Is New Covenant Theology Part of the New Covenant -- Jim Renihan

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So where is the tripart law division found in scripture?


The same could be said of pre mil dispensationalism.


Jesus started the new covenant.. do this in remembrance of me!!

What is this dude talking about


The New Covenant theology, the moral law of the heart - that actually produces successful behavior - is found in the Upper Room. Of course, before He was crucified, He left commands.”Go and teach all that I have commanded you.” Check this video out!


This is why when you make big statements you have to quote scripture. No scripture was quoted.


The same goes for dispensionalism, postmillennialism, calvinism, molinism and more. Doctrine is not determined by church history (as helpful and good as it is) but by Scripture. And i do not even kniw what New Covenant Theology is, i just wanted to remind people of this.


No. Gentile. Ever. Under the law. Never. This tripart law division is totally man made. Totally


My step son and his immediate family joined the church of Christ cult and have all but disappeared into nothing but church member functions and associations.
I tried to explain my concerns about doctrine of that denomination, but I wasn't literate enough Biblically to capture it.
But, it put me on a path to find a church home that I felt most closely followed God's word.
I discovered Reformed Baptist and I just felt all the pieces coming together.
I tried going the Grace Family Baptist in Spring TX, but the 3 1/2 hour drive each way made it impossible to maintain.
But, Praise God, I have found a Reformed Baptist only an hour away from me.
I thank you, for even these shorts as I am so far behind where I should be that each one furthers my understanding of what we believe and why.


So, basically, still no answers to the unanswered questions... But they still need money, though.

Makes total sense.


Another way to deny Jesus Christ. In fact the old covenant was always a shadow of the Messiah as mankind is unable to uphold the Law for one....and can never appease the wrath of God towards Christ ratified the new those who would believe on Him would be counted as Abraham was....the only ones who deny Jesus Christ and his ratification of the new covenant of God are the ones obsessed with their own Righteousness thinking they can earn their way to heaven....and the ones who believe that salvation is gained by lineage....both of which totally ignores and rejects the atonement of sin done on the Cross by Jesus Christ.


Now that's the problem ain't it😂 new Testament theologian. Did not listen to Christ.

Let me empty your head.

Now when Jesus walk the EARTH he said seek FIRST the kingdom of God righteousness and all these things shall be FREELY added

You new Testament people never took one thought?

There was "no new Testament";

when Jesus and John spoke on the KINGDOM of HEAVEN at HAND.

Every thing Jesus taught he FIRST study back ground of God Holy written word. Meaning old Testament 👑


Suspect. You mean like Calvinism? Like original sin? You want more?


Wow esul and edom know more about our history of the 12 tribes than most descendants of the 12 tribes curious
