🔴 Seventh-Day Adventists are a Cult? My Response to VLAD SAVCHUK | SFP - Live

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🔴 Seventh-Day Adventists are a Cult? My Response to VLAD SAVCHUK | SFP - Live
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Jan Capa
School For Prophets
P.O. Box 350158
Elmwood Park, IL 60707

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I used to watch Vlad along with others associated with him a couple years ago. Through prayer, reading the Word and from my experiences God gracefully helped me to discern what his Word actually said and what His character was and how He has not changed. Honestly the film “The days of Noah” was the first thing that got my attention about Sabbath and many other concepts. I grew up in the evangelical church but when I was in my 20s I started reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation- (not cherry picking like was taught) and I got very confused and walked away from God several times because I couldn’t reconcile what I was reading with what I was being taught. My experience and observation is this—— if you commit yourself to understanding the Truth and ask God to show you His truth and you commit to studying Gods Word which is Truth —- you cannot honestly arrive at any other conclusion than what the SDA church teaches. I fought identifying with the SDA church for over a year because I knew that It was controversial and I wasn’t up for it at first but as I continued to learn and study and pray I realized I didn’t have a choice if I wanted to be a disciple of Christ. Now I’m proud to identify with the SDA church. I don’t care who Judges. I’m learning to scripturally defend my faith thanks to channels like this one.
About Vlad- I’ve heard him say before that if you want to draw closer to God - you should keep the sabbath. I’m wondering if he’s not feeling pressured my his crew /associations/ fellow YouTubers to address the issue because I believe there is a lot of buzz around this topic and people are starting to wake up and ask questions. Sadly a lot of the folks I’ve talked with don’t want to know the truth. They just want to prove what they believe is right. It’s not the right spirit. There’s a lot of misunderstanding about the OT and whether or not it’s applicable. Unfortunately the Catholic Church has done a great job at confusing many minds. I pray that all these brothers and sisters will receive the willingness to be willing to hear the truth even if it means changing everything.


The only question everyone should ask is: "Why is everyone suddenly bashing/criticizing SDA believe/doctrines like never before?" There are more than 45 000 Christian denominations and I have noticed an alarming surge of anti-SDA propaganda this year. It cannot be coincidence that there are higher powers at work at trying to sew doubt in the minds of Christians about this particular denomination. Unfortunately when the Sunday law gets passed that will not even be enough for people to change their minds.

2 Timothy 4:2-3 - Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; convict, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;


One time they say to observe Sunday as the ressurection day and then another time they say Paul was against keeping any special day including the sabbath. CONFUSION.


I'm not SDA by any means or part of any church because our Saviour said that wasn't required and he didn't enforce it. But I do follow Saturday Sabbath because it's in the Bible and written by the hand of our Father.
For me personally, anyone attacking the 10 commandments is from the devil, because it's plain to see what our Father has written and those words will never change, no matter how hard the devil will try


I think its not bondage to walk with the will of the LORD, but it certainly is bondage to walk contrary to His will.
Almost 3/4 of a century of life has taught me that one hundred percent.
When i was young, i lived to be "free". But it was total bondage to my whims abd habits.
When i found Christ and He instucted me in righteousness, which He will do all our lives if we will but ask Him daily, i duscovered what freedom really means.
Cant go back. Only forward, onward, and upward! In Christ!


The guy in the vid doesn't teach from the bible, he's works from some other place, has been for a long time


I can’t wait for the day when one of these people will have an actual conversation with a true SDA…


Jesus is coming back. His believers are sealed. In Revelation the seal of God are on those that have the testimony of Jesus Christ and keep the Law of God, all 10 Commandments. Rev 12:17. The seal of God is opposite of the mark of the beast.


That hit me heavy when you said "God gave them REST" because God did the same for me.


I find it amazing that evangelicals are so brave to study SDA history and see all its flaws but ask them if they know their own history regarding the Azuza revival in 1901 which was determined to be proven through speaking in "tongues". Or that spiritualism helped kick off the revival as they saw it with visits from spirits to inspire that movement. So where is their history from the death of the Apostle John until 1901? Was the church dead at that time until it was miraculously revived?
Also, another thing to remember is that tithes are not a direct commandment in the Decalogue but it is so held onto by many evangelicals, however, the law and God's direct Word are cut short or omitted. Who does that? Focuses on a product of the law which is tithe but disregards that same law and the giver of it.
I was Pentecostal for years and just could not accept many of the teachings which is what brought me to look at the SDA teachings with tie up all loose ends with proper Biblical interpretation. This is truly sad n brother Vlad was one of my main guys to watch for knowledge.

Just sad, sad, sad...


I want the Seventh Day Adventists to be true more than anything.


This is an endless argument. Loving God first and loving your neighbor as yourself is a fulfillment of the law. If we lose sight of this, we have become truly blind to the truth. We are ALL sinners (law breakers) in need of a Savior. Without Yeshua, we are ALL lost. Shalom 🙏


Out of all the religions out there everyone picks on the SDA. What's up with that?


Excellent presentation ❤
The only thing I would ask for is that the verses be clearly stated, sometimes I am getting lost and not sure which verse were on, but I know you are trying to not make the video super long, that’s all 😊


When you are pulled over by a policeman fir speeding, just tell him you arent a legalist and speed away!
See how that goes over in our present world.
God who gave us His perfect law, is very psrticular how we address it. If we love Him, we keep His commandments.


Omgosh! I pray Vlad watches this.. I wish he would sit down with you.. you should try to contact him..


Look up "Former Adventist Podcast" with Nikki Stevenson and Colleen Tinker sometime. I'd LOVE to hear what you have to say about that.


Thanks Lord for your salvation. Thanks Lord for your peace. Thanks Lord for bible study class. Thanks Lord im baptist. Psalm 91 Psalm 50


The creation of videos like this is a concern, primarily resulting from the elevated status of Ellen G. White's Adventist teachings in church studies and sermons, which complicates our efforts to minister effectively in the field. To many Adventist leaders out there preaching more EGW than Jesus.
