How To Actually Change Beliefs In Subconscious Mind (They will never tell you this)

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Hey guys! Be sure to check out this Free Case Study I’ve made for you on the most POWERFUL Paradigm of Manifestation and how to implement it in your life before it's taken down (Link Below)


This is seriously SO HELPFUL!!! what has helped me I think u said this in another video is if I wanna say I am prosperous, or I attract large sums of money quickly and easily, I look at proof of how I do in my real life. I pay all my bills easily, car payments, I have so much prosperity in my life. That's when the mind will start to believe it. Or I attract love and I AM love, look at how you attract love in your everyday life so the mind can start to believe it. Because you're so right the mind needs proof 😑. Here's to reprogramming our subconscious! Btw you're so handsome quazi!! Lol


love the line ""ignore the reaction and deal as it is necessary"


I've seen a lot of good youtube videos but this has got to be one of the most valuable.


I respect you man, so many fake gurus scamming people and ppl like you literally give everyone the secrets of the laws of the universe, for free, dont be like dan lok, and keep up the good work, peace.


Thanks for sharing this secret. You are correct. I've never heard of this but it makes a lot of sense. If your mind doesn't believe the affirmation it won't accept it. So we should also set more realistic small goal affirmations as well so our conscious mind can accept them easily and change the affirmation to bump it up once our mind starts believing it. Instead of saying for instance, most people find me very attractive, say instead, there are some people who find me very attractive. The second statement is more believable. Then when you start to confirm this, you can change the affirmation to more and more people find me very attractive. And so on.
Thank you again for this valuable info regarding confirming your affirmations!


Quazi, I’m so grateful for your teachings your existence and your endless wisdom. When I found you recently on YouTube I almost dismissed listening to you but something told me to keep on. I’ve been watching your old videos and I must say that my inner being has changed tremendously. I feel so much better knowing how I can create my reality at will in a more concrete way. I don’t even know if I’m expressing myself well LoL 😆 anyway thank you thank you and more blessings to you 🙏🏾


"Life Mastery", thanks for helping me connect my dots of life. Greatness is coming!


I appreciate your realness when discussing these situations; ie when your mention women looking at you etc


I have never heard someone who can break such a difficult concept in such an easy way to understand. Well done I recognise a lot of my mistakes in being in the situation I am in now. Everything is simple when you know-how. Thanks a million. Got to apply it now not easy with my mind that gallops away in every direction. thanks again


Wish you get millions of followers man. Your content makes so much sense.


Just Imagine, 4 years ago you posted this and Only now in 2024 I am inspired by it. Thank you so much bru. you have literally liberated me from so much. Keep the faith


Who is watching in August 2021? Awesome video man thank you Quazi. Best wishes for everyone to Change their subconscious mind.


LIFE MASTERY! Thank you so much for this lesson on gratitude. This message was right on time.😌 Thank you for consistently sharing your gift with us🙏🏾 Brothers and sisters take this day to remember that sky isn’t the limit, when there are stars in heaven. And the quickest way to raise your vibration is gratitude 💙. “Always stay gracious, best revenge is your paper.”


🤯 I’ve been learning to write affirmations the past 2 years. Never have I heard of confirmations. No wonder the affirmations didn’t work. I subconsciously don’t believe in them. I need to look for confirmations of my affirmations. Thank you thank you thank you. I’m grateful I stumbled upon your videos.


This is one of the most POWERFUL piece of knowledge I've ever come across, can't wait to see how it shifts everything. Thank you so much Quazi!


Good Vid, finally some has explained affirmations in simple everyday terms and how to properly use them.


I watched this vid on using your name in your affirmations and man it turbo charged my manifestations I moved into my new home in dec it is everything I asked for. I am so happy here and I have you to thank. Thank you, Bless you for sharing. After 5 years of innerwork and belief changes that worked so fast it was mind blowing,


Thank you so much for practical tips! It really works for me. All the Best for you! From Australia


Cheri Huber discusses unconscious conditioning, she's a Buddhist monk..
Most people do not give affirmations enough time to work, going to the gym once or brushing your teeth once, does nothing, however if you give up and don't continue on a consistent ongoing basis, you will not get in shape and your dental hygiene will lack..
Saying your affirmations while looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning, before anything else and beginning those by first looking at yourself in the eyes and saying "I love you and I'm grateful that I can tell you these".. say it out loud in a normal speaking voice.. this is very powerful..
The subliminal tracks at night while falling asleep are also a great way to reprogram the subconscious mind, you did a video on that..
Allowing what you ask for to manifest is key.. so noticing the small, subtle things, as they appear will be helpful.. one added thing, when you notice these "confirmations" say "Thank you" as a continuation of the gratitude you are expressing to the universe..
