Rather, they claimed to be able to "devour" the people of the land (14:9), some of whom were descended from the Nephalim as the gloss in 13:33 explains.


Lol I was just about to leave a comment exactly like your oracleoftroy, glad I looked down before typing. I love this pastor a lot but yes sir I don’t hear any distinctions between the 1647 covenant theo and the 1689 covenant theo. God bless


Two things I get from this sermon:
Better covenant, more expensive, more inclusive, and not just for the immediate generation but also for those who are far off. Acts 2:39 The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”
Sounds like an endorsement for paedobaptism.

Ezekiel 36:27  I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.
Sounds like an endorsement of irresistible grace and regeneration precedent to faith. Faith is a consequence of the regeneration wrought by God, as He says He will cause you to follow His decrees and carful to obey His statutes. What is the greatest statute but to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and strength.


I agree, i still don’t know the difference.
