how to ACTUALLY CHANGE your life in 2023 (step by step guide)

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00:00 don't waste another year
02:02 find your key stone habit
04:00 how to start working out
08:05 how to build self-discipline
10:04 how to get motivated
14:00 take action and put yourself out there
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It's only been half the first month, and I'm already burn out.


"It doesn't get easier, but we get stronger."
The best mindset to have 💪


I’ve come to realize that having discipline and structure in your daily routine is the most important factor to accomplish your goals and actually feel happy and confident. Because when you don’t have a routine, your mind wanders from one thing to another, but you’re never able to complete a task till the end. You give in to your temptations and eventually lose your discipline. Let’s focus on having a daily routine that we follow religiously and let’s make 2023 a year of change 💪🏼


I think I didn't waste 2022 completely, I did challenge myself with a few things, wrote a (almost full) draft of my urban fantasy novel, read 33 books, tried learning some Japanese and even edited a novel... it was a rollercoaster. But in 2023, I hope to keep at it, and work towards my goals. :)


"We need to normalize doing thing that we dont enjoy if we want to achieve our goals.". That is my motto this year.
You are such a strong and inspiring girl. I am learning English by watching you and I am striving for a purpose. I wish you good luck for the rest of your life.


"Pain of discipline and the pain of regret" Damn, that really put things into perspective. Thanks a lot for making this video Ruri! The quality in your videos has immensely progressed throughout the years, and I'm really proud of your effort. Watching your vids brings me so much peace after a tiring day.

3:27 - I started improving my WPM last year, (from an ave. of 110 wpm to 145 wpm) and lost 28+ pounds. The pain of discipline is a pain I would take every time. Would love for you to make a vid on typing faster since I think increasing WPM overall would add a lot of productivity in our daily lives.


I am also a firm believer of what Jim Rohn’s phrase says and I’m glad to know people are watching someone who encourages others to make big efforts into their goals . In this cruel world, we cannot expect to sit down and and wait for things to change automatically, and it’s easier said than done though.


I started this year by learning 5 Kanji a day, had some shortcomings, but proud to say I can identify and read 71 as of today


i want to thank u for these videos. im 19, a college dropout and someone who focuses too much on the negative. trying to change my mindset is my first goal but watching these videos have helped me somewhat bring some order into my life, or at least it will soon. ive gathered a lot of notes and i am planning to make some small changes. sending love.


Thanks Ruri. May the pleasure and satisfaction you receive increase exponentially every year! Happy 2023!


Happy New Year, Ruri! This a great video; I know what I should plan, not just plan but actually step out doing stuff while in school. Thank you, and I hope you have a successful year!! Things will all work out for you!


The way the video was organized was great in my opinion, I actually struggle a lot with my focus, and you managed to keep me on tracks the whole video.

I think 2022 was already a great improvement compared to covid times !
I went to the climbing gym a lot, and got a pretty good shape quickly while having fun.
Launched back my instagram, showing exclusively my hobbies (climbing, rollerskate, juggling and music), not only it was rewarding showing this to other people, even strangers, but it also made me work them more than before, because now I have progress to show.
Got a pretty nice job in engeenering, even though I still lack a little bit a discipline in it.

This video was the little push I needed to get further.
I still struggle with sleep disorder, procrastination, and keeping in touch with people online.

I don't comment often online, but I felt like it today.
Thanks a lot !


Ruri I wish you success in both your personal life and your YouTube channel. I wish more people can see your videos and learn from you. Our world needs more like you.


Thank you!!
Slowly I'm trying to become who I want to be, and I feel that in 2023 I will progress much more faster and become much closer to my goals.
I absolutely agree with you about exercising. In January it finally became my habit to workout every day consistently. Now I feel that my body is more strengthened, and it's amazing. I also like to dance, and now my movements became way more light and liberated. It just brings so much joy.
Working out was something I couldn't make a habit of for several years honestly, but now when I started to do it consistently, I see the positive changes it does to me. At the beginning, simple routines are enough, you don't have to go to the gym or have any equipment. I love watching workout videos and move along with them, there are plenty of these videos on YouTube.
I'm glad I made a new habit that makes a huge impact on me. Now I'm trying to get rid of my social media addiction, become more disciplined and be more focused on my main goals.
Wishing luck to everyone who's on their journey to become better 💗


working out help me a lot in my self esteem and humor, in my sleep, in my discipline and that all reflect in my productivity. I just stopped complaining and started working out, today I can do things I don't like much easier than a year ago


Ruri you are amazing, thank you for your videos!


Since I found this channel, I have been motivated to work on myself more than ever, I like the way you break things down plus the research. Thanks for all your hard work!


Thanks for sharing your tips, will use them!


Ruri, thanks a lot for these motivations!
This phrase is kind of a game changer:
“We all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.”
