Changing These 4 Habits will Improve Your Landscape Photography!

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In this week’s episode, we discuss changing 4 habits that’ll improve your landscape photography. We all have them, some good, some bad, but we all develop habits over time that shape how we do things. And a couple of years ago I created a video all about the worst habits in landscape photography, but I never made a follow up video discussing the best habits I developed that improved my landscape photography the most.

In this video, we discuss the good habits I've created over the years that have had the most positive and impactful impact on my landscape photography. These 4 habits range from on-location techniques, to the way I go about editing my final photos, and even how I decide which lens to use for a given location. I hope you enjoy this week's video and my hope is that you'll be able to come away with at least one helpful piece of information that you can apply to your photography moving forward! Thanks for watching! - Mark D.



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#landscapephotography​​ #habits

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What’s the best photo advice you’ve ever heard?


Mark ~ Best Advice - Can not remember the photographer but his quote - - "If you take photos, then print. No photographer is ever remembered for his/her hard drive" I love this one.


I totally agree with "sleeping" on an edit and revisiting it the next day.


I continue to go back, sometimes ten years or more, and re-process photos from the past. I find that my processing skills have progressed significantly over the years and I find the newly processed photos are that much better. I have also found that using some creative cropping and different processing I can get great new photos from so-so old photos. What it starts with is getting things in focus and getting the exposure right or close to right. Thanks again for a very good video.


Thanks Mark. I like the tips about creating a “storyboard” with a wide, a tight, and a wildcard image and the 3 edited versions of a photograph with a day between each edit.


Love it!!! TUNNEL Vision is real. I go to Arches a few times a week and just see people HAULIN to one location or another without really just sitting there. Almost always the first composition isn't the best one, and it's much easier to simply walk around, inspect the area, and a lot of the times you stumble upon something new, even if you've been to the same location a dozen times.


I watch so many (too many) photography videos to help me improve. I went to art school to become a better photographer. Mark, your lesson of creating a “Story Board” made me sit up and say, “WOW THIS IS NEW, what a fantastic creative concept!” Now here’s a transformational concept that will dramatically improve my process and art for the rest of my life. Thank you for sharing and presenting such a clear description of such a powerful concept.


It is refreshing to hear a pro indicate that they are not so gear driven. It is easy to fall into the trap of gear addiction. It seems that there is always some new lens that you "must have" to take your craft to a better place. I use Canon gear, and I bought a number of different lenses and finally I pared down to 2 a 17-40 L series and a 24-105 L series. Both of these will get me the images that I am happy with. I for sure reduces the weight of my bag.


What I enjoy and learn from the most from your videos is your self-effacing attitude. It is a very reassuring reminder that all of us will always have more to learn. Thanks!


Thanks Mark, great advice ... glad to see that I'm not the only one that drops the bag, is certainly brings on the Zen Energy.


The idea of sitting on the first version of an edited image is something I've been doing for some time. Because it's difficult to distinguish the forest from the trees, I add a slight twist to your process. I have a small group of photographer friends with whom I share the first edit. Invariably, I get feedback where they see what I haven't. I consider these critiques and re-edit. I usually do this twice. However, your suggestion of creating virtual copies and going back to the original for each edit is something I haven't done but can see the merit of doing so. Thanks for these "habits", Mark.


I really like the idea of creating a series rather than just one image from a location. Thanks.


I make a point of not even processing images for at least a few days after making them. I kept finding 'old' images I liked more and came to the conclusion that the emotion of the shoot can play tricks with how you see the image after the event. Creating some space to play down the emotional attachment has helped me greatly. The same applies to edits, they always look different the next day. I agree about lenses Mark, I had a cupboard full but 99% of my images were made with just one, 24-85mm zoom. The 24mm and 50mm primes have now gone. I still carry the 70-200mm, just in case I need some reach. The others only get packed if I know I need them in advance. Thanks for sharing.


I quite liked the advice on creating multiple edited versions of the same photo. Also it definitely helps sitting on it for a while until you come up with the final edit.


Agree with your less is more habit. I have the GFX 50S and 2 lenses which reduces the choice anxiety and also the weight! But I just don't see things in Ultra Wide and hardly used my 23mm, so sold it and now stick with the 32-64 and 100-200. I've seen other landscape photographers avoid mid range (presumably for more distinctive imagery), but I would get even more anxious leaving the house without one!


Whatever is the domain of interest "creativity" is mental process distinct from the tools was may use. There are habits that can improve in terms of quality and efficiency. Extremely valuable to analyze your approaches and experiment. Many thanks for this invaluable sharing.


I like the second version of your picture. They all looked great but that's what I like.


I love the story board idea/concept. I will try to incorporate this into my process while shooting landscapes. Thank you for the solid advice and clear presentation. Love the three photos shared in this video. Well done!


Love your humble approach at the beginning; not "my steps are the only way to arrive at good photos", but "here're some good practices that help me, I hope they can help you too."


Thanks Mark. I enjoyed your blog very much. I’ll certainly learned some good things here.
