Covenant Theology Compared to Dispensationalism

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Progressive Covenantalism, Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology, Theonomy, Dispensationalism. How do we navigate these varied and muddy waters? In this short video, I attempt to cut through the fog and introduce listeners to the differences between these positions.
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Very well done Pastor. Fair and balanced and full of valuable information. Thanks!


I have to give kudos to you. Throughout your talk I felt you would lean to one side, then the other side, and I was thoroughly surprised at your answer. Thank you for presenting yourself objectively. Thank you for doing this. I might have to check out the book!


Thank you. It's so hard to find material that isn't clearly biased in one direction of the other. You treated a tough subject fairly.


Wow, you really succeeded in fair-mindedness. I understand so much more about the difference in covenental and dispensational theology, and understand precisely where my beliefs fall. And then, I was surprised at where yours lie...that's how fair your presentation is. Good work. Thank you for this tool.


Hello Pastor Tanner, thank you for this video. It is wonderful that you could provide such a succinct and objective review.


Well-put sir! Speaking from a baptistic perspective, I think you cover this well.


Many Christians argue and divide over these issues yet in the end, it doesn't really matter. Will one be punished for taking a position? No. Will one be sinful for taking a position? No. The same goes for eschatology.


This is my first encounter with your channel and the sorting out of these theologies! Great job sharing the points of views and some jarring questions with!! Brain is cramping as I continue on my journey of knowing God and His Word!😄
Thank you for replying to my other comments down the page. Eager to hear more of your subscriber!
God Bless!


Even though I don’t hold your personal position, I liked the video because you gave a good big picture view of the positions.

I also agree with your Hebrews 8 observation, although I think we see it differently.

When He said, “A new covenant, ” He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is BECOMING obsolete and GROWING old is READY TO disappear.
— Hebrews 8:13

It sounds like at the time of the writing of the book of Hebrews, the Old Covenant was still in effect. This lines up with what Jesus said:

For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
— Matthew 5:18


This commentary is very helpful. Baptists seem to me to be so religious that they turn off would be converts. As a former Unitarian Universalist, I know Jesus is the answer to all of my questions. These topics seem to be very divisive. You are blazing an important “peace agreement”among those who seek to be “right” and divide us. God bless your efforts 🙏


This video is almost a year old and I'm only now finding it. I'm probably more of a Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology guy (I graduated from Reformed Baptist Seminary with a Master of Theological Studies). I agree with the covenants being progressive at least insofar as they are progressively revelatory, but that most of them are limited to the first book of the Torah as supporting the Mosaic Covenant indicates that their importance at being progressively revelatory ended with Moses. More significant than whether one is literalistic or figurative is to what extent we allow our systematic theology to inform our exegesis. In discussions with our Presbyterian brothers I've questioned their use of certain passages and have gotten the answer that we have to use our systematic theology to exegete these passages. That's not a good thing. Rather, it's important to exegete first and then adjust the system accordingly, even if we have to dismiss significant aspects of dearly held beliefs - like paedobaptism.

I'm teaching a class on this this summer at church entitled "Why We're Baptists" and it goes into the history of the development of credobaptism in the English Reformation. I won't have some of the detail you have here, but it's good to hear that someone else is making the same kinds of observations I am.


I'm glad you are looking into this.


As a dispensationalist (but not in the mainstream sense), I very much enjoyed your clear and fair explanations of each position. Thank you for an excellent and well done video.


This was very helpful.

Dispensationalist here!


As much as it’s “super enlightening” to Ps Tanner, it is “super illuminating and inspiring” for me to weigh further into my theology of these two positions. Good concise and honest opinion of Ps Tanner!


Thank you, brother. I agree with most of the comments below, in that I appreciate your gracious and informative approach. I am a 73-year-old believer who has never been to seminary, but was a teaching elder at my church for more than 30 years. That church is squarely in the traditional dispensational camp. Further, the deep dive that I have personally taken into the prophecy of Isaiah for about the past 10 years has strengthened my own position in dispensationalism. For example, how can we say that the many promises that God made to Israel, particularly in ch. 40-66 of Isaiah, are not really to literal ethnic Israel, but are to the church? If God really didn't mean what those original hearers heard, how can we, the church, believe the beautiful promises of Romans 8, for example, are to us, the church? Maybe God didn't really mean that either! John Piper (no dispensationalist!) also makes this argument, from my recollection, as he goes into Romans 9.


This was great! I have been wanting to have a better understanding of different theological/Biblical interpretation approaches. Like you, I find myself in the progressive covenantal camp. But it helps to understand other perspective and what underlie each. For example, dispensationalism in its various forms is an inescapable part of American Christian subculture, as it flourished as an American movement.


“Do you like?” Probably the least important question in studying theology. What I like, what interests me means nothing. What does the Bible teach? That is the appropriate question.


Thank you for posting this video! It was the most straightforward and helpful presentation of the spectrum of perspectives on Covenantal and Dispensational theology I have found so far. The charts and tables help! 👍 It is encouraging to further my study! Praise the Lord for ministers, pastors and teachers of the truth of God's Word! 📖

God is faithful to help us understand all matters pertaining to life and godliness, and no matter if I struggle to understand each perspective, I trust the truth of His Word completely, and what He has revealed to me thus far. Only one position can be the correct one, and so I believe He will help me come to understand what I need to know, ultimately in His time.

P.S.- also 👉 Your reference to Hebrews 8 is just what I was looking for! 👌 It's amazing how many of the those discussing these things on YouTube RARELY reference Scripture, particularly in their discussion of Dispensationalism and Eschatology. It's mostly reasoning on presuppositions, rather than expositing the Word. I know that take time, but I would prefer exposition to discussions that are over my head!


Fantastic content brother. This was very helpful and informative. Thanks
