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What are the differences between dispensationalists and those who believe in covenant theology?

Calvinism vs. not Calvinistic.

What does the Bible say, can a normal person understand the differences and use the Bible to defend their position?

That's what this Q&A is all about!

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Sir, I just came across your video. I went from years of affirming Dispensationalism to now affirming Covenant Theology. I studied the sacred scriptures, and became Reformed in my theology. I have studied and taught Covenant Theology many times in past years. Some of the things you state are so off the mark on what Covenant Theology is that I don't have the time or space to write about it at this time. You do seem to be someone who truly wishes to faithfully and accurately share the word of God with His people. So, I pray that you remain open to more relevant instruction on the topic of Covenant Theology. God bless.


Paul wasn’t forced to believe but also was unable to deny…My conversion was very similar. In one moment I was literally incapable of believing and in the very next moment I was incapable of unknowing the reality of God.

You can’t unsee what you’ve seen. So while God didn’t force my will to believe my will is definitely held captive.


God is not the author of confusion. He said what he meant.


Maybe I'm too much like a little child (tho I'm 72), but i keep things simple ~ only 2 labels i use are saved and lost. I've been thoroughly, completely saved for 63 years, tho the life that began as a seed has grown into a mature, fruit producing tree. My faith has been tested by fire, but my Father God has been faithful to His Word and kept all his promises to me. I expect to be with Him for eternity soon, either by death or rapture, but in the meantime, I'm going to share about Him at every opportunity and use my resources to spread His gospel of salvation. I have compassion for anyone who doesn't know the peace of God, and peace with God, that i do. I have sweet fellowship and harmony with Believers, which i believe the Father desires. I have guidance and strength to face what the fallen world throws at me from the inspired Word. But best of all, i have so much joy and contentment from my relationship and constant companionship of Jesus. Fasting, prayer, meditating on the Word, teaching and serving those in my small corner of the world keeps me occupied until that final day. Marantha!!


"You can't read the Bible and know what it says, you need the secret esoteric meaning of the text explained to you."

This is Gnostic philosophy.


Had to turn this off. This is a great misrepresentation of Covenant Theology. “Somebody” has been indoctrinated in Dispensation theology and has not thoroughly studied covenant theology.


Wow, the allegorical approach is almost an exact parallel with the Roman Catholic approach in as far as the people could never really know what the Scriptures said unless and until they heard it from a priest.


I've always felt this way God can hold two different things in his head at the same time just like the rest of us can. I don't know why that's such a hard concept


I got about 5-10 minutes in and couldn't finish. I know, from other videos, you're a smart guy. But it seems your understanding of covenant theology is very very wrong.


Man, your church is going to be one of the smartest around.


Five minutes into it, the speaker is so confused and unsure of his own understanding of the subject and leaves us with only a vague and likely skewed view on the subjects.


Even the ability to respond and the desire to respond is given by God.


There is only one type of Christianity that will guarantee your salvation.
The one God established through his Son Jesus the Christ.
Everything else is white noise!
Repent, be baptised, get filled with the Holy Spirit, walk in Christ.


Thank you for this explanation of the difference between Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology. I’ve always wanted to see and hear this direct comparison. It explains why some Christians I know have what appears to be crazy ideas sourced from replacement theology.


It would seem that if the Lord says something that He intends to be primarily symbolic, not primarily literal, He'll plainly say whether it's a parable. He didn't leave anything unsolved (of things He intended we should know).


Amen and what a great day when we see HIM!


Covenant Theology ultimately leads to replacement theology which is very dangerous. We did NOT replace Israel. According to Ezekiel 40-48 and Revelation 20 the messianic kingdom of Israel will have a glorious future during the Millennial reign of Christ. A literal 1000 years after the literal 2nd coming of Christ.

There are at least two reasons why literalism is the best way to view Scripture. First, philosophically, the purpose of language itself requires that we interpret words literally. Language was given by God for the purpose of being able to communicate. Words are vessels of meaning. The second reason is biblical. Every prophecy about Jesus Christ in the Old Testament was fulfilled literally. Jesus’ birth, ministry, death, and resurrection all occurred exactly as the Old Testament predicted. The prophecies were literal. There is no non-literal fulfillment of messianic prophecies in the New Testament. This argues strongly for the literal method. If a literal interpretation is not used in studying the Scriptures, there is no objective standard by which to understand the Bible. Each person would be able to interpret the Bible as he saw fit. Biblical interpretation would devolve into “what this passage says to me” instead of “the Bible says.” Sadly, this is already the case in much of what is called Bible study today.

Dispensational theology teaches that there are two distinct peoples of God: Israel and the Church. Romans 11:25-26 makes that clear. Dispensationalists believe that salvation has always been by grace through faith alone—in God in the Old Testament and specifically in God the Son in the New Testament. Dispensationalists hold that the Church has not replaced Israel in God’s program and that the Old Testament promises to Israel have not been transferred to the Church. Dispensationalism teaches that the promises God made to Israel in the Old Testament (for land, many descendants, and blessings) will be ultimately fulfilled in the 1000-year period spoken of in Revelation 20. Dispensationalists believe that, just as God is in this age focusing His attention on the Church, He will again in the future focus His attention on Israel (see Romans 9–11 and Daniel 9:24).


God bless you Brother Barnett ✝️✡️🇺🇸❤️


Psalms 19:13
Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.

John 17:17
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

Hebrews 13:5
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.


I’m of the reformed perspective. I’ve heard one of our ministers say that there never was a covenant of works. It is all grace from the creation onward.
