Why deadlift is important.

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The deadlift is so important it's known as the King Of Exercises!

Indeed it's the one exercise that everyone should perform, but few do!

Most likely as the deadlift has a bad press, mainly with people who have never even tried it!?

They and probably you are missing out big time!

Let me share with you why it needs to be part of your workout.

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I have had lower back pain for about 20 years and hadn't been inside a gym since I was a teenager. In January I joined the gym and I can say that within 3 months of deadlifting and barbell squatting, my back pain is completely eliminated. Deadlifts and squats are magical exercises if done correctly.


I like this. I was scared of the deadlift when I started out, but right after I started implementing the deadlift into my training I noticed significant strength increase. I prefer the sumo deadlift.


I had brain cancer, and then I tried deadlifts. I’m 132 years old now.


I had debilitating back pain, until I did deadlifts. I never had back pain since


I'm 54 and I fuckin love doing deadlifts....I don't focus on crazy weight but instead focus on the BODY MECHANICS of the movement. Therein lies the genie in the bottle. In the movement. The weight itself is merely secondary. Understanding how the body moves as a single muscular unit is essential so I perform all my movements slow and deliberate. Enjoying the initial stretch and the final thrust forward and shoulders back for one full second....


I fucking love deadlifts, favorite exercise hands down


I do Calisthenics mostly but for my lower back i love using weights for deadlifts because nothing else targets the lower back as efficiently. Also it just feels amazing if you have proper form


"Life doesn't give a shit. It will take everything really quick without warning." I used this line to explain something to my son and his face changed... lol. Thanks! Cuz it's true!


I’m 53. I have been doing deadlifts for over two years now. I started with hex bar then switched to conventional deadlifts and then switched to sumo deadlifts. I’m currently doing 375 with hex bar deadlifts. 315 on sumo and 325 on conventional. And I only weigh 140 pounds.


It becomes somewhat of a cardio and great heart pump since it incorporates 90% of muscle usage..


Yes indeed….I agree w/your content! I use to have back problems back in the day…let’s just say it was a big remedy to strengthening my back & made other compound lifts easier over the years.🙏🏽💪🏽


I have two herniated disc L4 and L5. I was sceptical at first but after learning proper form and technique and practicing, my back has become stronger and my posture has improved and strengthened to the point I don’t have lower back problems… of coarse I don’t lift crazy heavy I just do around 40-50kg for function and mobility and my health and wellbeing has improved from dead lifting and I’ve become much stronger than I thought I would


I like videos that encourage deadlifts. There are plenty talking about how they are unnecessary or dangerous. I've built a solid body with the deadlift as a cornerstone.


deadlifts are a game changer

just like all lifting, it's all about form and focus


Deadlifts Are good for the whole body and good for helping anyone on their job, whether driving a box truck or doing construction, deadlifts help you all around.


What about sticking to trap bar deadlifts? Robert Oberest said that unless the conventional deadlift are required for your sport or if you simply just like conventional deadlifts, then it is better to do trap bar deadlifts. He said you get all of the benefits of conventional with the downsides minimized.


The thing is a lot of people think and a lot of influencers say that you should deadlift heavy to reap the benefits of exercise. We don’t have pick objects weighing 100-1500-200 kg from the dead stop every single day, and if for some reasons you have to do it for making money, you’ve got some serious problems with your career choices. I personally think that conventionally deadlifting just 1 or maybe 1.5 times your body weight is already enough to give your spinal erectors good training and protection, there is no need to go to 2-2.5 times body weight unless you are competing. Lifting for health is much more enjoyable and sustainable. Even programs like Stronglifts make you deadlift once a week and only for one working set, and that says a lot. Plus, once you get rid of mindset, you will have so many options such as conventionally deadlifting once a week for 6-8 weeks and then doing trap bar deadlift for 6-8 weeks and then doing sumo, basically rotating deadlifting exercises to execute the hip hinge pattern from various angles and under different situational demands just like it happens in real life.


I was having a lot of back pain. I started doing the deadlift with very light weights. My back started improving immediately. I was shocked. However as I have slight scoliosis and 1 degenerated disc I don't wish to lift heavy on deadlift.


Tips for beginner on Deadlift.

Start with low rep set but with higher set count if needed. focusing on form and technique and not the repetition count. I.e 5set of 5reps or 5set of 3 reps depending on how you feel . Make sure you have enough rest time per set(typically I rest between 3-5 minutes per set for heavy deadlift session)

I recommend Watching Russel Orhii Tutorial on Deadlift form if you wish to persue conventional style or any other powerlifter in youtube as they tend to have good grasp on the technique.

Use light weight first using the correct form then move on to moderately challanging weight.

Like this video said you do not need to deadlift often inorder to get the benefit(simply doing 1 to 2 sessions a week is enough)


one more thing that should be added. there are people who claim to have injured themselves while using proper form. even if we take these people at their word and say that their posture was perfect, that does not mean that they were doing the exercise properly. your form can look perfect to an outside observer, but if you lack stability in your lifts, that is still an example of doing the exercise wrong, which puts you at risk of injury. to perform the exercise correctly and safely, you must be in full control of the weight throughout the entire movement. its not about how much weight you can move, its about how much weight you can control. due to the fact that the deadlift is one of the heaviest lifts you can perform, it often tempts people to lift more than what they can handle, which can lead to injury regardless of posture. because even the tiniest of mistakes under a heavy load can be dangerous. i would advise that anyone doing this lift avoid maxing out unless you are competing, and to never train to true failure.
